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What Is Amniocentesis?

This is the name of a process where chromosomal abnormalities can be detected in unborn children is known as amniocentesis. This basically involves testing the amniotic fluid inside the amniotic sac, as this contains birth matter that can indicate if the fetus has any chromosome abnormalities. 

Amniocentesis is not a compulsory test, it is simply something that is offered to the pregnant woman as a precaution. Especially in cases where there is a medical history of problems like spina bifida and other congenital problems, it is always advisable for the fetus to be tested for any problems or defects that can arise after birth. 

In cases of premature births, if the timing of the delivery is sorted in advance, then amniocentesis can be done to make sure that the fetal lung capacity is good enough. 

The Procedure 

You learnt about what amniocentesis is in the previous section. You should also note that it is a quick and straightforward procedure with almost no risk involved, inducing only minor discomfort to the patient.Most medical experts agree that the best time to do the process is between the 14th and 16th week or the second trimester of pregnancy. If the procedure is conducted too early, it may pose serious risks such as miscarriage. In some cases, amniocentesis is also carried out during the third trimester to know the condition of fetal lungs.

Let us now learn more about the amniocentesis procedure. The whole process of amniocentesis has been listed below – Before this procedure begins, the medical care provider will use an ultrasound to determine the exact location of the fetus and to track its movements within the uterus. The ultrasound also enables one to detect any abnormalities and amniotic fluid levels.

Next, patients are prepared for the procedure. The abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic and sterile gel to minimize the risk of any infection. Once patients are ready, a needle is inserted through the abdomen and walls of the uterus into the amniotic sac guided by ultrasound, and a small amount of amniotic fluid is collected. The needle is inserted in an area away from the location of the embryo. The quantity of amniotic fluid collected from patients will be determined based on weeks or trimesters of the pregnancy. Once the procedure is complete, patients are advised to rest for a day and avoid any heavy lifting.

The amniotic fluid will be sent to a laboratory where it will be analyzed. The free-floating fetal cells are separated and cultured. Once the cultured cells have grown (which usually takes a few weeks) the chromosomes are put under a microscope to detect any genetic abnormalities, fetal infections, biochemical and neural tube defects. However, this procedure also helps in determining the sex of the foetus. As a result, in some countries such as India, it is illegal to conduct this procedure. 

Advantages of Amniocentesis

Some benefits of this procedure are as follows – 

  • This procedure has been successful in detecting down syndrome.

  • It also aids in detecting genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia and the like.


Now that you know what is amniocentesis, you should know that this procedure is very safe and involves nominal risks. Moreover, there are no long-term side effects to this procedure. Short term side effects experienced by patients include cramps, mild pain in the abdomen, nausea and so on.

However, some patients may show signs of complications. These should be reported to the physician as soon as possible; healthcare specialists should also define amniocentesis and its issues beforehand to every patient for better understanding of the procedure. The complications are – Some patients can develop an infection. Symptoms could be vaginal discharge, fever or leaking of amniotic fluid.

It can cause premature labor. Unusual pain in the abdomen is a symptom. In rare cases, miscarriage and maternal/foetal haemorrhage may take place due to amniocentesis procedure.The foetal may be injured by the needle during this procedure. 

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FAQs on Amniocentesis

1. Why Is Amniocentesis offered to Patients?

A number of times these procedures are offered when the doctors see that there are calculated risks involved with the delivery channels. In order to make sure that the child is delivered safely, and to ensure that proper facilities are available for children who may be born with defects, this procedure is very important. 

This process is usually offered between the fifteenth and twentieth weeks of pregnancy, especially if the women are at a much greater risk of developing problems. The conditions that can be screened for using amniocentesis during the second trimester are:

  • Sex-linked genetic illnesses

  • Open neural tube illnesses such as spina bifida

  • In case the mother is over 35 years of age

  • Family medical history documenting genetic diseases like Turner’s, Down’s, Asperger’s, Tay Sachs, cystic fibrosis and so on. 

  • Screening test abnormalities in the birth canal

In the third trimester, there are some more conditions that can be determined by using amniocentesis. These include:

  • Uterine infections

  • Rh problems in the fetus

  • The lung capacity of the fetus in the event of premature birth

2. How should the Woman get ready for Amniocentesis?

Usually, the patient is asked to follow all the instructions of the doctor. She may or may not be asked to empty her bladder before the process begins. Usually, in the late stages of pregnancy, an empty bladder can help to aid the movement of the needle without a lot of obstruction. A number of consent forms also need to be signed by the patient before this procedure can commence. The procedure is not painful, the doctor will only take a sample of the amniotic fluid and send it for testing. 

3. What is Amniocentesis?

Amniocentesis definition is that it is a medical process where a tiny amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the amniotic sac. 

4. Why is Amniocentesis Performed?

Amniocentesis is performed to detect any genetic defect in the foetus. It is also done to ascertain the condition of foetal lungs.

5. What are Some Complications Associated With Amniocentesis?

Some minor complications experienced by patients after this procedure includes cramps and mild pain. In rare cases, the patient may suffer from a uterine infection.

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