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CBSE Board Exam Date 2017 Class 12 PDF Download


Datesheet for Main Examination 2017 (Class 12) - CBSE

CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) has recently released the CBSE 12th Exam Date Sheet 2017. Students can now download the CBSE Class 12th Time Table. The CBSE Board Exam Dates 2017 for Class 12 are now announced officially. The CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2017 is scheduled to start from 9th March 2017 to 29th April 2017. 

You're probably looking for some tactics and suggestions to help you revise the material now that the exams are coming. If you answered yes, then you don't have to be concerned because there are certain techniques that you can apply to improve your exam scores. Even though studying for 12 or 14 hours a day is excessive, we force ourselves to study almost all day in the days coming up to our exam in order to finish our syllabus. The goal is to reduce study time while enhancing productivity.

So before accessing the CBSE Board Exam Dates 2017 for Class 12 PDF, let’s dive into some tips that you can follow to improve your marks in the coming examination.

Exams can be a nightmare for pupils who ignore their textbooks all year. It becomes a competition to see how quickly you can memorise a year's worth of stuff. Now that the Board exams are nearing, many of you are surely doing the same thing.

Tips To Study for Class 12 CBSE Exam 2017

  • Study in little increments.

Break down the material into tiny bits rather than tackling major sections of it every day. If you speed through all of the chapters you haven't yet covered, you'll be able to remember very little on exam day.

  • Never study for more than two hours at a time.

It's best to study for two hours straight. Each 2-hour time can be divided into 25-minute hard study intervals followed by a 5-minute relaxation period. Take longer breaks every 2 hours, roughly 20 minutes, if you need to continue studying.

  • Taking regular breaks is important.


While on 'vacation,' keep any exam-related thoughts or worries out of your mind. If you use your break time to discuss the syllabus with friends or plan your next round of studying, your mind is not on a break. If your mind does not take a rest, the next round of studying will be less productive.

  • The key to success is to concentrate

The study resources on a syllabus are divided into two categories: core and elaborative. While core information includes significant ideas, theorems, formulas, and important diagrams and graphs, elaborative content includes, among other things, examples, quotes, and illustrations.


A test's core subject is supposed to account for up to 80% of the questions given. So, if you're having problems completing your syllabus, concentrate on each course's core elements.


Also, go over last year's question patterns to make sure you're not wasting time on topics that are unlikely to be asked on the exam.

  • Change the categories

Keep in mind that the things we study are divided into three groups when you organise your study routine for the day: Biology, History, and Geography, for example, are memory-intensive subjects with a lot of information to memorise. Physics and maths are problem-solving subjects.


English literature and foreign language literature papers are examples of subjects that demand interpretation.


For the most successful studying, you should alternate between each category of studies over long periods of time.

  • To learn more, write

Reading the chapters and underlining essential points can help a lot, but jotting down the most important things you read on a scrap of paper or in your notebook will help you remember much more.


How to Download CBSE Class 12 Exam Date Sheet 2017?

As per the CBSE Time Table 2018, Class 12 board exams 2018 will start with English papers (English Core, English Elective-N, English Elective-C). The date sheet is available on the official site of CBSE (i.e, You can also download the complete CBSE Date Sheet 2018 from the link given here.

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FAQs on CBSE Board Exam Date 2017 Class 12 PDF Download

1. Is there a way to improve your study skills by taking notes?

If you want to finish the curriculum at the last minute, you need to take decent notes. SQ5R and Cornell Notes are the best note-taking apps, both of which have proven to work scientifically. 

  • Survey, Questions, Read, Record, Recite, Review, and Reflection (SQ5R) are acronyms for Survey, Questions, Read, Record, Recite, Review,  Reflection. 

  • Cornell Notes is a three-column memo system that makes it much easier to store and retrieve information. It's easy to cover the right column when trying to answer the question on the left when rewriting.

2. How can I memorise quickly?

To quickly remember something, just tape some chart paper to  your wall or closet and write down important dates, equations, reminders, and other  information. 

Always in front of you is easier to remember  than attacking. Create and save a series of flashcards for  more difficult areas. You can read it while commuting or  in the queue.

3. Where can I get the study material for CBSE board exams for 12?

On Vedantu, you can get the finest free CBSE Study Materials for Class 12 Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and other topics in PDF format, including NCERT Solutions, Revision Notes, Sample Papers, and Previous Year Question Papers. By practising Important Questions with Formulas, you can improve your results in the Class 12 CBSE Board Exams.

There you will get everything you need to pass the examination with flying colours. All the notes and content is being crafted by the finest teachers and professors.

4. Why should students keep a check on the date sheet?

Most of the students in Class 12 are also preparing for competitive exams. So, in order to get a good score, both in their Board exam and competitive exam, they must prepare early in order to manage time and routine. The Board makes sure that the CBSE Board exam date does not clash with any competitive exam date. If there are any issues, students can raise their concerns and changes might be made accordingly. The timetable is very important for students to plan the order of their subject revision. They can understand how to plan their revision in the final months of preparation. 

5. What should students do once they get the CBSE Board exam date sheet?

Planning your revision is the most important thing to do after the students check their date sheet. The CBSE Board gives enough time between the release of dates and the start of exams. Revision is the most crucial part of exam preparation. If not planned properly, students might lose the results of their hard work. They must set the order of priority of subjects to be revised according to their board exam and competitive exam schedule.