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English Grammar Reported Speech for Class 5


English Grammar Reported Speech For Class 5- Download Free PDF With Solutions

To speak and communicate in English, it is highly important to learn the language. Speaking can be done in many ways, like direct speech, indirect speech, active voice, or passive voice. Class 5 English Chapter 7 is about reported speech, which is a part of direct and indirect speech. To get a clear idea about reported speech, how the subject and verb change, changing tense and tone, etc., are explained in detail in the topic of direct and indirect speech PDF.

The reported speech is a term used in both direct speech and indirect speech. Here direct speech refers to the words given by the speaker as it is without changing any the first person, second person, or third person, the verbs, or anything else. At the same time, indirect speech is conveying the message of the speaker in our own words.

English Grammar for Class 5 Reported Speech Download Free PDF

Today we will study an exciting topic “Reported speech”. Reported speech refers to how we have interpreted the words of the speaker. In simple terms, Reported speech refers to reporting the speech of the speaker i.e. whether conveying directly the words of the speaker or indirectly conveying after altering the words of the speaker. For good understanding and idea clarity, practice questions and solved examples are provided throughout the article. Let's start our journey on this pretty topic.

English Grammar

English Grammar

Parts of Reported Speech in a Sentence

Speech Used Directly and Indirectly. There are two methods we can record a speaker's words:

1. By reiterating the speaker's precise words.

2. By retelling only the pertinent portions of his remarks.

  • Reported verb 

  • Reported speech

The Convey of Speech

The Convey of Speech

For Example

1. “Anand is a good boy,” Ram said.

2. Ram praised Anand for being a decent youngster.

We paraphrase or quote the speaker's precise words in the first sentence. Direct speech or narration is what this is. Here, we enclose the speaker's exact words in quotation marks (" ") and add a colon after the word "said." The first word is capitalised and placed within quotation marks.

The second portion of the sentence is separated from the reporting verb by a comma. The reporting verb "said" and the reported speech "Anand is a good boy." are both used in the first sentence.

Reporting Verb

The part of the sentence which is not in the inverted commas is called the reported verb.

When we change direct speech into indirect speech then there are 3 types/ forms of changes that take place.

  • Change of person

  • Change of tense and

  • Change of other parts of speech

Reporting Speech

The part of the sentence which is under inverted commas is called reporting speech.

The second part of the sentence refers to some other person, universal facts, imaginary parts, historical facts, happening events, etc.

For example, Shyam said, “TheTaj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.”

Here the sentence “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan” is the reported speech. 

Basically, there are two types of speech.

  • Direct speech 

  • Indirect speech

Conversation Between 2 Persons

Conversation Between 2 Persons

Direct Speech

It refers to reporting the exact words spoken by the speaker. There is no change in the verb or the sentence.

  • For example, Ram said to Riya, “go to school”

  • Priya asked Ram, “where is her bag”

  • Ratan enquired Raman,” why was he not picking up her call”.

Rules of Direct Speech

  • Quotes or inverted commas should be used to begin a speech.

  • The term said is used to join two sentences together.

  • At the end of the sentence, utilise the reporting clause.

  • A full stop should be placed at the end of the sentence.

It is the speech that communicates what someone has said but does not explain what the person has stated. It only provides the core narrative of what is spoken.

Indirect Speech

This refers to reporting the words spoken by the speaker in the third person. There will be a few changes in the verb or the sentence.

  • For example, 

  1. Direct: He says, “I will be on leave from the 12th.”

Indirect: He says that he will be on leave from the 12th.

  1. Direct: Sheena said, “My parents are doing much better.”

Indirect: Sheena informed her parents are doing much better now. 

Rules of Indirect Speech

  • The past tense is used when the situation is uncertain.

  • The present tense of a statement is transformed into the past tense through indirect speaking.

  • The tense of universal facts remains constant.

  • The term "that" connects the reported verb and sentence.

Difference Between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech


Direct speech

Indirect speech


We use quotation marks to refer to what someone has stated in direct speech.

We don't use quotation marks in indirect discourse; instead, we use the conjunction "that."


She said, “I’ve written three letters to my friends.”

She said that she had written three letters to her friend.

Word Meaning

Difficult Words



A talk between two or more people


To give information

Practice Question

Rewrite the following sentence converting from direct speech to indirect speech.

  1. He said, “I live in the city centre”.

  2. He said, “I am going out”.

  3. He said, “I have finished”.

  4. He said, “I have been studying a lot”.

  5. He said, “I arrived before you”.


  1. He said he lived in the city centre.

  2. He said he was going out.

  3. He said he had finished.

  4. He said he had been studying a lot.

  5. He said he had arrived before me.

Importance of Reported Speech in English Grammar for Class 5

Introducing direct and indirect speech for Class 5 is very beneficial and crucial in developing language skills among the students. Besides speaking ability, students can understand the various changes while reading the lessons; they can easily identify the speaker's tone and how he is conveying the message to others. It also benefits them in developing writing skills like writing essays, autobiographies, etc. 

  • Practicing direct and indirect speech exercises in Class 5 also helps to understand the tenses and how the verb changes from one speech to another speech.

  • To get fluency in all language skills, reported speech is very useful. Even though it is quite confusing, once you get a command on the topic, it is easy to solve any question asked from it.

  • Direct and indirect speech for Class 5 is only at a basic level. Students can understand easily and can convert them as this foundation will be strong, and the advanced levels will become easier in the upcoming classes.

Examples of Reported Speech for Class 5

Let's have a glance at a few examples of both direct speech and indirect speech. 

  • The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”

  • Dhronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the fish’s eye.”

  • My mother said to me, “You were wrong.”

  • Mr. Richard said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”

  • The captain said to me, “Bravo! You have played well.”

  • “Call the first convict,” said the jury.

  • “Call the ambulance,” said the man.

  • Bruce said to me, “I shall do the work.”

Examples for indirect speech:- 

  • Dhronacharya ordered Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.

  • The jury was ordered to call the first convict.

  • The captain applauded me, saying that I had played well.

  • The man urged to call the ambulance.

  • Bruce said to me he would do the work.

  • My mother told me that I was wrong.

  • Mr. Richard requested me to wait there till he returned.

Download Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheets With Answers Class 5 PDF

As the topic of reported speech requires practice, downloading a free PDF of Class 5 English Chapter 7 can be of great help for the students. The reported speech for Class 5 will be divided into two topics like direct speech and indirect speech.

  • Direct and indirect speech for Class 5 PDF contains proper definitions, examples, and conversion rules for direct speech, and indirect speech. These are provided in separate practicing worksheets with the solutions.

  • Our subject experts prepared the content and exercises in a simple language. Also, providing direct and indirect speech worksheets at various levels helps to access the children and develop themselves slowly level by level.

  • Students can practice whenever and wherever they want with these free PDF. Also, they can clarify their doubts through live chats with the subject experts. 

Vedantu makes it easier to understand direct and indirect speech in a simplified manner. So that children can enjoy learning and be excited to work on the worksheets.


The only distinction between direct and indirect speech is in transmitting actual words and pirated words, with authentic words expressed in direct speech and pirated words presented in indirect speech. A sentence with inverted commas is considered direct speech, whereas a sentence with a conjunction is considered indirect communication.

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FAQs on English Grammar Reported Speech for Class 5

1. What is direct speech? 

Direct speech is a speech where the message of the speaker will be conveyed directly by keeping quotation marks for the speaker's words without changing anything.

2. What is indirect speech?

Indirect speech is a speech where the message of the speaker will be conveyed by the narrators in words without keeping any quotation marks etc. 

3. What is the major benefit of direct and indirect speech? 

Direct and direct speech is widely used to portray the exact moods and tenses of the characters. It creates a feeling like the situation is happening right now. It completely improves the narrating skills.