Class 11 Economics Sandeep Garg Solutions Chapter 6 – Measures of Central Tendency- Median and Mode
FAQs on Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 6 Solutions
1. What is Mean, Median, and Mode? What are the formulas to calculate?
There are three ways to measure central tendency: mean, median, and mode. The mean is calculated by dividing the sum of observations by the number of observations, which is often called average, the median is the middle value among all the observations, and mode is the value that occurs frequently.
The formula for them are as follows-
Mean = Sum of observations/Number of observations.
The formula for the median is-
When N is odd, the median is the value of (N+1)/2th item.
When N is even, Average of (n/2)th and [(n/2) + 1]th observations
Formula for Mode = l + h [(f1-f0)/(2f1-f0-f2)]
2. What is the best measure of central tendency? When is the mean the best measure of central tendency?
It is often possible to find a "best" measure of central tendency with respect to the data you are analyzing, but there is no universally optimal measure. This is because whether you use the median, mean, or mode will vary with the type of data you are analyzing. Your data type; the extent of outliers and/or skewness; and what you are trying to conclude from your data. In general, when your data distribution is symmetrical and continuous, such as normal distribution, the mean is the best measure of central tendency. However, it depends on what you are trying to demonstrate.
3. When is the mode and median the best measure of central tendency?
Mode- Mode is the least used measure of central tendency and can be used only when dealing with nominal data. Because it is the only measure of central tendency suitable for use with nominal data, it will always be the best measure of central tendency in such cases.
Median- When the data set is skewed, or if it is ordinal, the median is usually preferred over other measures of central tendency. However, the mode can also be appropriate in these cases, but it is less common than the median.
4. What is the difference between Mean and Average?
While average and mean have many similarities, they are different. Average refers to the sum of all numbers divided by the total number of values in a set. Mean refers to the average of a sample of numbers. Average is used in math to find the central value, whereas mean is used in statistics to find the central value. Average is used when there is a small difference between the values, while mean is used when there are more differences between them. You can get an even more detailed version of the difference from Vedantu.
5. ‘How to Find Median Using Mean Median Mode Formula?
For the past few years, this is the most asked question in the Economics examination, thus it is important to go through the method in detail.
So, after arranging the data in ascending order, the median is the value of the middle observation.
If n is odd, then median = (n + 1)/2nd observation. If n is even, then median = (n/2)th obs. + (n/2) + 1st obs./2. For grouped data, median is calculated using the median formula: l + [(n/2−c)/f] × h