Essay on Blood Donation
Blood is the fluid that circulates throughout our body conducting various functions. There are times when a person loses excessive blood and needs blood from some external source. In such situations, the donation of blood plays an important role. It is the noblest cause you can do to help ailing people. Blood Donation is the process wherein blood is drawn from one person and transfused to another person. Blood banks usually engage in this collection process and procedures following it. World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on 14th June every year.
Why is Blood Donation Important?
The main reason to donate blood is to save a life so you must never think twice to donate blood. It is a sign of humanity. It doesn’t see the caste, creed, and religion of the blood donor.
Furthermore, the organs in our body conduct different functions and these organs need energy and oxygen to function properly. The oxygen and the energy are derived from the blood that circulates in our body. So when an organ fails to do a specific function then blood is required from an external source.
Blood Group
There are mainly four types of blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. Negative O blood group is the universal donor and AB positive is the universal recipient.
Benefits of Blood Donation
There are many advantages to donating blood. The most important benefit is that you are saving one life. The blood donated can be used three times because it is sectioned into various components, which are very useful. It revitalizes the poor health condition of a human being. The human body is capable of regenerating blood within a few hours after donation. Doctors recommend donating blood every three months because it helps to excrete waste blood in your body and fresh blood is made which keeps you healthier.
The other benefits are:
Preserve Cardiovascular Health: Reducing iron in the blood cells can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes through blood donation. Research says if participants between the age group of 43 and 61 donate blood every six months then they are at a lower risk of getting heart attacks and strokes.
Reduce the Risk of Cancer: The risk of cancer such as liver, lung, colon, and throat cancers can be reduced by consistent blood donation. This is because the iron stored in the body is maintained at a healthy level.
Burn Calories: According to the university of the United States of America, you can burn 650 calories approximately per donation of one pint of blood.
Free Blood Analysis: Every donor has to go through a physical test to analyze whether they are eligible to donate blood. This preliminary health checkup helps in diagnosing our own body like pressure level, hemoglobin, and iron and sugar level. It is also tested for HIV, hepatitis, and other diseases.
A Sense of Pride: While there are many physical benefits of donating blood, the most powerful health benefit is psychological. When you know that the blood that you are donating will be used somewhere to save someone’s life, it gives you a sense of immense pride.
Blood Bank: Blood donation helps the blood banks to stabilize the various groups of blood that can be used to treat patients who are in urgent need of blood transfusion and other medical treatments.
World Blood Donor Day
Blood Donor day is celebrated on 14th June to create awareness of the universal need for blood for health care and also celebrate and thank every individual who donates blood and encourage more people to start donating.
In today's time, it is very important to spread awareness about the importance of blood donation, people should understand the value of life. Each one of us should donate blood. It might save anyone's life and so you should value it and motivate other people around you to donate blood. Many NGOs work for this. Their main aim is to make people donate blood and let them know that they have done something so valuable.
This is a concise essay on blood donation and its benefits. It is a benevolent idea where people help each other by donating blood. This scientific process is safe and is conducted under the supervision of trained medical personnel. To know more about blood, blood groups, and blood donation, log on to Vedantu and check what the experts have to say.
FAQs on Blood Donation Essay: The Importance of Donating Blood
1. When is Blood Donor Day Celebrated and Why?
Blood donor day is celebrated on 14th June every year to create awareness among people of the urgent need for blood and also to encourage more people to start donating. Nowadays there are so many diseases that are taking life because of the loss of blood, and many people die because blood was not arranged on time, this makes us lose as humans. We should pray to God to make us serve humanity in any way. Blood donation is a big win as a human being.
2. How can Blood be Donated?
The whole process of blood donation takes about 10-15 minutes. A person is made to lie and the blood is drawn from him. He can also sip some fluid to hydrate himself. It is a painless process.
We may find camps around us on any occasions that are installed by NGOs or we can go to the hospital to donate blood.no objection certificate is signed at some places taking details of the person donating blood and ensuring that the person has no objection to donating blood and is healthy to donate blood to other people. After the collection of blood is done then the blood is kept for testing and then it is transferred to the person who needs it. Multiple blood banks help people find blood at the hour of need.
3. Why is Blood Donation Important?
Blood donation is important because the blood drawn can be used to save lives and other medical treatments. It revitalizes the health of a person. With the increasing no. of unknown diseases, people should be aware of the fact that in most life-threatening situations, the only solution that a doctor has is they can keep the person alive by transferring blood.
This may help to increase the probability of saving his life and give a chance to the doctor to treat him well. Blood donation is very important and people should motivate each other to do this good deed and serve humanity. You may save someone's life and their family by donating blood.
4. Which Blood Group is the Universal Donor?
O - the group is the universal donor. Most people of the same blood group can give and take blood from each other. But O- is one of the universal donors who can give blood to all the other blood groups; it can be any other blood group. Because of this O- people should often donate blood as they can be helpful to many people who are not getting blood from their blood group.
O- persons are found rarely and they should have this feeling that saving someone's life can be so precious and this will add to your good deeds. You will get so much satisfaction, once you start donating blood to the people who need it. To know more about blood groups, log on to Vedantu and get the latest study material for free.