What is For and Since For Time?
We all have often heard ‘for’ and ‘since’ in general conversation, these words are related to time. The word ‘for’ is used for a period of time in the past, present or future while ‘since’ is used to point to a time in the past. Both ‘for’ and ‘since’ express duration up to a point in the present, but it is used differently. More accurately we can say that ‘for’ is used to express a specific duration or period of time such as two weeks, ten seconds and an hour etc. on the other hand ‘since’ is used to refer to time, event or moment that starts in past and continues in present. The main difference lies in the point of time and period of time. We will understand it more accurately in the following article through ‘since’ and ‘for’ examples.
When the duration of time is needed to be measured, then ‘for’ is used like when we say how long something lasts. ‘For’ is used to refer to a period of time or event.
For + period: Here period is defined as a duration of time. Hence ‘for’ is related to the beginning of the period to the end of the period such as twenty minutes, four weeks, and two years.
Examples of For
Some of the examples of ‘for’ are given below:
They practice football for three hours every day.
They are running for twenty minutes today.
He has lived in Agra for a long time.
Rakesh has been living in Chandigarh for three years.
I worked at that gym as a trainer for two years.
She lived here for five years.
‘Since’ is used to express a duration up to the present. It is used when something began in the past and is unfinished. Normally, ‘since’ is used with perfect tenses.
Since + point: Here the point is defined as a precise moment in time such as 1 o'clock, 3rd of January, Friday etc. Hence ‘since’ is related to a point from the past until now.
Examples of Since
Some examples of ‘since’ are given below:
They have been there since 11 am.
She has been cooking since they arrived.
I had lived in this house since my childhood.
It had been six months since he had not seen her.
How long has it been since she got promoted?
She has been there since 7 o'clock and she is getting tired.
For vs Since
We already know that the main difference between ‘for’ and ‘since’ is that ‘for’ is used with a period of time while the use of ‘since’ is related to a specific point in time. We can use ‘for’ and ‘since’ with similar verb tenses according to need. Here are two examples that will help us to better understand the difference between ‘for’ and ‘since’.
He has been studying for two hours.
He has been studying since 3 p.m.
They have lived in this building for 25 years.
They have lived in this building since 1975.
We can see that in the above examples, both ‘for’ and ‘since’ show events or incidents that start in the past and continue into the present. ‘Since’ is mostly used with perfect tenses but ‘for’ can be used with other verb tenses also with the future.
Do You Know?
‘For’ and ‘since’ both also have other meanings in sentences that do not have any reference to time. Let’s understand through some examples; (i) This dress is for you. (ii) Is this the bus for Lucknow? (iii) Since you asked for permission, He will say yes. (iv) Since they didn't prepare, they didn't pass the exam.
Hence we are now aware of the uses of ‘for’ and ‘since’ so whenever we are needed to specify a duration of time we will use ‘for’ and to pin a time in the past we will use ‘since’. Some people get confused about the use of ‘for’ and ‘since’. This article is helpful for them to differentiate between the uses of ‘for’ and ‘since’. The use of these words makes the communication more effective and clear.
FAQs on For and Since For Time
1. What is the use of ‘since’ and ‘for’ in sentences?
The use of ‘since’ and ‘for’ in sentences is related to the indication of time such as when we need to talk about something that started in the past and continues into the present. We use it to specify the amount of time. For example; (i) She had this watch for more than 10 years. (ii) I've only known her for a few weeks. Since it is used when we need to specify the starting point of time; (i) I have had this watch since 1995. (ii) He has known her since the start of last month.
2. What is ‘since’ and ‘for’, explain with examples?
'Since' is used for an unfinished statement of the time, while ‘for’ is used for the reference of periods of time. The examples of periods of time are; 5 years, 10 minutes, ages, a long time, months etc. The word since is used only in the perfect tense
‘For’ is used with a period of time in the past, present or future while ‘since’ is used with a point in time in the past. Look at the ‘since’ and ‘for’ examples. Examples of ‘since’ are: (i) He has been working in this company since April. (ii) She has been studying the French language since she was in class five. And examples of for are; (i) He is here for more than nine months (ii) She is waiting for a long time.
3. Where do we use ‘since’ in a sentence?
‘Since’ can be used in a sentence in different ways. It can be used as a preposition that would be followed by a noun.
For example, Everything has changed a lot since last summer.
It can also be used as an adverb without the following noun.
For example; Mary left this building in 1965 and hasn't been seen since.
It can be used to connect two clauses. ‘Since’ is used for the reference to a point after an event in the past or a specific time. Normally, present perfect and past perfect tenses are used in the main clause of the sentence while using since. ‘Since’ is not used when we talk about the future as ‘since’ refers to specific points in the past.
4. What is the word ‘for’ used?
We use ‘for’ in a sentence when we need to specify the amount of time means the duration of time.‘For’ is also used when we are talking about a period of time such as for the weekend, for ages and for a long time. The important point is to remember that, ‘for’ is used to specify a period of time. When we are talking about the past, present or future, we can use ‘for’.