Essay on Gautam Buddha
Gautam Buddha, also known as Lord Buddha, was a great spiritual leader and the founder of Buddhism, one of the most followed religions in the world. Born in ancient India, he spent his life teaching peace, kindness, and the path to enlightenment. His followers, called Buddhists, seek freedom from ignorance, desire, and the cycle of birth and suffering by following his teachings.
For nearly 45 years, Gautam Buddha spread his message of wisdom and harmony. His teachings focus on understanding suffering and finding peace through Nirvana, a state of true freedom. He is remembered for his message of non-violence and unity.
This Gautam Buddha essay will help you learn about his life, his choice to follow a spiritual path, and how his teachings continue to guide millions today. It provides key details to help students write about Buddha and understand how he became a symbol of peace and wisdom for the world.
Also Read Gautam Buddha Biography
Gautam Buddha Essay on 1000 words in English
Gautam Buddha, the messenger of peace, equality, and fraternity, was born in Lumbini in the 6th Century BC, the Terai region of Nepal. His real name was Siddhartha Gautam. He belonged to the royal family of Kapilavastu. His father was Suddhodhana, the ruler. Maya Devi, Gautam’s mother, died soon after giving birth to him. He was a thoughtful child with a broad mind. He was very disciplined and liked to question contemporary concepts to understand and gather more knowledge.
He wanted to devote his life to spirituality and meditation. This was what his father did not like about him. He went against his father’s wishes to find spirituality. His father was worried that someday, Gautam will leave his family to pursue his wishes. For this, Suddhodhana always guarded his son against the harshness surrounding him. He never let his son leave the palace anytime. When he was 18 years of age, Gautam was married to Yashodhara, a princess with magnificent beauty. They had a son named ‘Rahul’. Even though Siddhartha’s family was complete and happy, he did not find peace. His mind always urged him intending to find the truth beyond the walls.
As per the Buddhist manuscripts, when Siddhartha saw an old man, an ailing person, and a corpse, he understood that nothing in this material world is permanent. All the pleasures he enjoyed were temporary and someday, he had to leave them behind. His mind startled from the realization. He left his family, the throne, and the kingdom behind and started roaming in the forests and places aimlessly. All he wanted was to find the real truth and purpose of life. In his journey, he met with scholars and saints but nobody was able to quench his thirst for truth.
He then commenced meditation with the aim to suffer and then realized the ultimate truth sitting under a huge banyan tree after 6 years. It was in Bodh Gaya in Bihar. He turned 35 and was enlightened. His wisdom knew no boundaries. The tree was named Bodhi Vriksha. He was very satisfied with his newly found knowledge and gave his first speech on enlightenment in Sarnath. He found the ultimate truth behind the sorrows and troubles people face in the world. It was all due to their desires and attraction to earthly things.
A couple of centuries after he died, he came to be known as the Buddha which means the enlightened one. All the teachings of Buddha were compiled in the Vinaya. His teachings were passed to the Indo-Aryan community through oral traditions.
In his lecture, he mentioned the Noble Eightfold Path to conquer desires and attain full control. The first 3 paths described how one can gain physical control. The next 2 paths showed us how to achieve the fullest mental control. The last 2 paths were described to help people attain the highest level of intellect. These paths are described as Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration synchronously.
The title “Buddha” was used by several ancient groups and for each group, it had its meaning. The word Buddhism refers to a living being who has got enlightened and just got up from his phase of ignorance. Buddhism believes that there have been Buddhas in the past before Gautam Buddha and there will be Buddhas in the future also. The Buddhists celebrate the life of Gautam Buddha starting from his birth to his enlightenment and passage into Nirvana stage as well.
In his life, Gautam Buddha had done a lot of spiritual things and lived his life by going through so much. Each suffering and each liberation of his has turned into teachings.
Some of them are explained below:
Finding Liberation: the ultimate motive of our soul is to find liberation.
The Noble truth of Life: for salvation, you need to know about all the four Noble truths of your life.
Suffering is not a Joke: each suffering leads you to experience a new you.
There are noble eightfold paths that you need to follow.
Death is final, the one who has taken birth will die surely and everything in life is impermeable, you are not going to have anything that will be permanent so focus on salvation rather than pleasing others.
He preached that only sacrifice cannot make a person happy and free from all the bonds he has in the world. He also defined the final goal as Nirvana. Even to this day, his preaching finds meaning and can be related to our sorrows. According to his teachings, the right way of thinking, acting, living, concentrating, etc can lead to such a state. He never asked anyone to sacrifice or pray all day to achieve such a state. This is not the way to gain such a mindful state.
He didn’t mention any god or an almighty controlling our fate. His teachings are the best philosophical thoughts one can follow. Gautam Buddha was his new name after gaining Nirvana and knowing the truth. He was sure that no religion can lead to Nirvana. Only the Noble Eightfold Path can be the way to achieve such a state. He breathed last in 483 BC in Kushinagar, now situated in Uttar Pradesh and his life became an inspiration.
Gautam Buddha Essay in English 10 lines
Gautam Buddha, also known as Lord Buddha, was a great spiritual teacher and the founder of Buddhism.
He was born as Prince Siddhartha in Lumbini, Nepal, around 563 B.C.
Despite living a royal life, he was deeply moved by the suffering he saw in the world.
He left his palace in search of truth and inner peace.
After years of meditation, he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya.
He then became known as "Buddha," meaning "The Enlightened One."
For nearly 45 years, Buddha travelled and shared his teachings of peace and non-violence.
His teachings focus on ending suffering through the path of right living and mindfulness.
The ultimate goal of his teachings is to reach Nirvana, a state of freedom from suffering.
Gautam Buddha is remembered as one of the greatest messengers of peace and harmony in the world.
Even after being in a happy family with a loving wife and son, he left his royal kingdom in search of the truth. No one was able to satisfy him with knowledge. He then attained his enlightenment under a banyan tree in Bodh Gaya. He described the Noble Eightfold Path that everyone should follow to get rid of sorrow and unhappiness. He died in 483 BC but his preaching is found to be still relevant to this date. This tells us how Siddhartha became Gautam Buddha. It also tells us about his valuable preaching and shows us the way to achieve Nirvana.
FAQs on Gautam Buddha Essay: The Enlightened One
1. What made Siddhartha realize pleasures are Temporary?
When he first saw an ailing person, a corpse, and an old man, he realized worldly pleasures are temporary. He realized that all the pleasures that this world is running behind are fake. Nothing will stay forever, even the ones whom you love the most will leave you sooner or later, so you should not run behind these material pleasures. Focus on attaining salvation. Everyone who has taken birth will definitely leave one day, the thing that you have today will not be there tomorrow. There is only one soul for yourself. The body or the material things that you are proud of today will leave you tomorrow. Everything is not going to be the same.
2. What did he do to achieve Knowledge and Peace?
Gautam Buddha was more focused on achieving salvation, he wanted to know the truth of life. He wanted to have knowledge of all the things and peace along with Moksha. To receive knowledge and peace, Gautam Buddha left his home and his family behind. He wandered here and there aimlessly just to find peace in his life. Not only this, he talked with many scholars and saints so that he could receive the knowledge of everything that he was searching for.
3. What did he Preach?
Gautam Buddha was the preacher of peace. In this essay, we are introduced to the preaching of Gautam Buddha. He has taught all about how to receive salvation and attain Nirvana without following any particular religion. Some of his preachings are :
Have respect for your life.
No lying and respect for honesty.
No sexual misconduct and at least you should respect the people of the same community and respect women as well.
The path of sufferings, truth of causes; these factors will create a path of salvation for you. You need to believe in the reality of life and then move towards attaining the ultimate.
4. Does Gautam Buddha believe in God?
Buddhists actually don't believe in any dainty figure or God but according to them, there are some supernatural powers present in this universe that can help people or they can even encourage people to move toward enlightenment. Gautam Buddha, on seeing people dying and crying, realized that human life is nothing but suffering and all you need to do is get over this materialistic world and lead your life towards attaining salvation. Nothing is permanent nor even this body, so enlighten yourself towards the path of salvation.
5. Give an Essay on Gautam Buddha 150 words in English.
Gautam Buddha, also known as Lord Buddha, was a great spiritual leader and the founder of Buddhism. He was born as Prince Siddhartha in Lumbini, Nepal, around 563 B.C. Although he grew up in luxury, he was disturbed by the suffering of people around him. To find answers, he left his palace and family in search of truth and peace.
After years of meditation and deep thinking, he attained enlightenment under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya and became "The Buddha," meaning "The Enlightened One." He spent the rest of his life teaching people how to overcome suffering through kindness, mindfulness, and the right actions.
His teachings, known as the "Four Noble Truths" and the "Eightfold Path," guide people to live a peaceful life. Gautam Buddha preached love, non-violence, and unity. He is remembered as one of the greatest messengers of peace and continues to inspire millions around the world.
6. Who was Gautam Buddha in short paragraph?
Gautam Buddha, also known as Lord Buddha, was a great spiritual teacher and the founder of Buddhism. He was born as Prince Siddhartha in Lumbini, Nepal, around 563 B.C. Although he lived a life of comfort, he was saddened by the suffering he saw in the world. To find answers, he left his royal life and meditated for many years. He gained enlightenment under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya and became known as "The Enlightened One." He spent the rest of his life teaching people how to live peacefully by being kind, mindful, and simple. He is remembered for spreading peace and wisdom.
7. Can you describe Buddhism in 100 words?
Buddhism is a religion and way of life based on the teachings of Gautam Buddha. It began in India around the 6th century B.C. and focuses on overcoming suffering through inner peace and wisdom. Buddhists follow the "Four Noble Truths," which explain the cause of suffering and the path to end it. The "Eightfold Path" guides them to live a moral, mindful, and meaningful life. The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to reach Nirvana, a state of freedom from suffering and rebirth.
8. How did Gautam Buddha spread his teachings?
Gautam Buddha travelled for about 45 years, sharing his teachings with people from all walks of life across different regions.
9. What impact did Gautam Buddha have on the world?
His teachings spread across many countries and continue to inspire millions of people to live with peace, kindness, and self-awareness.
10. What is Nirvana in Buddhism?
Nirvana is a state of freedom from suffering, desire, and the cycle of rebirth considered the ultimate goal in Buddhism.