Introduction to Tools
Humans have been using tools since the time of early men. The first tool was created using stones and bones for hunting animals. The evolution of humans also resulted in the evolution of the items used by them. Tools have known to make certain tasks easier for human beings.
Tools are used in various types of tasks. The tasks may include joining two objects, cutting something, opening something, closing something, measurement, attachment, etc.
The List of Tools
The tools that are needed for various purposes are as follows:
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A pair of scissors
Electric drill
Tape measure
Needle nose pliers
Bolts are metal flat headpieces that are used to connect to mechanical parts.

Metal Bolts.
This is a very sharp metal piece that is used to attach mostly wooden pieces with the help of a hammer.
It is a tool with a flat head that helps us to push a screw into a socket. The flat head is pushed against the screw gap on its head and twisted to get it in.

Used for Tightening the Screws.
These are metal blades with a wooden handle and the blade has multiple minute teeth which are very sharp and is used to cut wooden blocks, bamboos, or metal plates.

It is Used for Cutting Various Items.
Nuts are small metal rings with etched interiors ki and are used to tighten the bolts as they work as a pair to attach to parts.

This Nut is used for tightening the Bolt.
These are very similar to the nails but have spiral thread-like embossing on them. These are used to fix one part to another, such as a CPU lid on the CPU. It is twisted in with the help of a screwdriver.

This is used to Join Objects.
These are tools that are used to tighten a nut around a bolt so that they don’t fall off. This one has an adjustable moving piece that can be set by moving a dial according to the size of the nut.

This is used to tighten Nuts on a Bolt.
These are heavy iron blocks attached to one end of a wood or metal handle and is used to bang the nails into a surface in order to fix them together.

It is used to fix Nails in the Woods.
It has a thin metal blade and teeth-like cut on either edge, it is mostly used to cut thin pieces of plywood or fiber sheets.

It is used to cut Wooden Boards.
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It is a glass tube that has a liquid in it with an air gap forming a bubble and it is made in such a way that when it is placed on a flat level surface the bubble is at the center of the tube. But if the base is tilted to a degree then it shifts to one end.
These are very small foldable knives in which the blade can be folded within the handle as there is a sleeve.
Such knives are very handy in any kind of emergency situation and are a great survival tool.

Foldable Knife used for Emergency Situations.
These are very common tools in every household.
From cutting the biscuit, chips, and oil packets to making art and crafts it is used in everything and is used to cut plastic, paper, and any such thing brittle substance.

It is used to Cut Brittle Substances.
These are rotating saw blades fixed on a metal plate and are powered by electricity or gas.
These rotate at very high speeds and are very strong. Therefore, these are used to cut large wooden logs as well as to dismantle old furniture.

It is used to Cut Wood Logs.
Electric Drill
These are electric-powered motors attached to a solid steel rod with a pointed end and wired engraving on it.
The rod rotates at very high speeds and thus can make a hole into almost any substance ranging from concrete, metal, wood, and bones too.

It is used to Make Holes in the Walls or Wooden Planks.
These are spiral metal coils with a sharp pointed tip and a handle on one end.
These are rotated and inserted into the bottle with a cork so that it can be pulled out.
In the early days, medicine bottles used to have such a tight cork and it was used to open them.
Measuring Tape
This is a retractable metal strip coiled around a rod in a case and has a spring in it that makes it coil back in when it is left.
The strip can be pulled out and has two scales on two sides of the strip, one is the centimeter and the other is the feet. Once we're done measuring it rolls back into the case.
Step Ladder
These are aluminum foldable ladders that are used to reach high points in house to change electric connections or lights on the ceiling. They are also handy in plumbing situations.
Interesting Facts
The tools that we use today are dated centuries ago and were used by the earliest men.
Hammer was invented by the Romans.
The set square and saw were invented by the early Egyptians.
Tools are of great importance in our daily lives and make our work a lot easier.
The tools are mostly made out of some kind of metal.
Each tool has a very specific role and is designed to perform those.
Tools vary in size based on the area and type of work we need from them.
FAQs on Tools Names: A Complete List for Kids
1. Name some mostly used tools in daily life.
Tools are those things that are used to make a certain task easier.
Tools are used in various types of tasks.
The tasks may include joining two objects, cutting something, opening something, closing something, measuring, attaching, etc.
The tools that are used are:
Spirit level
2. Describe the tools used for cutting different materials.
The tools used for cutting materials are:
Chainsaw: These are rotating saw blades fixed on a metal plate and are powered by electricity or gas.
These rotate at very high speeds and are very strong. Therefore, these are used to cut large wooden logs as well as to dismantle old furniture.
Hacksaw: It has a thin metal blade and teeth-like cut on either edge, it is mostly used to cut thin pieces of plywood or fiber sheets.