Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham conducts an entrance exam for engineering aspirants, on a national level, known as the Amrita Engineering Entrance Exam, AEEE. Candidates who clear this entrance exam are offered admission to various B.Tech courses in the engineering schools of the university. There are a total of five campuses under this university, at Bengaluru, Amritapuri, Chennai, Coimbatore, and Amaravati. This competitive exam is conducted once in a year and is available in a computer-based mode as well as in a pen and paper-based mode.
All the details related to AEEE exam 2022 are given in this article for the perusal of aspirants.
AEEE Application Form
The AEEE application form was released on 30th December,2021 and the application window has been extended by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. The AEEE application form can be filled in an online mode. It is mandatory for all aspiring candidates to fill and submit the AEEE Application Form within the given time frame so as to be eligible for the examination and admission process. The aspiring candidates will have to provide their personal, communication, and academic details in the application form of AEEE so as to register themselves for the examination. The candidates qualifying the JEE Mains examination will also need to fill the AEEE application form so as to participate in the admission process of the institution.
AEEE Exam Date
The AEEE exam date is as of now postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and aspirants are suggested to keep a check on the official website of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham to get notified of the same. The tentative date for the AEEE exam was fixed from 1st July, 2022, to 4th July, 2022(Phase 1) and from 22nd July to 25th July,2022(Phase 2). The dates for slot booking, the release of AEEE 2022 answer key, the release of AEEE 2022 scorecard, and AEEE 2022 counseling will be on the month of July,2022 official website of the university.
AEEE Admit Card
The AEEE admit card will be available for download on the official website of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham for candidates appearing for the computer-based test and pen and paper-based test, separately. It is to be noted that the candidates appearing for the computer-based test, will have to book the examination slot before downloading their admit cards.
The link for downloading admit cards for candidates taking the pen and paper-based test will be released on the website, by the designated authority. Candidates appearing for the pen and paper-based examination will have to enter their date of birth and application numbers and click on the ‘download’ button for accessing their admit cards. Once the admit card is displayed on the screen, candidates must take a printout of the same for future reference.
Candidates’ details such as,
roll number,
contact number,
exam center,
registration number,
exam date,
slots, etc will be displayed on the AEEE admit card.
AEEE Cut off
AEEE cut-off presents the closing scores and closing ranks for admission to the undergraduate courses of engineering at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. The designated authorities will determine the AEEE cut-off keeping in view various factors such as,
The total number of applicants,
The total number of seats available for each course,
The level of difficulty of the AEEE exam,
Previous years’ cut-off scores and ranks.
The AEEE cut-off scores are likely to vary for courses offered at the different campuses of the institution and for the various social categories of candidates applying for the courses. Candidates may refer to the previous years’ cut-off scores to develop an idea about the AEEE cut-off 2022.
AEEE Eligibility Criteria
The authorities of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham have published a set of eligibility criteria for the AEEE examination and candidates are advised to go through these criteria thoroughly before filling up the application form. Candidates applying for the AEEE examinations must check if they meet all the eligibility criteria before applying for the examination.
The eligibility criteria for AEEE examinations are given below for the reference of candidates.
The upper age limit for AEEE examinations is 21 years, that is, the birth dates of candidates should be on or after July 1, 1999.
Aspiring candidates must have passed the 12th board examinations or its equivalent examination.
It may hereby be noted that candidates who have appeared in the 12th board examination in March 2022 are also eligible for the AEEE examination.
Candidates need to have an aggregate score of 60% (minimum) in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and a minimum of 55% in each of the three subjects in their 12th board examinations.
Candidates who have cleared the JEE Mains cut-off are also eligible for applying to the AEEE 2022 examination.
AEEE Exam Pattern
Candidates aspiring to appear in the AEEE 2022 examination are suggested to get familiar with the AEEE exam pattern so that they can plan their preparation accordingly. The university will publish the AEEE exam pattern along with the information brochure on its official website. Candidates will be able to get information about the exam mode, types of questions asked, marks distribution, exam duration, etc when they go through the AEEE exam pattern on the official website of the university.
The AEEE exam will be conducted in English and the exam duration will be 2hours and 30 minutes. There will be a total of 100 questions in AEEE, including 30 questions from Physics and Chemistry, each and 40 questions from Mathematics. The question paper will consist of multiple-choice questions and there will be four options given for each question. Every question will have only one correct answer. The total marks allotted for the exam is 300. Candidates will be rewarded 3 marks for every correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. There will be no negative marking for the unattempted questions. Getting along with the AEEE exam pattern will help the candidates to prepare effectively for the exam.
AEEE Result
The AEEE results will be published in an online mode and candidates will be able to view their results by logging into their registered accounts on the official website for the AEEE exam. They can log in with their email id or registration number and date of birth and view their results. They will be able to view their AEEE scores and ranks in their results and only those who meet the AEEE cut-off criteria will be eligible for the admission procedure.
AEEE Counseling
The candidates who clear the AEEE cut-off scores will be eligible for the AEEE counseling rounds. The counseling rounds will be conducted at three campuses of the university, namely, Amritapuri, Bangalore, and Coimbatore, in an offline mode. Candidates will be able to attend the counseling session at any of the three campuses and they will be allotted seats only through the AEEE counseling process. The AEEE counseling and seat allotment consist of the following process.
Payment of counseling fee.
Providing course preference.
Seat allotment.
Seat acceptance.
Payment of fees.
Document verification.
FAQs on AEEE 2023-24
1. From when will the Application Form for AEEE be Available?
The AEEE Application Form 2022 is made available for students from 30th December 2021. Candidates who are applying with JEE Main scores must also fill the AEEE Application Form before the last date for application, which is extended. However, students applying through JEE Main need not take up the AEEE exam 2022 as their JEE Main rank will be considered for shortlisting them for further processes.
2. Is any Correction Window Available for Editing any Mistakes Made while Filling the Application Form?
No. There is no correction window available for AEEE application form. No changes can be made once the final submission of the application form is done. Candidates are therefore advised not to wait till the last date to fill the application form also. Also, they need to verify all the information before the final submission of the application form.
3. What are the Factors that are Considered for Determining the AEEE Cut Off?
There are various factors which are considered while determining the AEEE cut off. They include parameters like the number of seats available, the difficulty level of the examination, the total number of applicants, previous year’s trends of AEEE cutoff and finally the number of students who have appeared for the entrance exam.
4. What is the Mode of Examination for the AEEE 2022?
The AEEE examination 2022 is available in both computer-based mode as well as pen-paper mode. Students must choose the exam center as per their preference while filling the application form. The examination center will be allotted based on the candidate’s choice. However, not all centers conduct the exam in the pen and paper-based mode. A total of 103 centers are available for online mode of the exam while around 15 centers are available for pen-paper mode of examination.