The AEEE exam date was initially set to be conducted on 16th to 19th June 2022 (Phase I) 31st July to 3rd August 2022 (Phase II). Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham conducts the entrance exam of AEEE once in a year, for engineering aspirants and offers qualifying candidates admission to various bachelor’s degree courses of engineering at its campuses. The AEEE 2022 examination will be held for a duration of 5 days, and there will be a total of 3 slots for each day.
The application form for AEEE 2022 has been published on 30th December 2021. both in online and offline modes. Candidates must refer to the eligibility criteria for AEEE, before filling the application form. The instructions for filling the AEEE application form should also be perused carefully, before filling it up.
The important events along with the corresponding dates are tabulated below for the reference of the aspiring candidates.
Important Events and Dates for AEEE 2022
AEEE 2022 Application Form
The AEEE 2022 application form can be filled up in both online and offline modes. Candidates can purchase the AEEE application form from the counters at university campuses for offline registration. They will have to pay the application fee through a demand draft payable to Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore or Chennai, to make the purchase. They will have to post the filled-up application form to the university. The online application form can be filled up at the official website of the university and candidates can pay the application fee through internet banking, or debit/credit cards.
AEEE 2022 Admit Card Download
There will be two separate links for downloading the AEEE admit card, one for the computer-based test and the other for the pen and paper-based test. The candidates appearing for the pen and paper-based test will be able to download their AEEE admit cards from the official website of AEEE, by entering their application numbers and birth dates. The candidates appearing for the computer-based test will have to book their AEEE test slots before downloading their admit cards. It must be noted that no candidate will be permitted to enter the examination hall or to take the AEEE examination without the hard copy of their admit cards. The date for the AEEE Admit Card release will be tentatively a week or so before the AEEE exam date.
B. Tech Programs Offered at Amrita Schools of Engineering
There are four campuses under Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, wherein candidates can apply for admission through the AEEE 2022 examination. Some of the most popular B. Tech programs offered in all these campuses are Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. In the Coimbatore campus, some other competent B. Tech programs, such as Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Civil Engineering, are also offered.
FAQs on AEEE Exam Date 2023-24
1. When will the AEEE 2022 Exam be Conducted?
The AEEE 2022 exam was all set to be conducted from 16th to 19th June 2022 (Phase I) 31st July to 3rd August 2022 (Phase II).The exam will be conducted for a duration of 5 days and there will be 3 slots on each day.
2. When will the AEEE Admit Card be Issued?
The AEEE Admit Card will be updated soon tentatively, provided, the AEEE 2022 exam date remains unaltered. The link for admit card download for candidates appearing for the CBT will be posted first; so that candidates can book their test slots before downloading the admit cards. The link for the pen and paper-based test will be posted later. Candidates will be able to download their AEEE admit cards directly by clicking on the link and entering their application numbers and birth dates in the portal.