The AEEE admit card will be published for download by the authorities of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham on their official website. The candidates who opt for the computer-based test of AEEE 2022, will be required to book their slots prior to downloading their AEEE admit cards. For the candidates who opt for the pen and paper-based test of AEEE 2022, the university authorities will release a separate link for downloading their admit cards. Candidates must hereby note that they will not be allowed to enter the examination hall if they miss bringing along their admit cards.
Candidates can find the venue, date, and the slot for the examination written on the admit cards. They will also need to furnish a government-issued photo identity proof along with their AEEE admit cards at the examination venue so as to be allowed to take the examination.
Important Events for AEEE Admit Card
Due to the current pandemic situation of COVID-19, the important dates of the AEEE examination are yet to be released by the authorities of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. According to the previous updates, the exam was supposed to be conducted from 16th June,2022 to 19th June,2022(Phase 1) and from 28th June,2022 to 1st July, 2022(Phase 2).
The important events for the AEEE examination and admit card download are mentioned in the table below. Aspiring candidates are suggested to keep an eye on the official website of the university for the notification of the related dates.
How to Download the AEEE Admit Card?
As stated above, before downloading the AEEE admit cards, candidates opting for the computer-based test mode will have to complete the slot booking process. Only after booking an exam slot, will they be able to proceed to the admit card download page. Candidates will have to print the admit cards that will be displayed on their screens after slot-booking.
The AEEE admit cards for those candidates who opt for the pen and paper-based test, will be released on a later date. The university authorities will publish the link for downloading the AEEE admit cards for pen and paper-based tests. Candidates will be required to enter their date of birth and application number and click on the Download button. On clicking the download button, candidates will be able to view their admit cards as displayed on the screen. They can get a printout of the same for future reference.
Details to be Found on the AEEE Admit Card
Every aspiring candidate will be able to view the following details on their AEEE admit cards.
Candidate’s Name,
Candidate’s Roll Number,
Candidate’s Registration Number,
The category that the candidate belongs to,
Candidate’s Mobile Number,
Candidate’s Address,
Candidate’s Date of Birth,
Examination Venue (address of the examination center will be given),
Examination Date,
Examination Time,
Program of study applied,
Instructions to be followed during the examination.
Slot-Booking for AEEE Computer-Based Examination
Candidates can book the examination slot for AEEE by following the simple instructions given below.
A candidate will have to enter his or her application number and date of birth so as to log in to the registered account.
On logging in, the candidate can choose his preferred examination center from a drop-down list displayed on the screen. After choosing the examination center, the candidate will have to click on the OK button to proceed.
In the next step, the candidate will have to choose the preferred examination date from among the list of test dates available.
After selecting the examination center and date, the candidate will have to select their preferred examination slot. They can select the examination slot from among the available slots and this may take a little time. In case a candidate is unable to book an available slot due to server issues, it is suggested that he or she should attempt booking the slot once again.
FAQs on AEEE Admit Card 2023-24
1. How to Download the AEEE Admit Card?
The AEEE admit card can be downloaded from the official website of AEEE. There will be separate links of admit card download, for computer-based and pen and paper-based tests. For those candidates who will opt for the CBT, slot-booking is mandatory for admit card download.
2. Is it Necessary to Bring the Hard Copy of the AEEE Admit Card to the Examination Center? Or Showing the Soft Copy of the AEEE Admit Card will do?
Yes, it is mandatory for all candidates to bring along a hard copy of the AEEE admit card to the examination center. Showing the soft copy of the AEEE Admit Card on your phone will not be accepted.
3. Will the Address of my Examination Center be Mentioned on my AEEE Admit Card?
Yes, you can find the address of your examination venue on your AEEE admit card. It is advisable that you should visit your examination center a couple of days before the examination so as to avoid any last-minute hassles in locating the examination center.
4. How can I Download the AEEE Admit Card for Pen and Paper-based Examination?
The link for admit card download for the pen and paper-based examination will be provided separately by the authorities of AEEE on their official website. You will have to enter your application number and date of birth to access your AEEE admit card. After entering the application number and date of birth, you will have to click on the download button on your screen. Your admit card will be hence displayed on your screen and you can take a printout of it.
5. What Details will be Mentioned on my AEEE Admit Card?
Your name, roll number, registration number, category, mobile number, address of examination venue, examination date, and examination slot, will be mentioned on your AEEE Admit Card. Also, you will be able to find the instructions to be followed during the examination, below all the above-mentioned details, on your AEEE admit card.