Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology has released the application form of CIPET JEE 2022 on 1st March,2022. 5th June,2022, is the last date to submit the application form. Candidates will have to meet the eligibility criteria in order to apply for the CIPET JEE 2022 examination. CIPET JEE is a computer-based exam. The CIPET examination will be conducted for 60-minute.
The CIPET JEE 2022 will lay the path for various courses in Plastic Technology. Candidates who will have to qualify the examination will be called for the counseling process. Read the article below to know in detail about the CIPET JEE 2022.
CIPET JEE 2022 Overview
Important Dates for CIPET JEE 2022
Aspirants wishing to appear for CIPET JEE 2022 examination can check for the important dates and events from the below table.
CIPET JEE Important Dates 2022
Courses Offered in CIPET JEE
Students will get a chance to apply for various courses which are related to plastic technology. Below is the list of these courses as offered through this program of CIPET JEE:
CIPET JEE 2022 Eligibility Criteria
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) will release the course wise eligibility guidelines. Applicants will have to necessarily meet the CIPET JEE eligibility criteria in order to move ahead with the application and examination process.
Eligibility Guidelines for CIPET JEE Course-Wise
Postgraduate Diploma in Plastic Processing and Testing (PGD-PPT)
Full time, 3 year Degree in Science. Students who are appearing for the entry qualification examination are also eligible for this particular course.
Post Diploma in Plastics Mold Design With CAD/CAM
Full time, 3 year Diploma in Mechanical/ Polymer/ Plastics/ Automobile / Tool/ Production/ Tool & Die Making/ Mechatronics/ Petrochemicals/ Industrial/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Technology or DPMT / DPT (CIPET) or equivalent. Students who are appearing for the entry-level qualification examination are also eligible for the course.
Diploma in Plastic Mold Technology (DPMT)
Full-time 10th Standard Pass. Aspirants who are appearing for the entry qualification examination are also eligible for the course.
Diploma in Plastic Technology (DPT)
Full-time 10th Standard Pass. Applicants who are appearing for the entry qualification examination are also eligible for the Diploma in a plastic technology course.
Note: There will be no age restriction and the admission into all the courses will be done through CIPET JEE 2022.
Application Form of CIPET JEE 2022
The CIPET JEE 2022 application process will be conducted in the steps mentioned below:
Application Form Filling
Uploading the required documents
Application Fee
Download the form summary
Important Things to keep Ready Before Applying for the Examination Application :-
Scanned(digital) images of the passport photograph, signature and Caste certificate (If applicable).
OBC candidates have to upload a caste certificate as per the GoI format. ( BC State certificate will not be considered or accepted as proof of OBC).
Note. Applications submitted under the category of OBC without a valid OBC certificate will be rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained
Adhar Card
How to Fill CIPET JEE Application Form 2022
Here’s the stepwise procedure for applying for the CIPET JEE 2022:
Online Mode
Step 1: Visit CIPET official website.
Step 2: Click on the option “CIPET announces Admission of Diploma Program through Computer Based Test (CBT) JEE 2022-23”.
Step 3: Registration: On opening the link, candidates will be required to register. They will have to enter basic details such as Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, email id carefully.
Note. Once registered, the details cannot be edited.
Step 4: Then click on “Register Now”. After that, a confirmation message will display on the screen about the successful registration and the same will also be sent to the candidate’s corresponding email Id. Candidates will be sent login credentials.
Step 5: Now the “ Login ” button for filling up details. Students will have to enter the details such as registered Mobile Number, Date of Birth in the fields provided. After the candidate Login, a screen with all the four-course details shall be displayed on the screen. Applicants will have to provide with all the necessary details such as e Personal details, Parents/Guardian details, Communication Address, Permanent address, Academic Details etc.
Step 6: Course selection: Choose the course of the four available options. The candidates will be only allowed to register in one application format at a time. Click on the program which you wish to apply for.
Note. For different courses, candidates will have to apply separately.
Step 7: Document Upload: Candidate has to upload his / herself passport size color photo (File-Type: jpg, jpeg, png,) and self-signature (File-Type: jpg, jpeg, png,).
Note. The photograph should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles in the photograph are not allowed. Polaroid photos are not acceptable. Candidates with unclear photographs are liable to rejection.
Step 8: Application fee Payment: Click on “Proceed for Online Payment” shown in the screen
Please select the payment gateway provider and click “Pay Now” to proceed for online payment. You can pay the amount using debit card/net banking/credit card.
Payment can be Done in Offline Mode through Challan.
(a) Remittance of Online Application Fee through Bank: According to the university guidelines, the students can option for paying the online application through challan option as well.
Applicants will have to deposit the application fee through a Challan in a specified bank. In case of the challan option, an extra amount will be required to be paid by the candidate. It will be applicable over and above the cost of application.
Attention: As stated by the university guidelines, if a candidate makes the payment less than the cost of application as mentioned above or adjusting the bank transaction charges within the application cost, his/her application will not be considered for further procedure.
(b) Remittance of Online Application Fee at any CIPET Centers: Candidates can choose to opt for the offline payment mode by clicking on the “Challan/Receipt” to continue for offline payment. Candidates can opt to make the application fee payment at any CIPET Center. Payment receipts will be issued by the Center.
Candidates will have to enter the challan/Receipt number and date in the relevant field while completing the offline payment process.
Once the payment is confirmed, he/she will be notified in due course to download the completed form.
Here are the Bank Details for the Challan Process:
Bank Details:
Branch Name: Chennai, Commercial Branch Guindy (04327),
Chennai Name of Payee: CIPET TRAINING
Bank Account No: 33003659524
IFSC Code: SBIN0004327
CIPET JEE 2022 Payment Overview
Step 9: Take a printout of the confirmation page: After the successful application, a confirmation page will be displayed over the screen. Kindly take a printout of the same. It will be required for future use.
CIPET JEE 2022 Admit Card
The hall ticket of CIPET JEE 2022 will be released on June, 2022. Admit cards will be available on the official website in the mode of online. Students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without an admit card.
It will mention important details such as Name of the candidate, roll number, signature and photograph, date, time, and venue of the examination, etc.
Steps to Download CIPET JEE Hall Ticket 2022:-
Firstly, visit the CIPET JEE official website and click on the admit card link (it will be activated when the admit card is released).
Log in to the respective account by adding credentials such as mobile number, date of birth, and security code.
The admit card shall be displayed on your screen.
Finally, download the hall ticket and take a printout of it. It will be required for future purposes.
CIPET JEE 2022 Exam Pattern
The CIPET JEE is scheduled for 60 minutes. The exam will be conducted in the mode of computer based. The syllabus of the examination is in accord with the chosen course or GK questions. Candidates can check the exam pattern of CIPET JEE 2022 below :-
Exam Pattern
Syllabus: As per the entry qualification or GK
CIPET JEE 2022 Exam Centers
The CIPET JEE 2022 will be conducted in various examination centers pan India. They will have to fill in the preferred choice at the time of application process only. The table below gives the list of exam center cities. Candidates can check the table below :-
Exam Centers
CIPET JEE 2022 Result
The Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) will release the result in online mode. It will be available on the official website. Based on these marks candidates will be selected and their names will be displayed in the merit list.
The Stepwise Process to Check CIPET JEE Result 2022 :-
Visit the CIPET JEE official website and click on the result card link (it will be activated when the result is released)
Log in to the respective account by adding credentials such as registration number.
The result card or score will be displayed on your screen.
Finally, download the result and take a printout of it. It will be required for future purposes.
CIPET JEE 2022 Counseling
The examination authorities will conduct the CIPET JEE counseling process in offline mode. The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their CIPET JEE performance. The candidates will be sent a counseling letter cum admission letter, henceforth. It will be released tentatively around 27th,June,2022.
The counseling process includes document verification and choice filling process.
Important Guidelines to Remember :-
For the document verification process, candidates will have to carry the original documents as instructed. The documents include Application confirmation page, admit card, educational documents (mark sheets), etc.
In the seat allotment will be done on the basis of one’s merit, preferred choice, seat availability, etc.
What after the CIPET 2022 Counseling Process?
Candidates will be sent an admission confirmation letter after a successful counseling round. They will have to report to the allotted college as per the schedule specified. The session is scheduled to commence tentatively around 16th August,2022.
FAQs on CIPET JEE Exam 2023-24
1. How can I Download the Admit Card of CIPET?
Candidates can download CIPET JEE 2022 admit card from eadmission.cipet.gov.in. CIPET JEE 2022 admit card can be downloaded by entering the date of birth and registered mobile number.
2. On What Basis will the Final College Seats be Allotted?
The final selection for the college will be done on the basis of merit, candidates’ preference, documents verification, seat availability, etc.