Overview: Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Date 2022
The Jharkhand Polytechnic exam date is usually assigned the last week of May. This year (2022) about 11,230 seats are expected to be filled in different Engineering and Non-Engineering Diploma fields of Jharkhand institutions and colleges.
However, due to unavoidable situations arising out of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Jharkhand polytechnic exam date 2022 has been extended from March 28, 2022. The official webpage is yet to release the actual or tentative date of examination and other related academic events and schedules.
Important Events and Tentative Dates
Please get yourself updated with the recent dates and scheduled events related to PECE at their official page, once the notice is released.
Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Date Schedule for 2022
The application form for attending the PECE state-level examination is generally released at their official page during the mid-week of May. Due to the unexpected Coronavirus pandemic, the dates are postponed and the new dates for the application forms are 08th June 2022 (Tentative) onwards. Also, the admit card is expected to be opened from the 2nd or 3rd week of july(Tentative) 2022.
Any other recent information related to the Jharkhand Polytechnic exam date 2022 along with exam result schedule is likely to get announced from the concerned authority positively by the 2nd week of may.
Highlights of the Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam 2022
Some of the important highlights regarding the Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam date 2022 is given below:
The result of the 2022 Jharkhand Polytechnic Examination will be released in the “Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB).”
This is a State-level examination.
Only 1 application form per student is advised. Filing more than 1 form per head will lead to rejection of the participation and failure at registration as well.
The exam is conducted only on Offline mode at various regions in and around Jharkhand state; while the application is released online.
The admit card is expected to get announced by july 2022.
The Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Date is to be given anywhere in July.
Since both the admit card and examination are given late this year (Due to COVID-19), the counselling is expected to begin by August.
Keep checking the official site of examination to get updated regarding the Jharkhand Polytechnic exam date 2022.
FAQs on Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Date 2023-24
1. What are The Tried and Tested Tips to Prepare for PECE 2022?
First and foremost tip for cracking the PECE exam is to start study and revision. As an opportunity, students and other aspirants should make use of this lockdown period to put their maximum effort in covering the important lessons and questions. Collecting study materials from both online sites and offline platforms are advisable. Practising previous year question papers and also, evaluating your marks based on a few subject-wise mock tests is important and helps in giving you a hint about that subject's strength and weakness.
2. How to Check the Result for My PECE in 2021?
The Jharkhand Polytechnic exam date and results are not yet notified. Once released, you can check your exam results by logging onto your registered number and entering the password in the official web page. The scorecard will be available in the official page, once open and you check your score over it. The concerned authority committee will form the merit certification, based on the candidature’s results and performance during the written examination. Henceforth, if selected, a respective student would be called for attending the academic counselling during August 2020 tentatively.
3. Is There Any Eligibility Criteria for Writing the PECE 2021 Concerning the Marks Obtained in School?
Yes. The student has to get more than 35% in his or her 10th standard schooling. If completed 12th standard, the marks on respective subjects are questioned in the application form. The student can also apply if presently about to appear in the 10th standard board examination of 2020, but has to pass the same with the expected minimum marks or percentage.