Overview: Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Pattern 2022
The Jharkhand Polytechnic state level exam is conducted under the guidance of the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board. This entrance exam is conducted to offer admission in engineering and non-engineering diploma courses. The Jharkhand Polytechnic exam pattern provides basic ideas to the aspirant about the potential paper format. This will also help the candidate to prepare for the exam. Upon clearing the exam, the candidate will be eligible to seek admission in polytechnic courses offered by colleges in Jharkhand. You can get the Jharkhand Polytechnic exam pattern 2022 on the official website of the board.
Also known as the Polytechnic Entrance Competitive Examination (PECE), the entrance exam is conducted in pen and paper mode. The candidate will need to solve 150 multiple-choice questions within 150 minutes.
Marking Schemes for Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Pattern
Like every other entrance exam, the Jharkhand polytechnic exam pattern carries a specific marking scheme. For every correct answer, students will be awarded 1 mark. Similarly, the 0.25 mark is deducted for every wrong answer.
Exam Syllabus of Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam-
The Jharkhand Polytechnic exam pattern 2022 syllabus consists of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The syllabus will be of 10th class, consisting of various topics from subjects’ like-
Laws of Motion
Work, Power, and Energy
Kinetic Theory of Gasses
Heat and Thermal Expansion
Rotatory Motion of a Rigid Body
Simple Harmonic Motion
Reflection of Light
Refraction of Light
Optical Instruments
Current Electricity
Transmission of Heat
Wave Motion
Electromagnetic Induction
Mixtures and Compounds
Molecular and Equivalent Masses
Group Elements
Important Chemical Compounds
Acids, Bases, Salt, and Hydrolysis
Different Chemical Reactions
Periodic Classification of Elements
Laws of Chemical Combination and Gas Laws
Atomic Structure
Concept of Atomic
Detergents, Drugs, and Explosives.
Number System
Time and Distance
Rational Expressions
Linear Equations
Quadratic Equations
Time and Work
Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Relations and Functions
Ratios and Identities
Trigonometrical Formulae
Heights and Distances
Area, Volume and Surface Area
Rectangular Coordinates
The Straight Line
Exam Pattern (Question Pattern of Jharkhand Polytechnic 2022 exam)
There is a specific Jharkhand Polytechnic exam pattern, which you need to follow to attend the exam confidently. Below is the details of the exam-
The duration of the exam will be 2hrs 30 minutes, and it will be completely pen and paper mode.
There will be 150 questions. 50 questions from every three subjects.
There will be objective types of questions and total four optional answers in every question.
The language of the paper will be Hindi and English
For every correct answer, the candidate will get one mark, and for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks deducted.
Candidates during the preparation of the exam should check the Jharkhand polytechnic exam pattern 2022 and marking scheme online to avoid any confusion later.
Instructions for Exam Day to Attend Jharkhand Polytechnic 2022 Exam-
Candidates should reach the center 1hr before the scheduled time. Post scheduled time; no candidate will be allowed inside the exam hall.
No textual material, printed papers or electronic gadgets are allowed in the center
Should carry passport size photo
Preparation Tips for Jharkhand Polytechnic
Below are some preparation tips for Jharkhand Polytechnic 2022 exam-
You must prepare proper notes on the daily basis and revise regularly
Get acquainted with syllabus to prepare without error
Keep revising daily on every chapter and subject
Proper sleep and diet is important
Do mock testing to prepare for the exam
FAQs on Jharkhand Polytechnic Exam Pattern 2023-24
1. How will I update about the Jharkhand Polytechnic 2022 exam syllabus?
When you prepare for the Polytechnic Entrance Competitive Examination (PECE), you should stay updated with the syllabus. Visit the official website of the board where you will find complete details. You can also find updates on our site. The exam pattern and syllabus for PECE is available in PDF format. Candidates are advised to prepare topics of 11th and 12th standard.
2. Is there any negative marking in Jharkhand PECE?
Like every other entrance exam, there is negative marking for wrong answers. For incorrect answers 0.25 marks are deducted. Therefore, you need to be very specific in answering questions.