Polytechnic or diploma in engineering is becoming popular among students day by day. If you are residing in Madhya Pradesh, you have to crack MP PPT and attend the PPT counseling. Only after the MP PPT counseling, you can enroll in state Polytechnic colleges. Read this article till the end to know the dates of the PPT exam and PPT counseling 2022. There will be some tips for you on how to ace the PPT exam at the end of this article.
MP PPT Exam Tentative Dates
This year’s MP PPT exam is going to be organized in May. The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board has not yet come out with a solid notification. However, here are some of the tentative dates regarding the exam -
When will the Registration for MP PPT Start?
MP PPT registration will start from the 2nd week of March. The exact date has not been announced yet. However, it will fall around the purported week.
Till which Date can I Submit the Application Form?
The registration closing date will be somewhere between 1st and 10th March. The exact date has not been fixed yet.
When will the Admit Card Download Window Open?
You can start downloading your admit card from the 2nd or 3rd week of April.
When is the Tentative Date for the MP PPT Exam?
According to the official website the exam is set to happen on 16th and 17th May. The date has not been confirmed yet.
When will the PPT Counseling Begin?
The exam is going to be held soon(will be updated soon). We can assume that the result is going to be published in (will be updated soon).. So the PPT counseling 2022 will take place in the first week of June. The exact date has not been confirmed yet.
What are the MP PPT Eligibility Criteria?
Before you get all charged up and start preparing for MP PPT in order to attend the MP PPT counseling 2022, let us first inform you about the eligibility criteria for the exam and the ensuing diploma courses.
In order to sit for the exam and hopefully attend the PPT counseling 2022, you need to be an Indian national.
At the same time, you need to be a domicile of Madhya Pradesh.
You need to be 16 years old to take part in the exam and attend the MP PPT counseling 2022.
In order to be eligible to sit for the exam, you have to pass the secondary exam. You must pass the secondary exam with PCM subjects. You have to score a minimum of 35% marks to be eligible for the exam and to take part in PPT MP online counseling.
How to Apply For MP PPT Exam?
You need to pass the MP PPT exam to get called on the PPT counseling date. You have to apply online to take part in the exam. No other mode of application has been provided by the board. Go to the official website of PEB - http://pebonline.in/public/index.aspx and select the Pre Polytechnic Test for applying. You have to fill up the online application form with your personal details, contact number, email. Upload your picture and other requisites in the given resolution. Be careful not to make any mistake, although you will be given the option for form correction. The board has decided to select only two days for the exam. There is no news of MP PPT allotment slots. So do not think about slot booking as of now.
Some Important Info About the MP PPT Exam -
People say in order to solve a problem, you must first know the problem in detail. The same can be said about exams. In order to ace an exam, you must first know about the pattern and other details about the exam. Here are some crucial details about the MP PPT exam. To get called in the counseling process MP PPT, read this information carefully...
The MP PPT exam is a two-hour-long exam.
There will be 150 questions to attempt.
The questions will be from Physics, Chemistry and Math. There will be 50 questions from each subject.
The questions will be of objective type MCQ.
The Scope for Polytechnic Students -
Some people are doubtful about the future prospects of a diploma in Engineering. They think that a full-fledged engineering degree is all that matters. However, the good news is, there are enough options for a polytechnic degree holder. The first and foremost benefit that a Polytechnic degree holder will get is the saving of time. He or she does not have to complete the H.S and 5 years long grueling engineering. So the students can look forward to having a very long working life.
Many PSUs have vacancies for students having a diploma in engineering. No matter which discipline you opted for - be it Mechanical, civil, or electronic - there are government posts awaiting you. These days, the government has become proactive in strengthening its IT infrastructure. Diploma holders will be needed in this sector too. The railway department, airport sector, power sector and even ISRO or DRDO recruit diploma holders for various posts.
As for private jobs, you can be assistant engineers in sectors like construction, architecture, IT etc. The Communications sector also needs diploma holders for various posts under senior engineers. Similarly, you can get a job in the automobile sector, the textile sector, mining sector, etc with your diploma.
Tips for Cracking MP PPT Exam
Read your class 9 and 10 books thoroughly. Follow NCERT class 9 and 10 syllabi. Most questions come from these.
The questions in the exam will not be that advanced. Clear your basics and you can face any question with confidence.
Do not get demotivated by relatives who demean you because of your choice of Polytechnic. They will not understand. Ignore them.
Since this is a technical education exam, give equal importance to the practical aspects of the subjects. This will not help you in the exam itself but will help you during your course.
We hope that you have got all your information regarding the MP PPT exam, MP PPT seat allotment, and PPT counseling. We offer you best wishes for your exam. Have a successful career ahead.