NDA Entrance Exam Admit Card 2022
The admit card for the National Defence Academy (NDA) 1 Exam 2022 has been released on 14th March 2022. According to the new schedule, the NDA1 exam will be held on 10th April 2022. All the queries and details regarding the admit card of NDA examination has been discussed below.
NDA Exam: A Quick Overview
NDA Exam is one of the most sought examinations in India conducted to recruit candidates in the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, and Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). This examination is conducted twice a year in two stages- written and SSB interview. For the written examination, the NDA admit card is published just 3 weeks before the examination. This year NDA1 admit cards has been released on 14th March.
NDA admit card for 2022 will be published on the official website of the UPSC. The important dates related to it are tabulated as below:
Important Dates for NDA Admit Card
How to Download the Admit Card or the Hall Tickets for the NDA 1 Examination?
On the day of the written examination, candidates have to carry their own admit card/hall ticket to the exam centre. To download this admit card, they have to follow a few steps.
Steps to Download NDA Admit Card
The aspirants have to visit the official website of the UPSC.
There, they will get the “e-Admit card” link.
Students have to click this link and then, they will be redirected to the login page.
There, the aspirants will have to read all the given instructions before downloading the admit card for NDA 1 examination.
They have to agree to given terms and conditions.
Next, they will get to select an option- registration number or roll number. If the aspirants select registration number they will have to provide the same along with their date of birth and a recent photograph. And if they select roll number, then, they will have to provide that along with their date of birth and a recent photograph.
After filling all these things, aspirants have to click the Submit button.
The new page that opens will show the admit card.
Students have to download it and take a few prints of the same.
No hard copy of the admit card will be sent to the mailing addresses of the candidates by post or courier. They have to download and print it by themselves only and keep it safe for they have to carry it to the exam centre on the day of the written examination.
The Candidates should be Careful about a Few Things:
More than one print-outs of the NDA Admit Card should be taken for any future use.
Tampering with the admit card is a strict no-no. Candidates producing a tampered admit card can be even barred from writing the paper.
No change in information should be done with a pen/pencil on the admit card.
The print-out should be a proper one so that all the printed information on it is clearly visible.
The NDA admit card has the candidates’ personal details along with the examination name and examination centre information written on it. In the personal details section, candidates’ name, date of birth, photo and signature are mentioned/given along with the examination date and time. It also contains the exam centre name and the address details along with the centre code where the candidate has to go for the written examination.
Details Mentioned on the NDA Admit Card
What if there is an Error in the NDA admit card? How to Correct It?
Candidates will get their NDA Admit Cards three weeks before the written examination. If a candidate does not get it he or she will have to contact with the examination authority, that is, the UPSC’s office immediately. A candidate will get information or help from the facilitation counter either in person or over the phone. Other than this, if any other issue arises and a candidate wants to report about it then he or she must provide this following information to the authority during the official query:
Name and Year of the Examination
Registration ID
Roll number
Name of the candidate in full and black letters
Postal Address
What to Carry on the Day of Examination Along with NDA Admit Card?
On the day of the written examination, candidates have to carry some essential things, which are discussed below.
NDA admit card
A photo ID proof such the driving license, voter ID card, Aadhar card, college/school ID card, admit card of the secondary examination or an equivalent examination from a recognised board, etc.
Two passport size photographs which have been provided at the time of registration
All these documents should be carried by the candidates in original along with the duly signed photocopies to on the day of the written examination. Failure to produce any of these documents at the NDA exam centre can result in the failure to sit for the examination. So, students must keep all these things arranged at one place well in advance and not at the eleventh hour.
Important Instructions Regarding NDA Admit Card 2022
Candidates must follow some instruction regarding their NDA admit card 2022.
Candidates have to take a print out of the NDA admit card.
Candidates have to preserve this admit card till the final result is out.
Candidates have to reach their examination centre with their NDA admit card at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam.
No mobile, electronic gadgets, calculator, etc will be allowed in the examination centre.
Candidates must carry a black ball pen, photo ID along with their NDA admit card.
Is NDA Admit Card is Required at the Time of the SSB Interview?
Once a candidate has cleared the NDA written examination, they will have to log in to the website of the Indian Army, Navy or Air Force (as applicable for a particular candidate) to download a separate admit card for the SSB interview.
The SSB interview will take place in two stages.
Highlights of NDA Admit Card 2022
NDA 1 2022 written examination will be held on 10 April 2022.
NDA 1 Admit Card 2022 released on 14 March 2022.
Candidates whose candidature got declined will not receive their admit cards. They will be informed only after the submission of application form gets closed.
NDA admit card will be available only online on UPSC’s website.
Candidates will have to download the NDA admit card and have to take a print out of it.
Candidates will have to carry this admit card on the day of the examination.
Candidates can download their NDA admit card 2022 till the day of the examination.
FAQs on NDA Admit Card 2023-24
1. I have forgotten my registration ID. How to retrieve my NDA 2022 registration ID?
To retrieve the NDA registration ID, the candidate has to provide his name, his father’s and mother’s names along with his date of birth and upload the soft copy of the photograph that was uploaded at the time of registration. Upon matching of all these details, he/she will be provided with the registration ID.
2. When can I get the admit card for the NDA 2022 written examination?
Candidates will get their NDA Admit Cards online from 14th march 2022.
3. What to do if I face a problem during the download process of the NDA admit card?
Sometimes, due to heavy load on the server, problems may arise. So, take some time and try to download NDA admit card later. One can download his/her NDA admit card till the day of the examination, so there is nothing to worry about.
4. What should I do if the photograph on the NDA Admit Card is not clear?
If you find that your picture on NDA admit card is not clear you have to inform it immediately to the authority and carry 2 passport size photographs on the day of the examination for proper verification. Candidates can get help or obtain any kind of information from the facilitation counter of the UPSC, either in person or over the phone.