NDA Entrance Exam Result 2022
NDA results are awaited by the candidates every year after the completion of the NDA exam. The exam is crucial for those who want to enrol themselves into the National Defence Academy in order to join the Indian Army, Navy or Airforce. The NDA results and the NDA exam are managed by the UPSC. This article will talk about the NDA Results 2021. There are some important updates to share. There is a change of date regarding the NDA results. Read on to find out.
When are the NDA Results Announced?
The results for the NDA exam are announced after the NDA exam. USPC takes 3 to 5 months to bring out the NDA results. Once the results are published, you can access them via the UPSC official website and download them for the next steps of the admission process.
NDA 1 Exam Has Been Postponed
The NDA 1 2021 exam was scheduled to be held on April 18. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it has been postponed. The revised date for the exam has still not been announced by the UPSC. After the second situation review meeting, the UPSC officials have decided to conduct the NDA exam on 6th September. NDA 1 and NDA 2 exams have been combined into one - only one common NDA exam will be conducted for both NDA 1 and NDA 2 aspirants.
NDA 1 2021 Results
The results for the NDA 1 2021 will be declared in May 2021.
NDA Results - How to Check
In order to check your result of the NDA 1 Exam 2021, you need to go to the UPSC website. Among the many other links, find the NDA 1 2021 results link on the homepage of the website. That link will take you to a web page that will have a link to the PDF of the NDA result. Interestingly, there is no way to download only your result. The PDF file will have the roll number of all the candidates who would have passed the exam. If you find your roll number amongst all the other roll numbers, then that means you have qualified for the written exam.
Note - there are two types of NDA results - NDA written result and the final NDA result. The final NDA result will include the result of the interview.
NDA Scorecard
You will be able to see and download your NDA exam results scorecard within 15 days from the publication date of the final NDA results. The NDA scorecard will include your name, roll number and scores for each separate section.
NDA Marking Criteria
Now that you know how to download the NDA results, let us tell you the marking scheme of the NDA exam based on which your NDA written exam results will be published. The NDA written exam will have two papers - Maths and GAT. The Maths paper will have 120 questions having 2.5 marks each. So the total marks in the Maths paper will be 300. Each incorrect answer will cost you 0.83 marks. There will be 150 questions in the GAT paper. Each question in this paper will carry 4 marks. So, the total marks in this paper are 600. Each negative answer will cost you 1.33 marks.
How Are the Total Marks Calculated
The total marks for Maths and GAT are calculated after adding the total marks given to the candidate and then subtracting the total negative marks from it.
So for Maths, the formula is - 2.5 * total correct answers - 0.83 * total incorrect answers
For GAT, the formula is - 4 * total correct answer - 1.33 * toral incorrect answer
What to Do After the Final Results
After the results are out, the qualified candidates would need to do a little more work. The candidates who chose the Army as the first choice will have to contact the Army HQ and website for further instructions regarding SSB interview.
The candidates who ticked airforce as the first choice will have to contact the HQ of the Indian Air Force to get instructions on the SSB interview. Similarly, the candidates who ticked Navy as their first choice should contact the Navy HQ for further instructions.
NDA Results - Stages
There are two stages of NDA results. First of all, you will get the result of your written NDA test. Based on this NDA result, it will be declared if you are eligible for the SSB interview.
After the SSB interview ends, you have to wait for the final NDA results that will take into account the marks achieved in the interview session.
NDA Cutoff Marks
The Cutoff marks for the NDA exam are released after the completion of the NDA exam. There will be two cutoff marks - one for the written exam and one for the SSB interview. The candidates have to secure the minimum cut off mark in the written exam as well as in the interview. Finally, the candidate has to secure the final cutoff marks based on the combined marks for the written exam and the interview session - 1800. In the final NDA result, you have to secure the final cutoff marks out of 1800 in order to be qualified.
So, At A Glance
The NDA exam 2021 has been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown.
The NDA 1 2021 results will get delayed because of the delay in the exam.
The NDA 1 interview session will also get delayed.
The NDA 1 result will be published on the UPSC official website.
You have to download the results pdf and find your roll number.
Only the candidates successful in the written exam will qualify for the interview session.
The NDA written test result is not the final result.
NDA 1 final result will be published after the interview session.
You have to get the minimum cutoff marks for each of the parts of the exam
The final cutoff marks will be based on the total of 1800 marks.
Merit List
There will be a single merit list. This merit list will be prepared after taking into account the marks secured by the candidates in the written and the interview session. Not that everyone in the merit list can enrol in the army, airforce or navy. The enrollment will be on the basis of the total number of vacancies. Candidates cannot change the course or the department midway.
Tie-Breaking Policy
Suppose two or more candidates get the same marks. In that case, the older candidate will be given preference. These tie-breaking criteria can sometimes work in favour of the candidate.
Some Tips
Before the written exam, never contact the army, navy or airforce authorities.
Read the NCERT books thoroughly.
Leave out the questions that confuse you. Leaving out does not result in negative marking.
Be honest in the interview session.
Stay calm and listen to the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
The NDA exam is one of the toughest exams in the country. However, it also has a certain framework. Grasp that framework and you will achieve good results. Best of luck!
FAQs on NDA Result 2023-24
1. Has the NDA 1 Exam 2021 Been Postponed?
No, the NDA 1 Exam 2021 will be held on 18th April 2021
2. Will There be a Delay in the Publication of the NDA 1 2021 Result?
Maybe, if the exam gets postponed, the result will be delayed.
3. How Many NDA Results Will the UPSC Publish
The UPSC Will publish two results - the written result and the final result. The latter will combine the marks of the written and the interview results.
4. How Can I Access the NDA 1 2021 Result?
You can download the NDA 1 2021 result from the official UPSC website.
5. How Will I Know if I Have Passed the NDA 2021 Exam?
After you download the pdf of the result, if you find your roll number in the list, then you have passed the exam.
6. What If I Do Not Get the Qualifying Marks in One Paper but Manage to Secure the Cut-off Marks?
You have to get the qualifying marks in both the papers separately in order to be eligible.
7. What Happens if Two Candidates Get the Same Marks?
There will be a tie-breaker. The older candidate will get preference.
8. How are the Marks in the Result Calculated?
The marks are calculated after subtracting the negative marks from the total of positive marks.
9. Will the Final Merit List Be Combined?
Yes, the final merit list will take into account the marks secured in the written exam as well as the marks secured in the interview session.
10. How Can I Achieve Good Results in the Written Exam?
Read the NCERT books thoroughly. You need to know the fundamentals of each of the chapters. The questions will be of class 12 standard.
11. How Can I Achieve Good Results in the Interview?
Being confident, calm and well behaved is the key. Do not try to hide your weaknesses. Accept them in front of the interviewers if the situation demands. Prepare to be physically fit. Start exercise.