What is NDA?
Naval Defence Academy or NDA is a defence entrance examination held at the national level for recruitment of individuals in different wings of NDA. The candidates who qualify the exam may be recruited in Army or Navy or Air Force wings of NDA. It is conducted by UPSC every year. The NDA exam is held twice a year. The exam is conducted in two stages - written and interview. Post exam, if the candidate is selected, they have to undergo training for 3 years.
The vacancies for NDA recruitment 2022 are out now. The UPSC has released a detailed notification about the total number of vacancies. Each department of the Indian Armed Forces, that is, the Army, Airforce and Navy, has different vacancies. They will be filled through a selection process preceded by the NDA exam in 2022. In this article, NDA vacancies open for 2022 have been discussed in detail. It is the NDA vacancies that will decide how competitive the NDA selection will be. Read on to know more.
NDA Vacant Positions 2022
As already said, there are different vacancies in different wings of the Indian Armed Forces. The Army always has the most number of vacancies followed by the Navy and Air Force.
This year, the army wing has 208 vacancies including 10 vacancies for female candidates. The Navy has 42 vacancies including 03 vacancies for female candidates and the Air Force has 120 vacancies. The 120 vacancies in the Air Force include the 18 (16 vacancies for male + 2 vacancies for females) vacancies for technical ground duties. 92 vacancies including 2 for female candidates are for flying and 10 vacancies including 2 for female candidates are for non-technical ground duties. There are also 30 vacancies in the INA or the India Naval Academy, which is only for male candidates. So, the total number of NDA vacancies open for 2022 is 370 excluding INA. If the vacancies are calculated including INA, the total number of vacant posts are 418.
All recruitees shall be first selected through the different rounds of the NDA exam and then trained at the National Defence Academy.
NDA Vacancies: A Brief Overview
10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme B.Tech
In addition to the 370 NDA vacancies, as stated above, there are 30 vacancies in the Indian Naval Academy. These vacancies involve direct entry and you don’t need to take the NDA exam for that. Before jumping in joy, do remember that you have to get 70% marks in Class 12 with Physics, Chemistry and Maths. You have to also appear for JEE Mains. However, the JEE Mains cut-off mark for INA depends on the number of applications - there is no fixed cut-off.
The Indian Naval Academy is located at Ezhimala in Kerala. This course in INA is actually a B.Tech course of 4 years. The aim of the course is to produce engineers who would have sound knowledge in naval engineering so that they can serve the Indian Navy and use all the advanced equipment efficiently.
NDA 2022: Exam Details
Now that you know about the NDA vacancies 2022, here are some of the details regarding this year’s NDA exam. The exam is scheduled on 10th April 2022. Go through the following details to have a clear understanding.
The NDA exam has two parts - written test and SSB interview. The written test will have two papers - Maths and GAT. The Maths paper will consist of 120 questions having 2.5 marks each. So, the total marks of the Maths paper is 300. One third of the assigned marks i.e 0.33 marks will be deducted for every incorrect answer. You will get 2 and a half hours to complete the Maths paper.
The GAT paper will have 150 questions. Each question will carry 4 marks. So the total marks of the GAT paper will be 600. You will lose 1.33 marks for every incorrect answer. You will get 2 and a half hours to complete this paper.
The SSB interview is a gruelling 5 days interview. There will be psychological tests like PP DT, Thematic Apperception Test or Word Association Test. There will be group discussion and group physical tests. You will be facing the Interview Officer for an interview. In the end, you will be interviewed by all the members of the SSB.
A Few Words About the Indian Air Force Ground Duties
Among the 120 Air Force vacancies, there are 28 vacancies for the ground duties. These ground duty officers are now chosen through the NDA exam. Sometimes, people willingly enrol into the ground duties and sometimes, because of failure in the flying test, cadets have no other option other than joining the ground crew or the army.
The ground crew duties are as respectable as the other duties. The ground officers take care of the logistics, air traffic, accounts, etc. These are all important aspects of the Indian Defence Force and must be handled well for the Indian armed officers to function properly.
An Important Note
While filling the application form, candidates must choose which department or wing of NDA they want to enrol in. They must choose more than one wing so that if they fail to get entry into one wing they will be called to fill a spot in the other.
Life at NDA
NDA will bring out the lion in you. In your initial days, you will certainly feel dejected because of the strict routine, harsh discipline and the seemingly ‘don’t care’ attitude of the seniors. However, if you succeed in getting accustomed to the daily harsh routine, slowly you will start enjoying the early wake-up, the no-nonsense lifestyle and the overall tough life. Not only will you be physically tested, but you will also be tested mentally almost every day. At the end, when you come out of the Academy the past you and the present you will be completely different. You will be ready to take up the toughest challenges on the land, sea and in the air facing enemies and protecting the nation from any ambush.
Are There Any Vacancies for Females in the NDA?
There are a few vacancies for females in the NDA. There are 10 vacancies in the Indian Army for female candidates. Apart from this, there are 03 vacant positions for female candidates in the Indian Navy. Also, there are 02 flying, 02 technical and 02 non-technical vacancies for female candidates in NDA. As of now, there are no vacancies for female candidates in INA.
It is great to see thousands of young men from different corners of the country taking interest in joining the Indian Army. The coming days will be tough for India. With growing border tensions and a mighty opponent, India needs its Armed force to be 100% functional. There are many lovers of the country who want to join the army but the vacancies are too few to cater to everybody. Hence, the competition is tough and you have to give your 100%. We wish you all the best for the NDA exam 2022.
FAQs on NDA Vacancies 2023-24
1. How Many Vacancies Are There in the NDA?
If we exclude the Indian Naval Academy, there are 370 vacancies. If we include the INA, there are 418 vacancies.
2. How Many Vacancies Are There in the Army Wing of NDA?
There are 208 vacancies in the army wing of NDA.
3. How Many Vacancies Are There in the Naval Wing of NDA?
There are 42 vacancies in the Naval wing of NDA.
4. How Many Vacancies Are There in the Air Force Wing of NDA?
There are 120 vacancies in the Air Force wing of NDA.
5. How Many Vacancies Are There in the INA?
There are 30 vacancies in the Indian Naval Academy.
6. How Can One Enter the Indian Naval Academy?
One can enter the Indian Naval Academy through the 10+2 cadet entry scheme.
7. How Many Vacancies Are There in the Ground Crew Department of the Air Force?
There are 28 vacancies in the ground crew department of the Indian Air Force.
8. When will the NDA 2022 Exam Be Held This Year?
The NDA exam of 2022 will be held on 4th September 2022. There will be just one NDA exam this year. This delay in the exam is due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic due to which the UPSC had to postpone the NDA exam dates.
9. What are the Full Marks of the Final NDA Exam?
The full marks of the NDA exam are 1800. A total of 900 marks is allocated for the written test and 900 marks are allocated for the SSB interview.
10. Is the NDA Exam Tough?
No exam is tough if the preparation is good. Having said that, there is no denying the fact that the written test is not that tough. The UPSC makes the question paper. Reading the NCERT books thoroughly and grasping the basic ideas of the chapters will be enough for scoring good marks in the written exam. It is the SSB interview that is actually tough. You will be tested psychologically and physically in the interview before being selected for taking admission to the hallowed National Defence Academy.