NSTSE 2022-23 - Eligibility Criteria
FAQs on NSTSE Exam Eligibility Criteria 2023-24
1. What are the exam and application dates of NSTSE?
Owing to current world events, the NSTSE exam and application dates have been rescheduled this year. In 2022, the application period began on June 7th and ended on October 3rd. Exam dates for NSTSE 2022-23 are currently set for the 2nd, 16th, and 18th of December 2022.
2. What is the syllabus for Class 2 in NSTSE?
Class 2 students are questioned on the following topics-
Mathematics: Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Length, Weight, Capacity, Time, Money, Shapes.
General Science: Living & Non-living things, Plant life, Animal life, Human body, Air, water & weather, Rock and Minerals, Our Universe.
3. What score is needed to be eligible for NSTSE Level 2?
The amount of marks you have scored in the NSTSE does not affect your eligibility for level 2. The result of the first test decides whether you are qualified for the second level. The top 100 ALL INDIA rank holders, as well as the top 20 rank holders in each class, will be promoted to level 2 and be qualified to take the exam. However, if the student is in grade 1, he or she will be ineligible for the second level. The NSTSE level 2 assessment is only given to students in grades 2 through 12. The final outcome will be determined by this test.