NSTSE Previous Year Question Papers: Perfect Combination of Study Material
NSTSE 2021 Previous Year Question Paper
FAQs on NSTSE Previous Year Papers: Prepare Well!
1. What is the Syllabus for Class 5 in NSTSE?
Students of class 5 are assessed on the following topics-
Mathematics: Large Numbers, Factors and multiples, Fractions and Decimals, Measurement of Length, Weight, Capacity, Volume, Time, Temperature, Conversions, Percentages, Ratios, Speed, distance and time, Simple interest, Profit and loss, Geometry, Perimeter and area.
General Science: Plant life, Animal life - II, Human body - I, Human body - II, Soil Rocks & Minerals, Air water and weather, The moon, Matter, Force work & energy.
Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher-order thinking.
2. What is the Syllabus for Class 11 PCM in NSTSE?
Following are the topics for Class 11 PCM students-
Mathematics: Sets, Relations and Functions, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations, Linear In-equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Statistics, Mathematical Reasoning, Limits and Derivatives, Probability, Introduction to 3D Geometry.
Physics: Physical world, Units & measurements, Motion in a straight line, Motion in a plane, Laws of Motion, Work energy & power, System of particles & rotational motion, Gravitation, Mechanical properties of solids, Mechanical properties of fluids, Thermal properties of matter, Thermodynamics.
Chemistry: Basic concepts of chemistry, Structure of atoms, Classification of elements & Periodicity in properties, Chemical bonding & molecular structure, States of Matter: Gases & liquids, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox reaction, Hydrogen, s-Block elements, Some p block elements, Organic chemistry: Basic principles & techniques.
Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher-order thinking.
3. I'm currently studying in class 12 with PCB. Can I apply for the NSTSE exam now and if yes then how?
Yes! In Class XII, you may apply for the NSTSE exam.
4. What are the differences between the NTSE and the NSTSE?
The NTSE is a scholarship examination offered by NCERT till class 10. Where the winners of the NSTSE competition which is held from class 2 to 12 get awards.
5. How can I apply for the NSTSE exam?
By submitting an online application, where interested applicants can also register by themselves or through their schools.