Eligibility Criteria for NTSE Exam
FAQs on NTSE 2023-24 Exam Eligibility Criteria
1. Does NTSE Provide Scholarships?
The Indian government offers NTSE scholars a scholarship of Rs 1250 per month for Class XI and XII and Rs 2000 per month for graduation and higher education. Aside from that, becoming an NTSE scholar comes with the following advantages:
NTSE scholars are given priority in the UPSC-sponsored NDA National Defence Academy Exam.
IIIT-Hyderabad, a renowned Engineering College for Information Technology, provides 15 seats to NTSE scholars. This institute is comparable to the IIT-Bombay.
In foreign university admissions, NTSE scholars would have an advantage.
Preference in a variety of jobs in the public and private sectors.
NTSE scholars earn "bonus points" at IIIT-Delhi, a Government of Delhi Engineering College.
2. Why Should a Student Take NTSE?
The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is one of India's oldest and most prestigious scholarship exams. In culture, an NTSE scholar is held in high regard. On the basis of Stage – II, approximately 1000 NTSE Scholars are finally granted scholarships. It recognises and assists promising students by offering a monthly scholarship. Scholarships are offered under the current scheme to applicants who wish to pursue courses in sciences and social sciences up to doctoral level, as well as technical courses such as medicine and engineering up to second-degree level, provided they meet the requirements.
3. How to Get the NTSE Admit Card?
On their respective state websites, the NTSE Admit Card 2022 for the stage -I examination is issued. The NTSE Admit Card / Admission letter must include all pertinent details such as the test location, roll number, date, and time. Before the examination, candidates can download their NTSE Admit Cards.