NTSE Exam Paper Pattern 2022
FAQs on NTSE Exam Pattern
1. What is the Importance of the NTSE Exam?
The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is an Indian scholarship program that identifies and nurtures gifted students at the national level. As a student studies for the NTSE, the methodology is designed to train the student's brain to understand in-depth applications of both Science and Mathematics concepts. When students are in class XII, this training aids them in grooming their brains for fundamental and advanced applications that are asked in engineering and medical entrance examinations. This further helps the candidates to pursue their dream careers.
2. What is the Instruction that is to be Followed for the NTSE Exam?
You must remember some essential instructions given by the NCERT before proceeding to the examination center on the NTSE exam date 2022. The following are some general guidelines:
Candidates' e-admit cards for the second level test will be available on the official website 21 days before the examination.
On the day of the national level review, candidates must paste an attested copy of their photograph in the E-admit card and send it to the Centre Superintendent.
The applicant should arrive at the examination center at least half an hour before the start of the examination and locate and occupy the seat with the same roll number.
To the review center, the applicant must bring his or her admit card as well as a valid identification card.
In the examination hall, no calculators of any sort, mathematical tables, physical tables, or any other kind of assisting material are permitted.
On the same day, the test will be held in two separate sessions.
3. What are the Minimum Marks Required by Students From Different Categories to Crack the NTSE 2022 Exam?
For the aspirants of NTSE it is important to know each and every detail related to the exam. Thus, the candidate must also know about the total number of questions, the exam pattern, syllabus, and the level of difficulty for the exam. However, the most important of all these is to understand the minimum marks requirement which will help the candidate to assess their strategy for the future. The minimum marks needed to pass the NTSE 2022 paper are at least 40% for candidates from general and other backward groups, while the minimum marks required for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates are based on 32%.
4. Is there any negative marking for the unattempted answers in NTSE?
It is advised to the students preparing for the NTSE exam that they carefully go through the exam syllabus before proceeding to solve the papers. As it will lead them to understand the paper pattern, marks distribution, and other insights before going further. However, there is no negative marking for wrong answers and unattempted answers so the candidates need not worry about the same and try to attempt all the questions in the given duration to perform well in the exam.
5. What type of questions are asked in the NTSE exam?
For the aspirants of NTSE Stage-I, the following are the patterns and types of questions that are asked in the NTSE paper. These involve subjects like Maths, General Knowledge, Social Science, Science, amongst others.
NTSE Stage 1 Paper Pattern | ||
Papers | Subjects | Number of Questions/Maximum Marks |
Paper 1 – Mental Ability Test (MAT) | Aptitude Test | 100/100 |
Paper 2 – Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) | Science, Social Science, Mathematics | 100 (Science – 40, Social Science – 40, Mathematics – 20)/100 |