Syllabus 2022 SRMJEE
SRMJEEE or SRM Joint Entrance Examination is conducted by the SRM Institute of Science and Technology to provide admission to the B.Tech programmes offered by the institution. SRMJEEE being one of the most prestigious colleges in the country is one of the most sought after colleges for students. Every year approximately 1.5 to 2 lakh students appear for the exam. However, very few are called for the counseling sessions. The number of students called for the counseling session is based on the overall students’ relative performance, the total number of seats available and the total number of people taking up the exam.
The SRMJEEE 2022 exams have seen a lot of changes compared to its previous years’ examination.
The Changes that can be Observed in the SRMJEEE 2022 are as Follows:
English and aptitude are the new subjects included in the exam process along with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/ Biology.
There is an increase in the number of questions from 35 to 40 in Mathematics/ Biology
There is a reduction of marks for each question in every section from 3 marks to 1 mark.
Students looking out for admission in SRM colleges need to completely check and verify the eligibility criteria before applying for the colleges to avoid rejection. Before taking up the exam, students should book their slot for taking up the exams. Students will be issued with hall tickets accordingly. Students should compulsorily download and carry this hall ticket for the exam hall. Without the hall ticket, students will not be permitted to take up the exam. Based on the performance and other factors, the concerned authorities will prepare the merit list. Students who have successfully cleared the exam and obtained the necessary marks will be called for counseling sessions. The qualified students will have to participate in the counseling session in order to obtain admission in any one of the participating institutions. There will be a total of two rounds of counseling sessions that will be conducted in offline mode. Candidates will be allotted seats based on the merit list, choice filling by candidates and the availability of seats.
SRMJEEE Syllabus 2022
The syllabus is one of the most important tools to score well in the exams. Knowing the syllabus completely will be your biggest advantage when it comes to devising your study plan. The same applies when it comes to taking up competitive exams. Knowing your strengths and playing by it is very crucial to score maximum marks and the highest possible ranks. In this article, you will find the exact syllabus you will need in order to prepare for the exam.
SRMJEEE Syllabus for Physics
Physics is a mathematical based subject. The questions here cannot be answered only with theoretical knowledge of the concepts. Students need to know the various chapters, their importance and their proper application in order to score well in exams.
SRMJEEE Syllabus for Chemistry
Chemistry is a very volatile branch of science. It takes repeated practice and consistent multiple revision to remember and reproduce all the topics. Therefore it is very important for students to know the entire syllabus and prepare accordingly.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For Mathematics
Mathematics is all about applications. Only the topic of the question can be anticipated, not the type of question. Therefore it is necessary to know the entire syllabus and prepare for all kinds of questions that would be asked.
SRMJEE Biology Syllabus
Biology is an extremely vast theoretical subject. The syllabus is huge and the topics are numerous to remember. Making a list of the entire syllabus and studying them topic wise is the best option for acing the biology paper.
SRMJEEE Syllabus for English
This is a newly added section to the paper. This tests the candidates’ language skills. This is very important as the entire education will be imparted in the English language.
SRMJEEE Syllabus for Aptitude
Along with English, this is another section added to the SRMJEEE syllabus 2022. The kind of questions and the topics from which questions will be asked are as follows:
Number System - Properties of numbers, Divisibility rules, Unit digit, Euclid’s algorithm, LCM and GCD
Statistics - Arithmetic mean, weighted mean, Geometric mean
Percentage - Percentage change-increase or decrease
Profit and Loss - Computing percentage of profit or loss and profit/loss value
Quadratic Equation - Nature of roots, Relationship between roots and coefficients, Solutions of quadratic equations
Geometry - Similar triangles, Lines and Angles, Circles and Quadrilaterals
Arrangement - Ordering, Grading and Ranking, coding and decoding
Direction Sense test - Finding direction, distance or both
Linear Equation - Solving simultaneous equations, Test of consistency, problems on ages
Trigonometry - Values of trigonometric ratios, Identities, Heights and distances.