Overview: UPSEE 2022 Counseling
The counseling for UPSEE 2022 (Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination) for all the eligible candidates will be conducted online under the authority of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU). Registration for counseling, choice filling, locking, documents verification should be completed by the candidates during the counseling procedure. There will be four rounds of counseling along with two spot rounds. Seat allocation will be done as per the UPSEE merit list 2022, choice filling, and seat availability.
Go through the rest of the article to know more about the counseling procedure in detail.
Important Dates for UPSEE Counseling 2020
UPSEE Counseling 2022 (Step - Wise)
UPSEE 2022 counseling will be conducted through online mode. All the eligible candidates should secure the qualifying marks and meet all the eligibility criteria as described by the authority. The steps for UPSEE Counseling procedure 2022 have been provided below in detail.
Step 1: Counseling Registration for UPSEE 2022
Firstly, eligible UPSEE candidates need to register for the counseling process by entering their login credentials (roll number, application number, father’s name and date of birth). Upon registration, candidates will have to fill in the required details and upload the documents as per the official instructions. However, all the candidates must note that they have to pay the counseling fee through online mode (net banking/credit card/debit card). Candidates belonging to the general/OBC category have to pay Rs. 20,000 and SC/ST category have to pay Rs. 12,000 respectively. This counseling fee is not refundable in any case.
Step 2: Documents Verification
Document verification is a very crucial procedure in UPSEE 2022 Counseling. Following documents verification, OTP will be given to the candidates which will be used for choice filling. Here’s the list of documents needed for UPSEE counseling documents (for the documents verification process).
Class 10th and 12th certificate and mark sheet.
Domicile certificate/ Parent’s domicile certificate.
UPSEE 2022 rank card.
UPSEE 2022 admit card.
Character certificate.
Category certificate (if required).
Subcategory certificate (for freedom fighters/armed forces/physically handicapped).
Income certificate for economically weak candidates.
GDDA category certificate (if required).
Rural weightage certificate (if required).
Certificate of medical fitness.
Step 3: Choice Filling
After documents verification, candidates have to do choice filling and locking the preferred courses. Candidates will have to log in on the official website and select the courses and colleges as per their preference. They can opt for as many as they can because this will be helpful during the seat allotment process.
Step 4: Allotment of Seats
According to the announcement of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), the seat allotment result for UPSEE 2022 will be declared online. Candidates will be able to check the results by logging in using their credentials. A few factors will be considered while deciding allotment of seats i.e. choice filling, UPSEE results, number of seats available etc.
Step 5: Confirmation of Seats
Upon the announcement of the seat allotment list, UPSEE candidates will have to choose and confirm their seats. If not confirmed, they can opt for two other options. Below are the three option that a candidate can choose from:
If a candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat, then he/she can FREEZE the seat to confirm it.
If the candidate is not satisfied with the allotted seat, then he/she can upgrade to the next counseling round and choose the FLOAT option.
Then comes the WITHDRAWAL option. If the candidate is not happy with the allotted seat and does not wish to go any further with the counseling process, then he/she can opt for this option.
Step 6: Reporting to Allotted College
Once the seat allotment has been completed, candidates who have opted for the ‘FREEZE’ option (as mentioned before) will have to report to the respective college that they have been allotted. Candidates will be informed of all the required details such as reporting date, list of documents that they have to carry along etc. however, candidates must note that if the candidate fails to confirm admission within the specified time/ date, the seat allotment will be canceled by the authority.
UPSEE Spot Round Counseling 2022
The spot round counseling for UPSEE 2022 will be conducted by AKTU if there is any seat left vacant following the four rounds of UPSEE counseling. Remaining vacant seats will be filled in through two rounds of spot counseling. This will be held in offline mode.
Candidates who are willing to participate in this round will have to register again for the same. Following that, document verification will be held. Besides, the candidates will have to keep the demand draft of Rs. 70,000 in favor of the Finance Officer, AKTU payable at Lucknow handy. Seat allotment will be done as per the merit list/ rank list of UPSEE 2022.
FAQs on UPSEE 2023-24 Counseling
1. What are the Documents Needed for UPSEE Counseling?
Many documents are needed for UPSEE 2022 counseling as given in the following -
Class 10th and 12th certificate and mark sheet.
Domicile certificate/ Parent’s domicile certificate.
UPSEE 2022 rank card.
UPSEE 2022 admit card.
Character certificate.
Category certificate.
Subcategory certificate (for freedom fighters/armed forces/physically handicapped).
Income certificate for economically weak candidates.
GDDA category certificate.
Rural weightage certificate.
Certificate of medical fitness.
2. What is the UPSEE Counseling Date?
The counseling date for UPSEE has been released July/ August 2022 . We will update the further counseling dates on this page once it’s declared by the respective authorities.
3. Give me a Brief Overview of UPSEE Counseling Procedure 2022.
UPSEE Counseling procedure includes several steps such as Registration, Documents verification, Choice filling, Allotment of seats, Confirmation of seats, Reporting to allotted college.