Important Dates 2022 UPSEE
The UPSEE important dates have been declared by the AKTU or the APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University. The dates have been released on their official website and the application form will be available till the last week of May 2022. The UPSEE 2022, or the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam will be conducted for courses like B.Tech, B.Arch and B. Pharm. You should keep in mind the important dates for the exams. You should be aware of the application procedure as well.
UPSEE Important Dates 2022 - Key Details
The APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University or AKTU has released all the important dates for UPSEE 2022 or the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam. The forms for the exams can be downloaded from 15th March. The exam will be conducted for various courses like B.Tech, B.Arch, B.Pharm. The UPSEE 2022 important dates are pertaining to application forms, issue of admit cards and exam dates among others. The UPSEE 2022 important dates should always be kept in mind by you.
These are the Important UPSEE Dates:
The application form will be available from the 1st week of April 2022 and the UPSEE last date of filling up and submitting the UPSEE application form 2022 last date will be last week of May 2022. You can download the upsee application form from the official website.
The partial correction of filled and submitted application forms will be done between 1st week of June, 2022. That is the last UPSEE from the last date.
The UPSEE admit card release date is on the 3rd week of June 2022.
The UPSEE exam date itself is last week of June 2022.
The official answer key will be available in the last week of June 2022.
The results of UPSEE 2022 will be announced in the 3rd week of July. The exact UPSEE result date will be announced eventually.
The counseling process will be held thereafter in the fourth week of June. UPSEE counseling date for Spot counseling will be done in the second week of August 2022.
UPSEE Important Dates 2022 - Vital Information for Candidates
You should follow the UPSEE time table for the exams. You are requested to fill in the application form correctly and also check the admit cards properly when they come out. Any mistakes in the admit card must be immediately reported to the authorities by you. The application forms will not be admitted if there are any mistakes in the form or if wrong information is filled in. The same will be detected during verification and the candidature will be rejected. The admit cards, when they are released, will be available online only. AKTU will not provide any admit cards offline. The UPSEE exam date sheet will tell you about the prospective dates.
The exam date of UPSEE will be conducted through online mode. The questions will be multiple choice questions and will have 150 questions and the total marks allotted will be 600. You must go through the exam pattern beforehand to have a fair understanding of the exam. The UPSEE result 2022 date will come up on the website in due course.
Once the exam is over, the UPSEE 2022 result date will be declared in the first week of June, according to the UPSEE time table. All students will be allotted ranks on the basis of which they will be called for counseling. The counseling will take place in different rounds and the shortlisted candidates will be allotted in the institute of their preference, based on their ranks and marks.