WBJEE 2024: Admit Card, Exam Date, Eligibility, Pattern, Syllabus and Colleges
FAQs on WBJEE Entrance Exam 2024
1. What is the process for downloading the WBJEE 2024 admit card?
The admit card for WBJEE 2024 can be downloaded from the official website by logging in with the required credentials provided during registration.
2. When will the WBJEE 2024 exam be conducted?
WBJEE 2024 is scheduled to take place on April 28, 2024.
3. How can I access the syllabus for WBJEE 2024?
The syllabus for WBJEE 2024 is available online on the official website of WBJEEB. Candidates can refer to it for their preparation.
4. What is the duration of the WBJEE 2024 exam?
The WBJEE 2024 exam is a 4-hour pen-and-paper-based test, with each paper lasting for 2 hours.
5. How many questions will be there in the WBJEE 2024 exam?
The total number of questions in the WBJEE 2024 exam is 155, spread across the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
6. What is the marking scheme for WBJEE 2024?
In WBJEE 2024, each correct answer carries one mark. There is a provision of negative marking, with 1/4th of the total marks deducted for each incorrect response.
7. Can you provide information on the colleges that accept WBJEE scores?
Several reputed colleges in West Bengal accept WBJEE scores for admissions. These include Jadavpur University, West Bengal University of Technology, and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology.
8. Is there any specific eligibility criteria for appearing in WBJEE 2024?
Yes, candidates must meet the eligibility criteria specified by WBJEEB, which includes Indian citizenship, minimum age requirement, and educational qualifications.
9. How can I prepare effectively for WBJEE 2024?
Effective preparation for WBJEE 2024 involves a thorough study of the syllabus, practicing the previous year question papers, and understanding the exam pattern. Additionally, time management and regular revision are key components of successful preparation.
10. When can I expect the WBJEE 2024 result to be declared?
The WBJEE 2024 result is tentatively expected to be declared in May 2024. Candidates can check the results online on the official website of WBJEEB.