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IRS Full Form

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Full Form of IRS

IRS is mostly related to Income tax or customs and some other related departments as well. This is the Central Service which is associated with the revenue department of the country. It helps in managing direct or indirect taxes. They play a great role in providing advice to the government and negotiating policies or treaties in terms of fiscal matters. In this article, we will talk about the full meaning of IRS. We will cover IRS officer full form or IRS IT full form, roles and responsibilities, how to become an IRS officer and the full structure of the paper.

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IRS Officer Full Form

The IRS full form is the Indian Revenue Service. This is the service that is related to the revenue department of the country. If we talk about IRS India full form, it refers to the Indian Revenue Service whereas if we talk about IRS USA full form, it refers to Internal Revenue Service. In both ways, it looks after the revenue matters, especially the direct and indirect taxes.

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IRS Full Meaning

If we talk about the IRS officer full form, it refers to the Indian Revenue Service Officer.  IRS is one of the services of Civil Services of India and is conducted by a constitutional body that is Union Public Service Commission through a standard exam which is conducted every year. With the help of this exam, recruitment is done for the revenue department of India. It is one of the Group A services and considered an administrative revenue service. IRS is considered as a Central service that works under the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance. Through the exam, recruitment is done for two types of posts that are Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Indirect Taxes) Group ‘A’ and Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) Group ‘A’. If we talk about IRS IT full form, it refers to IRS Income Tax.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • These officers are the guardians of the economic structure of the country.

  • They work in income tax and customs departments and look after the tax matters and take care of evasion and similar related issues.

  • They also work in Intelligence Organisations in order to provide their expertise in matters of revenue. 

  • They also have statutory powers in order to search and seize illegal wealth as well as arrest the culprits in order to prevent invasion. 

  • They help by disclosing various scams related to revenue matters.

  • They protect the economic borders of the country from smuggling, piracy and other related activities.

How to Become an IRS Officer?

To become an IRS officer, one has to crack the UPSC CSE Exam. It is a Civil Services Examination which is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. It is considered as one of the toughest examinations which are conducted for the Group A and Group B services and has a particular structure. The eligibility conditions and pattern of the examination are mentioned below.

Eligibility Conditions

The following eligibility criteria are applicable to fill the form of CSE in order to become an IRS officer:


A candidate must be a citizen of India in case of IAS, IPS and IFS and for other services such as IRS, the following conditions are applicable:

A candidate must be either:

  1. A citizen of India, or.

  2. A subject of Nepal, or.

  3. A subject of Bhutan, or.

  4. A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or.

  5. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

  6. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (2), (3), (4) and (5) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

  7. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/her by the Government of India.

Age Limit

As of 1 August of that year in which the candidate wants to apply, he must have attained 21 years of age and must not be more than 32 years. The age relaxation is also provided to different categories.

The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable:

  • up to a maximum of 5 years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe; 

  • up to a maximum of 3 years in the case of candidates belonging to Other 

  • Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates; 

  • Up to a maximum of 3 years in the case of Defence Services Personnel, disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof; 

  • Up to a maximum of 5 years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least five years Military Service as of 1st August 2021 and have been released: 

    1. On completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st August 2021, otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency); or 

    2. On account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or 

    3. On invalided. 

  • Up to a maximum of 5 years in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service as of 1st August 2021 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of an offer of appointment. 

  • Up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) categories viz.

    1. Blindness and low vision;

    2. Deaf and hard of hearing; 

    3. Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack.

    4. Victims and muscular dystrophy;

    5. Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness;

    6. Multiple disabilities from amongst person under clauses (a) to (d) including Deaf-blindness.

Educational Qualification

To attempt this exam, a candidate must hold any degree from any University which is incorporated by the Act of the centre or state legislature or other forms of educational institutions formed by the Parliament through an Act or any University which is declared as deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the UGC Act i.e University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or had an equivalent qualification.

Number of Attempts

The number of attempts to appear in this examination is six attempts. A candidate appearing only in the preliminary stage will also be considered as an attempt. Besides this, some relaxation is also provided in terms of attempts which are mentioned below:

  • Unlimited attempts in case of SC/ST.

  • 9 attempts in case of Other Backward Classes.

  • In the case of PwBD, 9 attempts for GL/EWS/OBC and unlimited for SC and ST.


The fee to fill the form is Rs. 100 for all the candidates except Female/SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disability Candidates who are exempted from payment of fee and those who are eligible can pay by remitting in State Bank of India Branch or by debit card, internet banking or other methods of payment.

Pattern of the Exam

This exam is consists of three stages:

  1. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination

  2. Civil Services (Main) Examination

  3. Interview/Personality Test

Preliminary Examination

This stage of the exam consists of two papers of 200 marks each. These are objective type papers and both the papers are compulsory. One paper is on General Studies and another is CSAT. Here, the CSAT paper is qualifying in nature but compulsory to attempt. In both the papers, multiple-choice questions will be asked and questions are present in both English and Hindi and there is a negative marking of 0.33%. The candidates who clear this stage will be able to sit in another stage.

Main Examination

The candidates after clearing the preliminary exam will write the mains examination which is a kind of subjective stage where descriptive answers are being written. Total nine exams are needed to be given at this stage among which two exams are qualifying in nature and are related to the language.

Qualifying Papers

  • Paper A - (One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution). This exam is of 300 marks and qualifying in nature.

  • Paper B - English. This is also qualifying in nature and of 300 marks.

Merit Papers

The following papers are conducted for merit and each paper is of 250 marks:

  • Paper I - Essay 

  • Paper II - General Studies - I

It consists of Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society.

  • Paper III - General Studies - II

It consists of Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations.

  • Paper IV - General Studies - III

It consists of Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management.

  • Paper V - General Studies - IV

It consists of Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.

  • Paper VI - Optional - I

  • Paper VII - Optional - II

The optional paper is chosen by the candidate from a list of subjects provided by the UPSC.


Those candidates who clear the Mains examination reach this stage where the personality test occurs and is of a total of 275 marks. After this on the basis of marks scored by candidates in mains and interview, the final result is declared.


Hence, we can say that the IRS is one of the prominent services of India and also a very respectful position. It is a high position with a lot of responsibilities and to become an IRS an individual, has to go through a structural examination which is not easy to clear because it demands a lot of preparation and one needs to be strategic in order to clear this exam and become an IRS officer. In this article, we covered IRS full name, IRS full form or IRS IT full form, the pattern of the exam, etc. in detail. To become an IRS, one person requires proper planning and strategy along with following the syllabus and current affairs and practising mock tests.

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FAQs on IRS Full Form

Q1. Who is an IRS Officer?

Answer. The officer related to the revenue sector of the government is called the IRS officer. These officers work in income tax or customs departments and take care of the economic structure and also advise the government in terms of fiscal matters. They guard the borders of the country from smuggling, piracy and other economic issues. They also disclose various monetary scams and tax evasion.

Q2. How to Become an IRS Officer?

Answer. To become an IRS officer, a candidate has to give a Civil Services Examination which is conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission. This examination is conducted in three stages which has a specific structure, pattern and syllabus. The candidates who are eligible as per the UPSC can appear in this exam. It offers limited attempts and after clearing all the stages, the final merit list is released which shows whether you clear the exam or not. If you find your name in the final list, then as per your preference of job, you will become an IRS officer.

Q3. How to Choose an Optional Paper for the IRS?

Answer. The UPSC CSE Exam offers the flexibility to choose an optional paper which plays a vital role in the whole process because the subject you choose can make a difference in the merit list. You can choose the subject as per your preference or interest but you also need to check the previous year papers of that subject, resources available, maximum Marks which can be scored, the length of the paper, etc. By considering all these things Optional paper can be chosen. It must not be related to your educational background till graduation.