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Article 15 of Indian Constitution

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What is Article 15 of the Indian Constitution?

The Indian Constitution placed Article 15 under Part III. Article 15 meaning, deals with the fundamental rights of the citizens of India. Article 14 providing the general principles and equality among the people. Article 15 of Indian Constitution explanation is, citizens of India should not discriminate against caste, sex, race, religion and place of birth. Every citizen in India should get fundamental rights in the country. According to the 103rd Amendment, there are five clauses is in  Article 15 of Indian Constitution. The five clauses of Article 15 are explained in detail below.  

Fundamental rights of the citizen deal with the basic or civil liberties. This is much important for Indian citizens to enjoy their lives in the country.  Articles 12 to 35 are placed under Part III and all the articles in the part are specially made for protecting the rights of individuals. This provides the democracies for the citizens of India in the world. The democracies they providing are, freedom to practice any religion, equality before the law, religious and cultural freedom, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, and the right to seek constitutional remedies. Through the right to seek constitutional protection remedies, citizens of India can protect their civil rights through Prohibition, Mandamus, Certiorari, Habeas corpus, and Quo Warranto. This article will provide all the information about Article 15 of constitution in India. 

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The above image shows the symbolic representation of the theme of Article 15 Of Constitution

What are the 7 Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution? 

Initially, the constitution of India provided 7 fundamental rights. Later, this was reduced to six fundamental rights. The list contains article 15 in the Indian Constitution. Here, the fundamental rights and their articles in India. The fundamental rights in India are applicable to all the citizens in India. Neither central government nor state government can discriminate against them based on their religion, race, place of birth, caste and gender. If the citizen found any violation of their fundamental rights, they can approach the Supreme Court of India for justice. All the fundamental rights mentioned in the constitution of India are taken from different sources like, England's Bill of Rights, the United States Bill of Rights and France's Declaration of the Rights of Man.

1. Rights to equality (Article 14-18)

2. Rights to freedom (Article 19-22)

3. Right against exploitation (Article 23-24)

4. Right to freedom of religion (Article 25-28)

5. Cultural and educational rights (Article 29-30)

6. Rights to constitutional remedies (Article 32)

Important Features of Article 15 

Article 15 was placed under part III of the constitution of India.  Article 15 is much important for the fundamental rights of the citizens of India. All the articles from 12 to 18 fully deals with the ‘Right to equality’. Article 15 is mainly introduced not to show any discrimination about citizens mainly based on their race, case, religion, sex and place of birth. As the word, ‘discrimination’ was spread over the world and people in many countries distinguishing themselves based on their ground. So, B. R. Ambedkar created article 15 in Indian constitution. 

Article 15 of Indian Constitution provides rights for all the citizens to access the shops, public restaurants, hotels, entertainment parts and all other public places. 

Article 15 Constitution broken the discrimination among people in India and created common roads, wells, tanks, bathing ghats and other public places for the general public. All these are fully or partially funded by the state government. Because all these activities of state government will prohibit discrimination among the state and private individuals.  Features of Article 16 is also related to the protection of laws for SCs and STs.  

List of Exceptions Provided for States in Article 15 Constitution 

Article 15 of Indian Constitution explanation permitted the state government to provide discrimination for women and children.  For example, the reservation for women in local bodies and to provide free education for children..etc. 

Article 15 constitution also allowed the state government to make special arrangements for the socially and economically backward peoples or for Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes. For example, reservation seats for SC, ST candidates and other relaxations for backward selections. 

Also, the state government can make special provisions for the social and economical betterment of citizens from backward sections. For example, the state government can provide special allowances for the backward classes in the educational institutions. 

Five Clauses Article 15 

Article 15 have five clauses. Clause 1 of Article 15 prohibited discrimination against citizens of India based on their birth land. Clause 2 of Article 15 is important for the citizens of India, which provides access to various public or commercial spaces. Clause 3, Clause 4 and Clause 5 of Article 15 are providing a special exception for general prohibitions. Through that, state governments will provide special allowances for women, children, people from educationally backward classes and many others. A detailed explanation of the uses of five clauses in Article 15 is explained below. 

Clause 1 and Clause 2 of Article 15 

Clause 1 and clause 2 of Article 15 are mainly for proscribing the nation from discriminating citizens of India based on their race, sex, caste, religion, birthplace and many other.  Only these articles providing the room to access all the citizens of India to all the public places, amenities like shops, hotels, restaurants, entertainment places for all people.  In India, no citizen can take ownership of public wells, bathing ghats, roads, public resorts..etc. All these are partially or fully controlled by the government of states. 

Clause 3 of Article 15

Clause 3 of Article 15 in the constitution of India are providing protective discrimination for citizens of India. For example, under Clause 3 of Article 15 state government can provide or create special allowances for women and children.  

Clause 4 of Article 15

Under clause 4 of article 15, the state government can create special arrangements for the welfare of backward classes of the society such as SC and STs, especially for their social and educational welfare. 

Clause 5 of Article 15

Clause 5 of Article 15 are opened for future use. The central or state government of India can use clause 5 for empowering the country. This reservation is applicable for admissions in public So, Article 15 and 16 of the Indian Constitution provided a dignified life for the citizens of India. This article 15 constitution also provided some relaxation for the citizens from backward classes and ST, SC people from the country. 

So, Article 15 and 16 of Indian Constitution provided a dignified life for the citizens of India. This article 15 constitution also provided some relaxation for the citizens from backward classes and ST, SC people from the country. 

FAQs on Article 15 of Indian Constitution

1. What is Article 15 of the Constitution of India?

Ans: The constitution of India gave Article 15 in 1949. The main aim of article 15 is to prohibit discrimination among people based on their race, place of birth, religion, caste and sex. This article also insisted the state, not discriminate against the citizens against their caste, sex, place of birth, race and religion.

2. Why is the Indian Constitution Unique?

Ans: Indian Constitution is a unique constitution in the world. The Indian constitution was one of the largest written liberal democratic constitutions in the world. Indian constitution was created and written by a mixture of federalism, unitarianism, flexibility and rigidity.

3. How Many Articles Are There in Indian Constitution?

Ans: The Indian constitution came into effect on 26th January 1950, from which India started to celebrate Republic day. The initial constitution contains 395 articles in the form of 22 parts and eight schedules. Later, the number of articles was increased to 448 due to the addition of 100 amendments.