Dr. BR Ambedkar Books
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, famous as Babasahebh Ambedkar was one of the famous architects of the Indian Constitution. He was a renowned political leader, eminent jurist, Buddhist activist, writer, scholar , editor, philosopher, anthropologist, historian, and orator too. He was appointed as the first law minister in the cabinet of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (First Prime Minister of India). In 1990, he was awarded Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civil honour. His immense efforts to eradicate the social evils like untouchability and for the rights of the dalits and other socially backward classes were remarkable. In this article, we will discuss the list of books written by Dr. Ambedkar throughout his life.
Top 20 BestSelling BR Ambedkar Books
The table given below highlights the books written by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar along with their publishing year.
List of Other Books Written By BR Ambedkar
The Untouchables: Who Were They And Why They Became Untouchables
The Problem of The Rupee
The Essential Writing of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Words For Freedom, Idea of A Nation
Against The Madness of Manu: BR Ambedkar Writings on Brahmanical Patriarchy
Manu And The Shrudras
Philosophy of Hinduism
Ambedkar’s India
The Constitution of India
Thoughts on Linguistic States
India And Communalism
Which Is Worse: Slaver or Untouchability
Revolution And Counter Revolution In India
Ambedkar- An Overview
Beef, Brahmins & Broken Men: An Annotated Critical Selection From Untouchables
Buddhisht, Revolution And Counter: Revolution In India
Writings And Speechless: A Ready Reference Manual
A Stake In The Nation
The Problems of Political Suppression
Hindusim Ka Darshan
Dr.BR Ambedkar on Nationalism And Islam
Gandhi And Gandhisim
Riddles of Rama And Krishna
History of Indian Currency And Banking
Why Was Nagpur Chosen?
Plea To Foreigners
Statement of Evidence To The Royal Commission On Indian Currency
Dr. BR Ambedkar: At The Round Table Conferences
Simon Commission
What Does Bhim Rao Ambedkar Book ``Who Were The Shruhas' ' All About?
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's book “Who Were Shruhas” is a historic book published in 1946. This book discusses the origin of the Shudra Varna. The book was dedicated by Ambedkar to Jyotirao Phule (1827–1890).
What Is a Book Written By B R Ambedkar “The Problem OF The Rupee” All About?
BR Ambedkar Book “The Problem OF The Rupee” was first published in 1923. This is Ambedkar's best selling book. The book had a great demandt as within a year or two the book went out of print. In British India, this book raises the "Currency question" which gives rise to the Creation of the Reserve Bank of India. “The Problem OF The Rupee” is one of the best economics books by “ Father of Economics”
What Is Ambedkar's Book “Annihilation of Caste” All About?
The Ambedkar’ book Annihilation of Caste is an undelivered speech written in 1936. Dr BR Ambedkar, also known as Babashaebh wrote this book in Lahore for the 1936 meeting of a group of liberal Hindu caste-reformers. After reviewing the speech, Ambedkar's invitation was cancelled by conference organizers.. He further self-published the work, which became an instant noble.
What Was Ambedkar’s Waiting for a Visa: Autobiographical Notes All About?
An autobiographical life story of Dr. Ambedkar, “Waiting for a Visa” was written in the period of 1935–36. It is a 20 page autobiography consisting of the memories figured out by Ambedkar related to his experiences with untouchability in his own handwriting. This book is used as a textbook in Columbia University,
Fun Facts
Dr. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh and was widely known for his campaigns against social discrimination, Dalits, women and labour.
Dr. Babasaheb Personal Library “Rajgrih” had a collection of more than 50000 different books and it was said to be the World’s largest library.
Ambedkar book ‘Annihilation of Caste’ a fiery critique of the caste system was written by him after he returned back to India during the Indepence Movement 1936.
The Two bestselling Ambedkar books are Problem of The Rupee and Annihilation of Caste. These two B R Ambedkar books are based on the economy of India and Social Structure of Country.
The only Indian whose statue is in the London Museum With Karl Marx is Dr. BR Ambedkar.
The credit of Ashoka Chakra in Indian Tricolor goes to Dr. Ambedkar.
He has completed his 8 years of studies in just 2 years and 3 months during his journey in the London School of Economics.. To achieve this, he studies for 21 hours in one day.
In 1956, Baba's saheb first statue was built in the city of Kanpur, while he was still alive.
Most of the statues in the world belong to Dr. BR Ambedkar.
The first and foremost man in the world to gain the doctoral title “Doctor All Science” from the London School of Economics is Dr. BR Ambedkar.
Babasaheb was more intelligent than 500 graduates and thousands of scholars, stated by eminent Governors Lord Linlithgow and Mahatma Gandhi,.
Lord Buddha, Saint Kabir, and Mahatma Phule are three great personalities considered by Babashaebh as his Guru.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the first Indian eminent personality to achieve Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree in Economics from abroad.
FAQs on List of Books Written By Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar
Question 1: Who was Dr. BR AMbedkar?
Answer: Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar also known as the “Father of Indian Constitution” was born on February 14, 1891, nto the Mahar caste. He is also the best known leader of the Dalits. He fought for the integrity of the Dalit community.
Question 2: How many languages did Bhim Rao Ambdkar know?
Answer: Bhim Rao Ambedkar was well-versed with 9 different languages namely English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Pali, German, French, Marathi, Persian, and Gujarati.
Question 3: What was the original surname of BR Ambekar?
Answer: The original surname of BR Ambedkar was Ambawadekar. The surname “Ambedkar” was given by his teacher in school records. During his school life, he and other Dalit children faced discrimination based on their caste.
Question 4: When did Ambedkar written his biography “ Waiting For Visa”
Answer: Ambedkar’s biography “ Waiting For Visa” was written by him between 1935 to 1936.