What is Fundamental Rights?
Fundamental rights are the higher degree of protection from encroachment to every citizen of the nation. Fundamental rights are the group of rights that are recognized by the supreme court of India. All the fundamental rights are specifically created and kept in the Indian constitution or found under Due process of law. The fundamental rights are kept under part III of the Indian constitution. Examples of fundamental rights are the right to self-determination, the right to liberty, the right to freedom of expression, etc.
What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?
The Directive Principles of state policy were formed mainly to promote the welfare of people by securing and protecting the social and economic conditions of the citizens. The directive principles of state policy also provide social and economic democracy through state welfare. These directive principles are also guiding the executive agencies of the unions and states. The Directive Principles of state policy are kept under part IV of the Indian constitution. Examples of the directive principles are Right to work, Right to education, etc.
Differentiate Between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
The major difference between DPSP and the fundamental rights of the Indian constitution is given below. Usually, the fundamental rights are justifiable. They are also enforceable rights. But the directive principles of state policy are non-justifiable. But, the directive principles of state policy cannot override fundamental rights. The fundamental rights of the Indian constitution are mainly for providing political rights, but the directive principles of state policy of the Indian constitution are mainly for providing social and economic rights.
In the Indian constitution, fundamental rights are mentioned from article 12 to article 35. The directive principles of state policies are mentioned from article 36 to article 51.
The below table shows all the differences between fundamental rights and directive principles in detail.
Distinguish Between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy
Usually, finding the difference between DPSP and fundamental rights is very difficult. But, the above table clearly explained the difference between fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy present in the constitution of India. This helps to know, what is fundamental rights and directive principles, how the fundamental rights and directive principles in the Indian constitution support the life of every citizen in India.
FAQs on Fundamental Rights
1. What are the fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy?
The Fundamental Duties, Fundamental Rights, and the directive principles of state policy are the sections of the Indian constitution. They are prescribing the fundamental obligations of the state to its citizens. They are also playing important role in prescribing the duties of the citizens to the State.
2. Which directive principles became fundamental rights?
Usually, the relationship between fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy present in part III and part IV is complex. Both are recognized by the Legislature in the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2002. Here, the Right to education was early the element of part IV of the Indian constitution.
3. What is the difference between fundamental rights and directive principles?
The major difference between fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy is given here. Fundamental rights are the basic rights given to all the citizens of India. The directive principles will mainly deal with the rights given by the state government. Those are the formulated policies and laws enacted by the state government.