Essential Information on Computer Science And Information Technology
A computer is a mechanical entity that is engineered to perform arithmetic or other logical operations automatically. It is a programmable device that stores, retrieves and processes data. The etymology of the word 'computer' has human connotations as it was initially given to humans who could perform numerical calculations using devices like calculators and abacus (human computers). In due time, people began to ascribe the term for electronic and mechanical devices that started to replace 'human computers.'
We can trace the history of the digital computer back to the ENIAC of the 1940s. ENIAC was designed during World War II to help automate calculations that humans computed. The ushering of computers made doing calculations and getting the results much faster. Computer Science is the study of algorithms, computing devices, and the process of computation itself. The discipline entails analysing both the hardware and software of computer systems. The Turing Award is the highest honorary prize in Computer Science and breakthroughs.
As the subject itself is so thought-provoking, GK questions and answers on Computer Science are bound to be interesting. Information Technology (IT), like Computer Science, refers to computers creating, processing, and exchanging all kinds of electronic data and information. IT is utilised within the context of business operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies. GK questions and answers on Information technology are convenient in grasping critical information about the subject. If you are enthusiastic about learning more about computers, then solving GK questions on Computer Science and Information Technology is the optimal route to take.
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Q1. What was the world's first electronic computer?
CRAY – 1
Ans: D
Q2. What is the full form of ENIAC?
Electronic Numerator Isolator and Calculator
Electronic Numerator Integrator and Computer
Engineering Numerator Integrator and Computer
Elusive Numerator Integrator and Calculator
Ans: B
Q3. Who is deemed as the Father of Computers?
Blaise Pascal
Charles Babbage
Alan Turing
Ans: C
Q.4 Who is deemed as the Father of Artificial Intelligence?
Elon Musk
Lee Forest
John McCarthy
JP Eckert
Ans. C
Q5. What do you think is the name of the first virus detected on ARPANET?
Exe File
Creeper File
Trojan Horse
Peeper File
Ans. B
Q6. How can we measure the quality of a printer?
By using Words per Strike
By using Dots per Inch
By using Lines per Strike
By using Dots per Strike
Ans. B
Q7. Which of the following is the world's first calculating device?
Ans. C
Q8. What is the full form of IBM?
International Backlog Machine
Integral Business Machine
International Business Mechanism
International Business machine
Ans. D
Q9. Which of the options mentioned below is not a programming language?
Ans. C
Q10. Which key is the shortcut to renaming a folder?
Ans. A
Q11. Who programmed the first computer game – Spacecraft – in 1962?
Steve Russell
Konrad Zuse
Tim Berners-Lee
Bill Gates
Ans. A
Q12. Who is deemed as the Father of Supercomputing?
David J. Brown
Gene Amdahl
Adam Dunkels
Seymour Cray
Ans. D
Q.13 Who created the C programming Language
A. Ken Thompson
B. Dennis Ritchie
C. Robin Milner
D. Frieder Nake
Ans. B
Q14. When was NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) established?
A. 1988
B. 1997
C. 1993
D. 1882
Ans. A
Q15. Who is deemed as the father of the internet
A. Alan Perlis
B. Jean E. Sammet
C. Vint Cerf
D. Steve Lawrence
Ans. C
Q16. Which one is the first high-level programming language?
A. C
D. C++
Ans. C
Q17. Which one is the first-word processor application?
A. MS Word
B. Apple I Work
C. WordStar
D. Sun StarOffice
Ans. D
Q18. Which one is deemed as the fastest Supercomputer in India of contemporary times?
A. Aaditya
B. SAGA-220
C. SahasraT
D. HP Apollo 6000
Ans. C
Q19. In which year was India's first Super Computer PARAM 8000 installed?
A. 1988
B. 1991
C. 1995
D. 1982
Ans. B
Q.20 Who developed Java Programming Language?
A. James Gosling
B. Douglas Engelbart
C. Edmund M. Clarke
D. James D. Foley
Ans. A
Q21. Which of the options mentioned below is a volatile memory in a computer system?
A. HardDisk
D. Optical Drive
Ans. B
Q22. One Terabyte (1 TB) is equal to -
A. 1028 GB
B. 1012GB
C. 1000 GB
D. 1024 GB
Ans. D
Q23. Who first developed the QWERTY keyboard used in computers and phones?
A. Raphael Finkel
B. Wim Ebbinkhuijsen
C. Shafi Goldwasser
D. Christopher Latham Sholes
Ans. D
Q24. Which operating system do you think is developed and used by Apple Inc?
A. Windows
B. Android
C. iOS
Ans. 3
Q25. Which operating system was developed by Linus Torvalds?
A. Windows
B. Mac OS
D. Linux
Ans. D
Q26. What does the command prompt use?
A. CLI (Command Line Interface)
B. GUI (Graphical User Interface).
C. Text User Interface TUI
D. None of the above
Ans: A
Q27. Which out of the following can we call modifiers?
A. Keys Num Lock, Backspace, and Tab
B. Keys, Page Up, Page Down, Print SC
C. Keys Tab, caps lock, End
D. Keys Alt, Shift, or Ctrl
Ans : D
Q28. In which year did IBM develop FORTRAN High-Level programming languages used to write scientific applications?
A. 1989
B. 1956
C. 1978
D. 1924
Ans: B
Q29. Which of the options mentioned below is a scripting language?
A. Java
B. Python
C. Lisp
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q30. What is ALU?
A. Analyst Logic Unit
B. Algebraic Logic Unit
C. Arithmetic Logic Unit
D. None of the above
Ans: C
Q31. How many ways exist to carry out the floating-point operation?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 4
Ans: C
Q32. Which is the accurate definition of Wide Area Network (WAN)?
A. It is an amalgamation of computers interconnected through cables to share their data, information, and other common hardware resources.
B. A computer network covering a broad area (i.e., any network whose communications links cross metropolitan, regional or national boundaries).
C. A computer network is covering a small physical area like a home, office, or small groups of buildings, such as a school or an airport.
D. It is a programming verbatim or language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer.
Ans: B
Q33. Which of the following can we deem as an example of computer application software?
A. Ms Word
B. Ms Excel
C. Both A and B
Ans: C
Q34. Which of the following is also deemed as a translator?
A. Data representation
C. Operating System
D. Language Processor
Ans: D
We hope that the aforementioned GK on Computer Science and Information Technology was helpful for you. To say that quizzes are an excellent way to master any discipline would be a massive understatement, as they can help you reach the pro-level of a subject.
FAQs on GK Questions and Answers on Computer Science and Information Technology
1. What is the importance of Information Technology?
The contemporary relevance of Information Technology is profound. They help maintain a standard level of service, security, and connectivity – all of which are indispensable for any business. It is impossible to find a computer that does not depend on software. In a nutshell, the absence of Information Technology would slow down the growth of most organisations.
2. What are the distinctions between hardware and software?
Both hardware and software are crucial for the functioning of a computer system, and their importance is equally vital as one cannot survive without the other.
Hardware comprises all the physical parts of a computer system. Software is intangible and something we cannot touch.
Hardware can be installed inside the computer like motherboard, hard drive, etc., and can be found as components connected to the computer such as keyboard and mouse. Software, on the other hand, encapsulates all the data, applications, and programs stored electronically.
3. How many classes of computers are there?
There are four classes of computers – microcomputers or personal computers, minicomputers or mid-range computers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers.