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Solar System and its Planets

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What is the Solar System?

Our Universe is huge, and it continues to enchant us all the time. The remarkable thing is that topics as well as GK questions and answers on the Solar System and the Universe always turn out to be crucial in many ways. The list of planets present in the Solar System is Mercury, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune. Students, beginning from the lower standard to the higher standard, are asked to answer various questions on the Solar System. 

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The Solar System comprises 8 planets, the Sun, comets, 180 satellites, asteroids, and meteors. According to the scientists, the Sun encompasses moving clouds of gases, known as Nebula, and the Sun, as well as its planets, got formed from this cloud-only. They were formed due to the force of gravity. For many, many years, these balls comprising gas and dust move around the Sun. Due to the weight and mass of the Sun, it can control the planets’ movement, and this force that the Sun applies is called the force of gravity. 

GK Questions and Answers Solar System

When people look for the newest update on the Solar System questions, then you must hunt for the best places. The Solar System quiz does help people in augmenting their capabilities for attending some examinations, such as MTS, SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, Railway, etc. 

Some Common Solar System Questions and Answers

  1. Which planet is closest to the Earth? 


  1. Which planet is called the Evening Star or the Morning Star? 


  1. Which planet has got many Moons?

The planet that has got many moons is called Jupiter. Jupiter has got 66 moons.

  1. Which is the largest planet in the Solar System?


  1. Which planet is nearest to the Sun?

Mercury. This planet is nearest to the Sun.

  1. Which planets have got rings surrounding them?

Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn.

  1. Which planet is identified as the hottest planet?


  1. Which planet has got the most number of volcanoes?


  1. Which is the smallest and coldest of all planets?


  1. What is known as the Orbital age of the Moon?

27 days

  1. Name the planets that don’t have any moon?

Venus and Mercury

  1. Name the year when the first artificial object was sent into space?

The year was 1957.

  1. Name the planet that spins backwards?


  1. Which planet comprises a landmass the same as the Earth?


  1. Who was the 1st woman who reached space?

Valentina Tereshkova in 1963.

  1. How much time does the Moon take for orbiting the Earth?

27.3 days

  1. How much time does the Moon need for moving across the Sun?

2,250 kilometres per hour

  1. When does the lunar eclipse happen?

When the Earth remains between the Moon and the Sun.

  1. How many natural satellites are there on the Earth?

One and that is the Moon

Students are habitually needed to answer questions about planets, and so, when you wish to answer the quiz on Solar System with answers, then you need to know about the following:

The Sun

Till now, the Sun is considered the biggest object that is present in the Solar System, and it comprises nearly 99.8% of the mass of the Solar System. The Sun is known as a hot ball comprising glowing gases. Due to its gravity, the Sun can hold the Solar System together. Additionally, it can keep everything right in its orbit. When planets orbit the Sun in an oval-shaped path, then it is known as an ellipse. When there is an absence of the energy of the Sun, then there wouldn’t be any life on earth.

What are Dwarf Planets?

Dwarf planets are objects that have huge similarities to planets of the Solar System. Nonetheless, they are not sufficiently large for being qualified as planets because they have failed to clear their orbital area. Commonly, there are five dwarf planets present in the Solar System, and they are Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Ceres, and Pluto.

What are called Comets?

Comets are called dirty snowballs, and they comprise rock and ice. When the orbit of a comet comes closer to the Sun, then the ice turns into a gas, and it shoots out of the sunlit side of the comet. The solar wind carries it outward for turning into a big tail.

The System 

It is pretty natural for students to complete Solar System questions, and some common topics are:

  • Kuiper Belt: The Kuiper belt is acknowledged as many small bodies that live out the planets’ orbit. The objects present in the Kuiper belt encompass ices like methane, water, and ammonia.

  • Asteroid Belt: It is a region that happens between the planets; Jupiter and Mars. Here, in this region, many rocky objects do orbit around the Sun, and they range in sizes from a small dust-like particle to some dwarf planet, like Ceres.

Candidates are required to complete some GK questions on Solar systems, and they are like the following:

Name the number of planets that are present in the Solar System

  • 7

  • 9

  • 8

  • 10

Which is the 2nd planet beginning from the Sun?

  • Mercury

  • Earth

  • Mars

  • Venus

Which is the 4th planet starting from the Sun?

  • Venus

  • Mars

  • Earth

  • Jupiter

Which is the 5th planet beginning from the Sun?

  • Uranus

  • Mars

  • Saturn

  • Jupiter

What is the 7th planet beginning from the Sun?

  • Neptune

  • Pluto

  • Uranus

  • Jupiter

Which is the 6th planet beginning from the Sun?

  • Saturn

  • Pluto

  • Jupiter

  • Mars

Which is the 8th planet beginning from the Sun?

  • Neptune

  • Uranus

  • Pluto

  • Jupiter

Which planet is the farthest from the Sun?

  • Venus

  • Mars

  • Pluto

  • Jupiter

Which planet isn’t called the terrestrial planet?

  • Venus

  • Mars

  • Earth

  • Saturn

What is known as the most volcanically active body present in the Solar System?

  • Pluto

  • Ganymede

  • Mars

  • Io

Which planet has got the biggest ring system?

  • Saturn

  • Mercury

  • Pluto

  • Jupiter

What is the radius of the Earth?

  • 1237 km

  • 6378 km

  • 12400 km

  • 25000 km

Which asteroid happened to be the focus of the spacecraft “NEAR?”

  • Eros

  • Gaspra

  • Ida

  • Io

The years that Pluto takes for orbiting around the Sun

  • 248

  • 97

  • 15

  • 3

Name the planet in the Solar System that is the coldest

  • Neptune

  • Mars

  • Earth

  • Pluto

Which planet comes across the hottest temperatures?

  • Venus

  • Pluto

  • Mars

  • Mercury

What planet is known as Olympus Mons, the biggest volcano in our Solar System?

  • Mercury

  • Venus

  • Mars

  • Jupiter

Besides the questions mentioned above, you will be required to answer many more questions related to the Solar System. 

Some Facts about our Solar System

An exclusive knowledge about the Solar System is a must for every person as our Universe has countless galaxies. A galaxy is acknowledged as a big assemblage of stars, and they are held together due to the attraction of gravity.

Our galaxy is known as the Akash Ganga or the Milky Way Galaxy. This is spiral in shape and comprises more than 100 billion stars that revolve and rotate about their centre. The closest galaxy is known as Andromeda.

Our Solar System takes nearly 230 million years to complete one orbit of the galactic centre. The Astronomical Unit is considered the mean distance that covers the Sun and the Earth, and one light-year is equivalent to 60,000 Astronomical Units. 

Light Year is considered the distance that the light covers in just one year at a speed of 3105 kilometres per second.

Edwin Hubble demonstrated the presence of galaxies beyond the Akash Ganga in the year 1924. He also proved that galaxies fly away from one another, and when they are farther, they tend to be faster. And this means our Universe is growing similar to a balloon that is blown up. 

FAQs on Solar System and its Planets

1. What is known as the small bodies of the Solar System?

The small bodies comprise asteroids, comets, small planetary satellites, Pluto, Triton, interplanetary dust, Kuiper Belt, Oort Cloud, and Charon. As a few of these bodies happen to be little altered from their condition, they might offer insight into our planet and also the evolution and formation of the Solar System.

2. Why does the Earth tend to be different from other planets of the Solar System?

Our Earth is the only planet that has water that is needed for the survival of living beings. Due to this, this planet has got life. When you know how special and different our planet is, you will understand the importance that the ecosystem has. This is the reason it becomes important to conserve the resources that are present on our planet. 

3. What is the difference between terrestrial planets and gas giants?

There are 8 planets in the Solar System, and they all revolve around the Sun. The closest four planets are Mercury, Earth, Venus, and Mars, and they are known as terrestrial planets. These planets have rocky and hard surfaces. The farthest 4 planets are known as gas giants, and they are Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus. These planets are bigger, and their surface comprises gas elements, commonly hydrogen.