Previous Year Maths Question Paper for ICSE Class 10 Board - 2018 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Question Paper - 2018 Board Examinations
1. Why should I practice solving Class 10 maths sample papers and previous year question papers?
Sample papers are a great revision tool that tests your problem-solving skills and knowledge of the subject very much like how the exam does it. With enough practice of sample papers, you can solve your examination paper within the stipulated time of 2.5 hours. It will also help you identify your problem areas so that you can work on them specifically. Previous year’s papers will help you develop an understanding of what pattern the question paper follows. Solving previous year papers will increase your familiarity with the question pattern which will help you when you will actually attempt your exam question paper. It will also develop your pressure handling skills. During our examination, it is very easy to get tunnel vision. Surely you need focus but you also require to keep a broader perspective while answering the paper which comes with practice. You can use the PDF file of the Vedantu website to download and practice.
2. What is the Class 10th maths syllabus prescribed by the ICSE?
Students preparing for the maths examination should be well aware of any updates in the syllabus. With better awareness, you can plan your preparations well and divide your time accordingly. Strengthen your strong points further and then try to work on your weak points. The syllabus is vast but with constant practice, it can be covered easily. Download previous year’s ICSE Mathematics papers with solutions here.
Students should refer to reliable and accurate study material only. Prepare each chapter thoroughly and give it your best shot in the examinations. With consistent effort and proper guidance, you will score well in your exams. Be confident in your preparations. The latest syllabus of Icse Class 10 mathematics is given below.
Commercial Mathematics
Compound Interest
Sales tax and Value Added tax
Linear equation
Quadratic equation
Ratio and proportion
Coordinate geometry
3. How do I use these previous year’s question papers?
Practicing previous years’ question papers are one of the most efficient ways to score the maximum marks in the least amount of time. These papers give you an idea of how questions are asked in actual exams and tell you what topics need the most attention. One way to use these papers is by solving questions on topics that you study simultaneously from the paper so that your preparation guarantees you great performance in your next test! And of course, check the solutions to the questions only after you have given your best to solve them in the first place.
4. How do I get better at my weak concepts of Maths in ICSE class 10?
Math is a skill that takes time and practice to get better at. You cannot expect yourself to excel at a topic that you currently find difficult without putting in the right amount of work and time. Fortunately, with Vedantu, understanding concepts and improving upon them get simpler than ever! Simply search for the topic you need help with on the website, the official app, or our YouTube channel. With our teachers who are the best at what they do, every concept becomes more straightforward and easy to understand.
5. Why is Maths so tricky in ICSE Class 10?
This question has haunted people of all ages in their lives. However, the answer to it is pretty simple. Maths may not be something that everyone likes or enjoys, but anyone can definitely master Maths. It is like every other skill. It takes practice and time. You need to make sure that you are giving time to Maths daily if you are struggling at it. Repetition is the mother of all skills, and the more you practice Maths, the better you get at it. The faster you accept this truth, the quicker you realize that Maths is not all that tough!