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ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus for Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25

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ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus - PDF Download

If you are thinking that maths is the only analytical subject that can give you a hard time then you are wrong because computer applications can also give good competition to mathematics in this matter. Computer applications is an important subject and have a lot of analytical and practical parts which are required to be studied for securing good marks. Students need some guidance for preparing this subject. The best guidance, for now, is the computer applications syllabus class 10 from Vedantu. The computer applications syllabus for class 10 gives the students an idea on the course structure of computer applications so that they can formulate a plan for dealing with this subject efficiently and productively.

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ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Semester Wise Syllabus 2024-25

Students who are facing trouble in identifying the topics of computer applications which they have to prepare for the exams are required to find out a way to tackle this problem. The best way to solve this problem is to refer to an ICSE class 10 computer applications syllabus which is available for free on the Vedantu site. The class 10 ICSE computer applications syllabus is available in pdf format on the Vedantu website. It gives a detailed overview of all the modules that are going to get covered during class 10 and also the marking scheme that got approved by the ICSE board. Every module has a detailed summary below explaining the needs and objectives of the particular module so as to give the students a clearer view. Students can refer to the syllabus and formulate a preparation plan and decide or fix the duration for completion of a single module. This will help the students to complete the course before the exams.


Syllabus for ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25 

Semester 1  (Marks: 40)

Semester 2 (Marks: 40)



Name of the Unit

Unit No.

Name of the Unit


Revision of Class IX Syllabus (Complete Unit)


Library Classes (Complete Unit)


Class as the Basis of all Computation (Complete Unit)


Encapsulation (Complete Unit)


User-defined Methods (Complete Unit)


Arrays (Complete Unit)


Constructors (Complete Unit)


String Handling (Complete Unit)

Class 10th Computer Applications Syllabus

The syllabus becomes a guide for the students studying in class 10. The syllabus gives them a clear understanding of what they have to study till the completion of the course. It informs about every module that the students have to complete to secure good marks. Each module in this syllabus contains a description below it that informs about the knowledge one would have gained after completing the particular module. Some of the modules of computer applications syllabus class 10 are:

1. Class as the basics of all computation.

2. Constructors

3. Different functions

4. Class as a defined type

5. Iterations

6. Encapsulation

7. Arrays

9. Input/output

Under these modules, students will gain a lot of knowledge that will help them in their lifetime.


The syllabus of computer applications class 10 not only informs about the topics or modules that are going to get covered in the subject but also a lot of other things which can turn out to be very helpful for the students. So, let's list out the information that you can get from the class 10th computer applications syllabus:

  • Students are required to complete a laboratory project to reinforce the knowledge he/she has gained in the class. Students are required to make one real-life project in the laboratory using the concepts that were taught in the class.

  • There is a list of assignments given in the syllabus for the reference of students. They need to select a project and prepare it. The drafting of the project will require a design, an algorithm invention along with implementation and testing.

  • Students have to show their skills in spreadsheet, database and word processors through a practical project for which a number of suggestions are listed in the syllabus.

  • The students will get evaluated by an internal teacher as well as an external teacher who will get nominated by the head of the school. The internal teacher has 50 marks in his/her hand whereas the rest is in the hands of the external teacher.

  • The types of equipment required for practical projects are also mentioned in the syllabus.

Benefits of Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus

Computer applications being an important and complicated subject, a guide to prepare this subject is always mandatory. A syllabus of computer applications class 10 will be the best guide for the student during their exams because of its benefits which are:

  • The syllabus is prepared by some experts who haven't violated the rules and regulations of the ICSE board while preparing the syllabus.

  • The syllabus is simple to understand. On top of that, it provides a little description for every module to get a summary of that particular module.

  • The syllabus is available in pdf form which is very easy to access.

  • The syllabus gives you a semester-wise overview of the topics you will be learning in your Class 10, so you can revise accordingly. 

  • The ICSE Class 10  Computer Applications syllabus helps you create a sound study plan and smoothens the learning process. 

  • Following the syllabus will help you stay on track and learn the concepts in the right and organized manner. 

Important Topics from the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications 

The ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications consists of eight units divided equally into two semesters. Though all the topics are important, here is a list of some concepts that you should not miss before your exam: 

  1. Unit 1: Revision of Class 9 Syllabus 

  • Object-oriented Programming 

  • Operators in Java 

  • Value and Data types

  • Conditional Constructs in Java 

  1. Unit 2: Class as the Basis of all Computation

  • Objects and Classes 

  • Primitive and Composite Data Types

  • Objects as instances of a class

  1. Unit 3: User-Defined Methods 

  • Syntax of Method 

  • Ways to invoke a method 

  • Pure and Impure methods

  • Using multiple methods 

  • Actual and Formal Parameters 

  1. Unit 4: Constructors 

  • Types of Constructors 

  • Uses of Constructors 

  • Difference between Method and Constructor 

  1. Unit 5: Library Classes 

  • Wrapper Class and its Methods

  •  Autoboxing and Unboxing 

  1. Unit 6: Encapsulation 

  • Access Specifiers 

  • Visibility Rules for Access Specifiers 

  • Scope of Variables 

  1. Unit 7: Arrays 

  • Arrays and their types

  • Search Techniques 

  • Declaration  

  • Initialisation 

  • Accepting data in double dimensional arrays

  1. Unit 8: String Handling

  • String Class 

  • Methods of String Class 

  • Implementation of String Class Methods

  • Extracting and Modifying Characters of a String   

ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus for Internal Assessment

The ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus provides an overview of the topics you have to study. The theoretical part of Computer Applications consists of eight units, weighing 100 marks. The second segment of the syllabus is the Internal assessment which also weighs 100 marks. This section is all about the practical-oriented part of Computer Applications. It helps you acquire the necessary programming skills and improves your knowledge of the subject. 

According to the syllabus, you have to complete at least 20 lab assignments during the year. An assignment that has problems, which require design, implementation, and testing is considered a good assignment by ICSE. It must also include a concept that you have learned in the theoretical part of Class 10 Computer Applications. 

The syllabus also provides a list of sample problems that you can use for your assignments. The teacher-in-charge will evaluate your written and practical assignments throughout the year. The marking of the assignment is based on class design, documentation and coding, variable description, and output. The Head of your School will nominate an External teacher for further evaluation of the project.    

This is How the Teacher Will Evaluate Your Assignment Based on Each Criterion: 

  1. Class Design 

  • Has the student used a suitable class or classes?

  • Is encapsulation done properly?

  • Does the assignment include all the attributes with the right kinds of types?

  • Is the interface designed properly?

  1. Coding and Documentation 

  • Is the coding done accurately? 

  • Is the documentation complete and readable? 

  1. Variable Description 

  • Name of the Variable 

  • Data Type 

  • Description 

  1. Output 

  • Is the program on every input correctly or not?

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus for Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25

1. How the Practical Marks are Evaluated?

The marks are evaluated by two teachers one internal and one external. The internal teacher is required to keep the data of all the projects he/she has received during the particular year. Generally, students do only one project under the internal teacher. The external teacher gets selected by the head of the school. The external can be a teacher of the same school but the subjects they teach must be different. The internal teacher is entitled to give a maximum of 50 marks to the students and the same number is entitled to the externals also. The total marks are calculated to be 100.

2. What is the Aim of the Syllabus?

The aim of the class 10 computer applications syllabus is as follows:

  • To make the students capable so that they can create their applications

  • To introduce students about different new technologies that will help in strengthening their knowledge of computer applications.

  • It helps in teaching the students about the world wide web which will help the students to collect a lot of information from the web.

  • It makes a student capable of processing numbers and words and also make them experts in analyzing data.

  • It gives a clear idea of different ethical issues in the field of computing.

3. From where can I download the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus?

You can download the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus from Vedantu’s website and mobile application. Vedantu provides this syllabus for free. You can also find plenty of study material for all the ICSE Class 10 subjects. There are sample papers, previous year question papers, revision notes, textbook solutions, and much more available on the website and mobile app for free. You can download the Vedantu mobile application, sign up, and download anything you need to prepare for your ICSE Class 10 examinations.  

4. Is it important to refer to the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus for the exam?

The ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus gives you a summary of the subject. It divides all the topics of Computer Applications into two semesters, 40 marks each. It is important to follow the Computer Applications syllabus as it comprises all the units and chapters you have to learn throughout the year. The syllabus takes you in the right direction so that you don’t miss any chapters or topics while preparing for your exam. It ensures that you are on the right track of learning.

5. How to ace the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Exam?

The ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications syllabus will help you ace the exam. If you design an effective study plan with the help of the syllabus, it will make the preparations much smoother. You can use previous year question papers to predict what kinds of questions can come in your exam. Solve as many Class 10 Computer Applications sample papers as you can to understand the exam pattern and marking schemes. For quick revisions, you can use revision notes for different chapters.   

6.What is the Aim of the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus?

The aim of the class 10 computer applications syllabus is as follows:

1. To make the students capable so that they can create their applications

2. To introduce students to different new technologies that will help in strengthening their knowledge of computer applications.

3. It helps in teaching the students about the world wide web which will help the students to collect a lot of information from the web.

4. It makes a student capable of processing numbers and words and also make them experts in analyzing data.

5. It gives a clear idea of different ethical issues in the field of computing.

7. How the Practical Marks of Class 10 Computer Applications are Evaluated?

The Class 10 Computer Applications marks are evaluated by two teachers, one internal and one external. The internal teacher is required to keep the data of all the projects he/she has received during the particular year. Generally, students do only one project under the internal teacher. The external teacher gets selected by the head of the school. The external teacher can be a teacher of the same school but the subjects they teach must be different. The internal teacher is entitled to give a maximum of 50 marks to the students and the same number is entitled to the externals also. The total marks are calculated to be 100.