ICSE Class 8 English Syllabus 2018-2019 Examination - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Syllabus for Class 8 English
1. Why Vedantu?
The ICSE Class 8 English syllabus on Vedantu’s website is well detailed and covers all the topics. Students get a clear understanding of what is taught in each section instead of browsing through the entire textbook. The ICSE syllabus Class 8 English is available in a PDF format, and it is free to download. The student needs to download it on a device of their choice or print it to keep a hard copy with them.
2. How will this syllabus help students?
The students need to go through the syllabus and understand it thoroughly. This ensures that students become well aware of the course outcomes and what’s expected from them. Free to download Syllabus available at Vedantu’s official website and the app acts as a beacon for the students and helps them from getting distracted from their learning goals. Understanding the syllabus is also very essential from the exam perspective, especially in a subject like the English language where an abundance of material is already available. The syllabus guides them in the right direction and keeps them on track.
3. Why are further readings prescribed in the syllabus?
Further readings prescribed by the ICSE Board include a wide range of authors (both Indian and international) and genres. They also include graphic and fantasy novels. The purpose of suggesting this list is to get students acquainted with global literature and widen their horizons of reading. These books ensure that learners become aware of global English literature. It also gives students a chance to come across books of various genres discussed earlier in the syllabus. These books help students to break the barrier of textbooks and go beyond.
4. What will be the learning outcomes towards the end of the course?
The course is designed to achieve the following learning outcomes in respective domains:
Listening and Speaking - Listen with interest, listen to the talk, prepare and participate in discussions, engage in collaborative discussions, integrate visual discussion into presentations, etc.
Reading - Identify the themes while reading, interpretation of texts, analysis of characters and audience, etc.
Writing - Develop different styles of writing based on varied genres, connect relevant ideas, focus on various aspects of the English language while writing, develop age-appropriate skills, etc.
Grammar and Vocabulary in Context - Identifying and understanding the difference between clauses and phrases, analyzing different sentences, the transformation of sentences.
5. Is it mandatory to read every book mentioned in the prescribed further reading list?
No. It’s left to the teacher's discretion what all books are to be included from the prescribed list. Teachers can be flexible in this regard. Teachers need to understand the demand of the syllabus and consider time while choosing the books. They are advised to consider the age of the students while selecting books. These books are meant for further nurturing the interest of the students in the English language, getting them acquainted with global English literature. One can download this list along with revision notes for these books from Vedantu’s free reading material section on the website.