ISC Class 11 Accounts Syllabus - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ISC Accounts Syllabus Class 11
The exam will be of 100 marks in total, these 100 marks are divided between two papers, paper 1, and Paper 2.
Paper 1 is the theory paper, and this paper will have a total of 80 marks. Students are required to solve the questions for a duration of 3 hours.
Paper 2 is the project work that carries 20 marks. For this paper, the students are required to prepare the project from any one of the topics which are covered in the theory.
Many important topics of accounting are covered here, for example, journal entry, that is to say, recording of the entries in a journal with narration, which is the main base of the double-entry system is covered here, in the second chapter. In chapter number 4 students are introduced to the concept of Depreciation, while in the chapter that follows an introduction to the Negotiable Instruments is given.
For the details regarding all the topics covered in the Class 11 ISC book, you should download the Syllabus for the same, provided by Vedantu.
3. What is Depreciation?
To understand the meaning of the “Depreciation” in simple terms, understand the meaning of Depreciate first, which means a decrease in the value of something over a period of time. In the same manner, “Depreciation” means a decrease in the value (monetary) of an asset over a period of time. For instance, the mobile you buy today for 20,000 rupees, will not value the same after the period of one year, now that decrease in the value of your phone in Depreciation.
Study the fourth chapter of the Class 11 Accounts (ISC) for a detailed understanding of the concept of Depreciation.
The first step of preparing anything is Planning, if you are going for a trip, you have to first plan a trip. In a similar manner, if you wish to score a good mark in the exam, you should first plan. And the same idea is applicable for ISC Class 11 Accounts, for planning your strategy, you will have to first go through the syllabus of the ISC Class 11 Accounts, in detail, which is available here for a free download, and see how many main topics and the underlying topics that are covered, then find about which topics you feel confident, and for which you are less confident. Then, prepare the timetable in a manner that gives more time to the chapters in which you feel less confident.
5. How can I find the syllabus for the ISC Class 11 subject accounting?