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ISC Political Science Syllabus Class 11


ISC Class 11 Political Science Syllabus - Free PDF Download

Free download of ISC Class 11 Political Science Syllabus as per ISC guidelines. To register online ISC tuitions on to clear your doubts and download the complete Syllabus for Class 11 Political Science to prepare for Board Examinations.

ISC Class 11 Political Science Syllabus

Introduction to Political Science

Political science is a subject that requires the students to have a little bit more focus, because sometimes the theories of political science may feel overwhelming for the students, and hence this is the subject which requires a lot of care. And for doing so, the students should go through the detailed syllabus of the ISC Class 11 Political Science, which is available for a free download here ISC Class 11 Political Science Syllabus - Free PDF Download (

An Overview of the Syllabus of Class 11 Political Science

There are a total of 12 chapters covered in the ISC Class 11 Political Science. These twelve chapters are divided into two sections, and these sections are section A and Section B.

Chapter number one to chapter number 8 is covered in section A, these chapters are, Introduction to the political science, the origin of the state, political ideologies, sovereignty, Law, Liberty, equality, and lastly Justice.

Chapter number 9 to chapter number 12 are covered in section B of the ISC Class 11 History syllabus. These chapters are, End of the cold war and its impact on the world, the Unipolar world, regional Cooperation, and lastly the Non-Aligned Movement.

All these chapters are of great importance for the students of political science, these chapters build the foundation of the students for understanding the complex subject of Political science. 

Many more things are discussed in these 12 chapters, like the concepts of Unilateralism, Social contract theory of Hobbes, Locke, and Rosseau. Students are advised to download the ISC Class 11 political science syllabus, provided by Vedantu for a free download, because the provided syllabus discusses everything in detail, and will give the students a complete idea of the subject.

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FAQs on ISC Political Science Syllabus Class 11

1. In what manner the questions will be asked in the ISC Class 11 Political Science exam?

There will be two papers for passing the exam of the ISC Class 11 political science, paper 1 and paper 2.

Paper one is theory and it is further divided into two parts, part one will be of 20 marks and students have to give a short answer to all the questions to get the 20 marks. And part two is of 60 marks, this section is further divided into other two sections A and B, from A students have to answer three questions out of five, and from B, students have to answer 2 questions out of 3.

For paper two of the ISC Class 11, Political Science students are required to do project work.

You should download the syllabus for the ISC Class 11 Political Science for having a better idea of the exam pattern.

2. Is project work necessary for Political Science?

Yes, project work is very much necessary for the students of the ISC Class 11 Political Science, because project work will assess the practical understanding of the students, on the topics that they have learned in the theory section. Also, the project work is not optional, it is required to pass the exam with a great score, therefore students must prepare the project work with as much of the care as they will attempt the exams. The free syllabus for the ISC Class 11 Political Science, provided by the Vedantu discusses the Project work in detail, so it will be a great help for you.

3. What is the evaluation criteria for the assessment of the Project work in  Political Science?

The evaluation of the project work for class 11 Political Science (ISC) will be done in 4 steps, these steps are Process, Understanding, application of knowledge and analysis, Presentation, and lastly Viva. Each of these steps carries a maximum of 5 marks and in this way, the twenty marks of the project are distributed. Download the free syllabus for the ISC class 11 subject political science, provided by Vedantu, in pdf File format, to understand the evaluation criteria in an even better manner.

4. How to prepare for the ISC Class 11 Political Science, in order to get good grades?

For success in any exam students are required to make a plan. If the planning is done in a good manner then achieving success will be easy, furthermore by planning the timetable for the study, you will save lots of time because you will not have to waste your time in thinking about what subject you have to study, or what topic you should be revising. But all this can be done only if you have the syllabus at your hand. And hence, Vedantu gives the syllabus for the ISC Class 11 Political Science to you for free.

5. Why should I use the Syllabus for the ISC class 11 subject Political Science, given by Vedantu?

Because the syllabus for the ISC class 11 subject Political Science that Vedantu provides you for a free download in a PDF File format, is not merely a list of the chapters, but it consists of all the information which will be extremely helpful to the students in the preparation of the subject. The syllabus has detailed information on the topics of the project work, the evaluation criteria of the project work, and the complete details of the theory paper which is paper 1 of the political science.