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Concise Biology Class 10 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 16 - Pollution - A Rising Environmental Problem

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ICSE Class 10 Biology Chapter 16 Selina Concise Solutions - Free PDF Download

Updated ICSE Class 10 Biology Chapter 16 - Pollution - A Rising Environmental Problem Selina Solutions are provided by Vedantu in a step-by-step method. Selina is the most famous publisher of ICSE textbooks. Studying these solutions by Selina Concise Biology Class 10 Solutions which are explained and solved by our subject matter experts will help you in preparing for ICSE exams. Concise Biology Class 10 ICSE Solutions can be easily downloaded in the given PDF format. These solutions for Class 10 ICSE will help you to score good marks in ICSE Exams 2019-20.

The updated solutions for Selina textbooks are created in accordance with the latest syllabus. These are provided by Vedantu in a chapter-wise manner to help the students get a thorough knowledge of all the fundamentals.

ICSE board class 10 Biology, Chapter 16 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, Selina Concise publication, solutions, are available for a free download, at Vedantu.

Students of Class 10 of the ICSE board are required to study many subjects, one of which is Biology, and in Biology, they have to study many chapters, and chapter number 16 of which is, “Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem”, is one of those chapters, solutions for which is available here at Vedantu for the free download in a PDF file format.

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Access ICSE Selina Solutions for Grade 10 Biology Chapter No. 16 - A Rising Environmental Problem

A. Multiple Choice Type

(Select the Most Appropriate Option in Each Case)

1. Which one of the following is an example of a pollutant?

a) A rat entering your kitchen

b) \[CO_{2}\] given out by the respiring organisms.

c) The heat is given out while cooking food.

d) The dust raised during road cleaning.

Ans: (d) The dust raised during road cleaning.

2. One of the examples of radiation pollutants is

(a) Sulphur dioxide

(b) Ozone

(c) Iodine - 131

(d) Discarded fused electric bulbs

Ans: (b) Ozone

3. The BS emission norms enforced for the entire country on April 1st, 2017, were -

(a) BS III

(b) BS IV

(c) BS V

(d) BS-VI

Ans: (b) BS-IV

B. Very Short Type Answer

1. Name the following pollutants:

(i) A pollutant that is mainly responsible for causing acid rain.

Ans: \[SO_{2}\]

(ii) Any two chemicals leading to the formation of ozone holes.

Ans: Bromochlorodifluoromethane and chlorofluoromethane

2. Match the items in Column I with the closely related ones in column II.

Column I

Column II

(i) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 

(a) Global warming

(ii) Flyash

(b) Biodegradable

(iii) Cow dung 

(c) Nuclear radiation pollutant

(iv) \[CO_{2}\] and methane

(d) acid rain

(v) Sulphur dioxide

(e) Industrial waste

(vi) Iodine - 131

(f) Ozone depletion7


Column I

Column II

(i) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 

(f) Ozone depletion

(ii) Flyash

(e) Industrial waste

(iii) Cow dung 

(b) Biodegradable

(iv)\[CO_{2}\] and methane

(a) Global warming

(v) Sulphur dioxide

(d) acid rain

(vi) Iodine - 131

(c) Nuclear radiation pollutant

3. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Rubber particles and dust raised by running motor vehicles are examples of .................. pollutants.

Ans: vehicular air

(ii) Too frequent exposure to ................ in a medical diagnostic technique may damage chromosomes.

Ans:  X-ray

(iii) Thermal power plants give out a lot of ............... wastewater.

Ans: hot

(iv) Sewage is liquid waste from .................

Ans: domestic activities

4. Identify biodegradable waste from the following:

peels of vegetables and fruits, metallic cans, broken plastic toys, broken glass cover, grass, paper, ballpoint pen refill

Ans: Biodegradable wastes: peels of vegetables and fruits, grass, paper

C. Short Answer Type:

1. List two major harmful effects of each of the following:

(i) Rivers contaminated with sewage.

Ans: Rivers polluted with sewage:

(a) Pathogens found in polluted water cause a variety of waterborne diseases that harm both humans and animals.

(b) Rivers, seas, and oceans suffer from a loss of vegetation and wildlife.

(ii) Too much gaseous exhausts containing \[CO_{2},\] and \[SO_{2}\].

Ans: Too much \[CO_{2},\] and \[ SO_{2}\] containing gaseous exhausts:

(a) The high concentration of  \[CO_{2}\] in the atmosphere is the principal component of the greenhouse effect, which has resulted in recent years in global warming, i.e. an increase in atmospheric temperature. The melting of the polar ice caps contributes to rising sea levels as a result of global warming.

(b) \[SO_{2}\] is harmful to animals and humans, irritating their respiratory systems. Prolonged exposure to \[SO_{2}\] has been shown to harm the lungs and raise mortality rates.

(c) Acid rain is also caused by \[SO_{2}\].

(iii) Pesticides such as DDT are used in agriculture.

Ans: Pesticides such as DDT used in agriculture:

(a) Pesticides kill soil microorganisms, that are important for nutrient recycling.

(b) Pesticides can infiltrate the food chain and have an impact on human and animal health. It can harm the lungs and central nervous system, and also induce reproductive organ failure and immunological, endocrine, and exocrine system dysfunction, as well as cancer risks and birth problems.

(iv) Prolonged noise such as the one produced by crackers

Ans: Prolonged noise such as the one produced by crackers:

(a) Long-term exposure to high-decibel noise destroys the eardrums and can result in irreversible hearing loss.

(b) Noise pollution can cause high blood pressure (hypertension), headaches, and inability to concentrate.

2. List the three major constituents of sewage.

Ans: The three major constituents of sewage are: - 

a. Kitchen wastes

b. Sanitary waste

c. Waste from agricultural lands

3. What are the common sources of oil spills, and how do they affect sea life.

Ans: Overturned oil tankers, offshore oil mining, and oil refineries are all common sources of oil leaks.

a. Oil spills can leave sea birds and animals with a thick, greasy coating on their bodies.

b. The oil-coated feathers of sea birds may be consumed. This could irritate their stomachs and harm their liver and kidneys.

c. Sea birds and sea animals die as a result of oil spills.


4. Mention any two measures to minimize noise pollution.

Ans: Any two measures to minimize noise pollution are: -

(i)  Loudspeakers should be prohibited.

(ii) vehicle and machine maintenance on a regular basis.

5. Briefly mention about 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan'. When was it launched and what are its objectives?

Ans: The 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' is a major cleanliness initiative launched by the Indian government. It was formally launched on October 2, 2014, by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who pledged to clean up India Gate in Delhi.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan's goals are as follows:

a. To clean the country's cities and towns' streets, roads, and infrastructure.

b. Construction of individual, cluster, and community toilets to eliminate open defecation.

c. To build accountable monitoring tools for latrine use.

d. To develop solid and liquid waste management solutions that are both efficient and effective.

D. Descriptive Type

1. Define the following terms:

(a) Pollution

Ans: Pollution occurs when toxins are introduced into the natural environment and cause harm. Chemical substances or energy, including noise, heat, or light, can pollute the environment. Pollutants are either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring pollutants that contribute to pollution.

(b) Waste

Ans: Unwanted or useless resources are referred to as waste. Any substance that is thrown after its primary purpose or is worthless, faulty, or useless is considered waste. A by-product, on the other hand, is a joint product with low economic worth.

(c) Air pollution

Ans: The presence of compounds in the atmosphere that are damaging to human and other living beings' health, or that damage the climate or materials, is referred to as air pollution. Gases, particles, and biological molecules are among the various sorts of air contaminants. 

(d) Oil spills

Ans: An oil spill is a type of pollution that occurs when a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon is released into the environment, particularly the marine ecosystem, as a result of human activities. Typically, the word refers to oil spills that occur in the ocean or coastal seas, however, spills can also occur on land.

(e) Pesticides

Ans: Pesticides are chemicals that are used to keep pests away. Herbicides, insecticides, nematicides, molluscicides, piscicides, avicides, rodenticides, bactericides, insect repellents, animal repellents, antimicrobials, fungicides, and lampricides are all pesticides.

(f) Sanitary landfills

Ans: Sanitary landfills are modern engineering landfills that allow garbage to degrade into biologically and chemically inert compounds in an enclosed environment.

(g) Noise

Ans: Unwanted sound that is regarded as unpleasant, loud, or disturbing to hearing is referred to as noise. Noise is indistinguishable from desired sound in terms of physics, as both are vibrations across a medium such as air or water. When the brain hears and perceives a sound, there is a difference.

2. Distinguish between the following pairs:

(a) Sewage and effluents




Sewage is a waste product or household wastewater generated by a group of people.

Effluent is the waste that was released into our sewers as a result of any industrial or commercial procedure.

The various drains and pipelines in the neighborhood transport sewage.

This is not the same as the garbage we throw out on a regular basis.

(b) Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste


Biodegradable Waste

Non-Biodegradable Waste

Biodegradable wastes are compounds that can be broken down into harmless and non-toxic substances by microorganisms.

Non-biodegradable wastes are chemicals that microbes cannot break down.

Examples: Leaves, dung.

Examples: Plastic, glass.

(c) Smoke and smog




Smoke includes a high concentration of particle contaminants that pollute the air.

Smog is a mixture of smoke, dust particles, and microscopic drops of fog.

E. Structures/ Application/ Skill Type

1. A lot of fish are dying near a seashore. Describe any two possible causes.

Ans: (i) Industrial Waste: A wide range of industries generate wastewater that contains a variety of chemical contaminants. Such garbage is frequently dumped into waterways. The bodily systems of fish are irritated by these substances.

(ii) Thermal Pollution: Water is used to cool machinery in many industries, including thermal power plants, oil refineries, and nuclear power plants. The heated wastewater could be 8-10 degrees Celsius hotter than the intake water. Warming occurs when this heated water is released into surrounding streams, rivers, or the sea. The abrupt change in water temperature kills fish and affects the plant life that grows in it.

2. Look at the cartoonist's presentation of a kind of pollution given below and

seo images

(i) Name the kind of pollution.

Ans: Noise Pollution

(ii) List the sources of pollution.

Ans: Industrial machines, trains, workshops, loudspeakers, loud conversation, etc.

(iii) Mention any two harmful effects of this pollution.

Ans: Noise pollution has the following effects: 

a. It reduces work efficiency.

b. It causes sleep disturbances and nervous irritation.

3. The following picture depicts a certain phenomenon.

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(i) Name the phenomenon and explain it.

Ans: Ozone layer depletion occurs when some gaseous substances, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), decompose into chlorine atoms, which then decompose ozone (\[O_{3}\]) into oxygen (\[O_{2}\]) and oxygen (O).

(ii) Enlist the sources that are responsible for the above-mentioned phenomenon.

Ans: The sources that are responsible for the above-mentioned phenomenon are: -

Gaseous compounds including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) released from refrigerators, aerosol spray cans, and packaging material styrofoam.

(iii) List out the effects of the above phenomenon on humans.

Ans: Below are the effects of the above phenomenon on humans: -

a. Sunburn

b. Genetic disorders

c. Skin cancer

4. The picture below shows a campaign recently started by the Indian Government.

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(i) Who launched this campaign and when?

Ans: The image depicts the Indian government's current cleanliness initiative, known as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched this campaign on October 2, 2014.

(ii) Mention some chief objectives of this campaign.

Ans: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan's goals are as follows:

a. To clean the country's cities and towns' streets, roads, and infrastructure.

b. Construction of individual, cluster, and community toilets to eliminate open defecation.

c. To build accountable monitoring tools for latrine use.

d. To develop solid and liquid waste management solutions that are both efficient and effective.

5. The figure given below shows a kind of pollution. Study the figure and answer the following questions.

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(a) Define the kind of pollution shown here.

Ans: Air pollution. 

Air pollution is defined as the release of pollutants into the atmosphere that are harmful to human health and the environment as a whole.

(b) Name two types of the kind of pollution shown here.

Ans: Particulate pollution and Gaseous pollution.

(c) Write two main sources of above-mentioned pollution with one example each.

Ans: Gaseous pollution is caused by the exhaust produced by vehicles, such as cars and trucks that run on gasoline or diesel.

Particulate pollution: The smoke emitted into the air by manufacturing chimneys, such as factory chimneys and brick kilns, is the principal source of particulate pollution.

(d) Write two points to control the given pollution.

Ans: Below given are the points to control the given pollution:

Use of unleaded gasoline and compressed natural gas in autos to reduce emissions.

Fitting tall chimneys with filters and electrostatic precipitators in companies.

Increasing the number of trees planted along the route or on wastelands.

6. Study the figure shown here and answer the following questions.

seo images

(a) Identify the kind of pollution and define it.

Ans: The kind of pollution is Acid rain.

Acid rain is defined as rain or other precipitation that is exceptionally acidic, meaning it contains high levels of hydrogen ions. The pH of most water, including the water we drink, is neutral, ranging from 6.5 to 8.5, while acid rain has a pH that is lower, ranging from 4-5 on average.

(b) Mention four main sources of pollution.

Ans: Acid rain is caused by a variety of factors.

Vehicle exhaust contains \[CO_{2}, SO_{2}\], and CO.

Smoke from factory chimneys contains \[CO_{2}, SO_{2}\] and nitrogen oxides.

Garbage burning emitted \[CO_{2}\] and other hazardous gases.

Brick kilns emit ash, which mixes with the air and causes acid rain.

(c) Write two harmful effects of the above-mentioned pollution for the living organisms.

Ans: (i) Acid rain causes respiratory problems, asthma, dry coughs, headaches, and throat irritations.

(ii) Increased acidity in lakes and rivers causes harm to fish and other aquatic species.

Content of the chapter 16 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 biology, Concise Selina

Selina Concise books are famous for their content and quality and the same goes for the Biology book for class 10, ICSE boards. The book covers the topics such as Types of Pollution, like that of Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. The chapter also discusses the sources of pollution and the major pollutants. Effects of pollution on Climate, environment, human health, and other organisms are also discussed in chapter 15 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 Biology, Concise Selina, Book.

Exercise of the chapter 15 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 Biology, Concise Selina, Book.

The exercise for this chapter is divided into four parts, which are A, B, C, D. Each part asks a particular type of questions for reviewing the understanding of the students.

Part, “A”, asks Multiple Choice questions.

Part, “B”, requires the students to give a very short answer to the questions.

Part, “C”, is the short answer type.

And lastly, Part, “D” is structured/ Application/ Skill type questions.

Students are required to answer all the questions asked in the book, to review their knowledge of chapter 15 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 Biology, Concise Selina, Book.

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FAQs on Concise Biology Class 10 ICSE Solutions for Chapter 16 - Pollution - A Rising Environmental Problem

1. I am confused about the difference between the Very short answers and the Short answer type questions?

Yes, it seems a little confusing at first but there is a difference between the “Very short answer” and “Short answer” type questions. In the “Very Short answer” type questions, the students are required to write answers as brief as possible, or rather in a few words, like three to four words. While in the “Short answer” type questions students are required to write the answer with a little bit of explanation. You can download the solutions provided by the Vedantu for chapter 15 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 Biology, Concise Selina, Book, for free to find the solutions.

2. What are the sources of Water Pollution?

There are five main sources of water pollutions which are:

1. Sewage: that is to say liquid waste that every household produces.

2. Household detergents: Meaning detergents that are used in the houses for cleaning.

3. Industrial waste: It includes the waste of small-scale and large-scale industries.

4. Oil Spills: It means the accidental discharge of petroleum in the ocean.

5. Thermal pollution: The water that is released into the streams by the industries causes Thermal pollution.

3. What purpose does the exercise for chapter 15 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 Biology, Concise Selina, Book, serve?

Exercise which is provided at the end of the chapter, is always helpful for the students, and it is not the case with just this chapter, but with all the chapters and of any of the exercises. Solving the exercise questions will help the students review their understanding of the topics that they have studied. If during the exercise, you find some questions difficult to answer then you can revisit the chapter and understand that topic once again. Therefore, solving the exercise of the ICSE class 10 chapter 15 Pollution is very important for the students.

4. I have solved all the questions of chapter 15 pollution by myself; why do I need solutions?

It is very much important for the students to make sure that the answers which they have written are correct, otherwise all of your work will become useless, and also it will affect your score in exams adversely. But if you have already checked the solutions and have compared your answer with the same, you can be sure that you are on the right path. Since the solutions provided by Vedantu are prepared by the top educators you will have the best solutions for the questions in your hand.

5. Why should I use the solutions of Vedantu for the ICSE class 10, Biology, chapter 15 pollution?

You should use the solutions provided by the Vedantu for chapter 15 Pollution – A Rising Environmental Problem, of the ICSE Class 10 Biology, Concise Selina, Book because it is prepared for you by the expert teachers. Our teachers are masters in their respective subjects, and in this case, the subject is Biology. Therefore, the solutions prepared by them will be easily understandable for you, and also it will cover all the necessary things in the answer to the questions. And one even more important thing, the solution for the ICSE class 10, Biology, chapter 15 is provided by Vedantu for absolutely free of cost, in a downloadable PDF format.