Maharashtra Board HSC Maths Class 12 Previous year Question Paper 2015 with Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Previous year Question Paper for Class 12 Maths 2015
Getting good grades needs work on your part in different ways. You need to be smart in executing the plan of preparing for the exams. Analysing previous years’ papers go a long way in helping you to achieve the grades you want but apart from that you also need to work efficiently in understanding which chapters you need to focus on (important topics) more. Solved previous years Maths paper will give you an idea about how to approach the paper and what to expect which definitely helps in achieving good grades in the exam. Solving Maths 2015 previous question papers for class 12 familiarises the student with the format of the paper beforehand. Students who struggle to finish on time are advised to start solving these papers at the earliest so that they don’t lag behind. Our highly qualified teachers have curated these Maharashtra Board Maths Class 12 past year question papers and have developed a set of sample papers in PDF format that are available for free download.
The Internet has no scarcity of resources from which you can get the required solved previous years’ question papers but Vedantu provides the students with the most reliable, accurate, and carefully organised Maths Solved question papers. You can find the solved question papers of the last 5 years on the website. The solved PDFs are available for the class 12 students in downloadable format. Apart from maths, you can get the solved previous papers of many other subjects like; Biology, Physics, Zoology, English, etc.
3. Are the questions repeated?
It is not always important that the questions are repeated in the papers, but it has been observed many times that some questions are repeated throughout the years. Sometimes the content of the question is changed i.e; the question is repeated but with different wording or different mathematical equations (using the previous mathematical formula). So, you should always be vigilant and read and understand the question properly.
4. Which section of the question paper should I focus more on?
There are some questions that are quite lengthy i.e; it takes a little more time to solve them, so you should identify such questions and attempt to solve them first. This helps you divide the time more efficiently and helps you score better since the lengthy questions carry more weightage of marks sometimes. Time management is one of the most important things that you should learn and it can be learned more effectively while attempting to solve the previous year’s questions.
Competitive exams usually ask from what you learned in your previous classes therefore if your basic concepts are clear, you can score well in the competitive exams as well. The previous years’ solved question papers help you, not only, to prepare for your class 11 or 12th exams but also help you prepare well for the exams that lie ahead. The papers can nourish your knowledge about the subject and eventually help you in future endeavours.