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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Solutions for English Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind


Maharashtra Board Class 10 Solutions for English Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind – Download Free PDF with Solution

Class 10 English Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind is a story about an encounter with a langur. The experience dates 55 years back and the narrator is explaining it as a memory he is fond of. He showed immense courage to save the baby of a female langur. This story is quite inspirational to all the students.

To understand the context of this prose piece, refer to the An Encounter of a Special Kind solutions prepared by the experts. The simplified version of the notes will help you prepare this chapter faster. You will also be able to score more by using the answers to the exercise questions given in the solutions.

Access Maharashtra Board English Class 10 Chapter 1.2 An Encounter Of A Special Kind

1. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Justify your choice with proper reasons.

(a) The compound where the writer was living, was rich in nature’s bounty.

(b) Holidays provide us an opportunity to read various magazines and storybooks.

(c) The narrator made a mistake by saving the baby langur.

(d) Animals cannot convey emotions.

(e) The narrator was fifty-five years old when this incident occurred.



(a) I Agree with the statement.

The compound had green grass, colorful flowers, and many tall and majestic trees. 

(b) I Agree with the statement.

During the holiday we get a lot of free time that can be spent reading.

(c) I Disagree with the statement.

Saving the baby langur was an empathetic gesture towards animals by the narrator.

(d) I Disagree with the statement.

The mother langur conveyed the emotions.

(e) I Disagree with the statement.

The narrator is 75 years old now and 55 years has passed since he encountered the incident at 15 years of age.


2. Match the phrases given in Group ‘A’ with their meanings in Group ‘B’.

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

(a) to be a part and parcel of

(i) to observe and give attention

(b) to be engrossed in

(ii) to be able to solve a problem

(c) to take notice of

(iii) to find comfort and peace

(d) to figure out

(iv) to think about seriously

(e) to ponder over

(v) to be completely occupied in

(f) to be overwhelmed by

(vi) to be an essential or integral part

(g) in a flash

(vii) to be affected emotionally in a powerful way

(h) to find solace

(viii) very quickly

Ans: Correct matches are:

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

(a) to be a part and parcel of

(vi) to be an essential or integral part

(b) to be engrossed in

(v) to be completely occupied in

(c) to take notice of

(i) to observe and give attention

(d) to figure out

(ii) to be able to solve a problem

(e) to ponder over

(iv) to think about seriously

(f) to be overwhelmed by

(vii) to be affected emotionally in a powerful way

(g) in a flash

(viii) very quickly

(h) to find solace

(iii) to find comfort and peace


3. Write In Your Own Words:

(a) Why did the narrator ignore the barking of dogs?

(i)  ………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………… 


Ans: From the story given, we can come to two conclusions why the narrator ignores the barking of dogs and they are mentioned below: 

(i) The pack of dogs, as usual, must have trapped an unfortunate pig that’s why the narrator ignored it.

(ii) The narrator ignored the barking dogs because he was too busy reading a book. He did not want to disturb himself.

(b) Why did mother langur make no effort to grab her baby from the coop?

(i) …………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………

Ans: From the story given, we can come to two conclusions why mother langur make no effort to grab her baby from the coop and they are mentioned below:

(i) The mother langur was only observing every move made to aid her baby from the kitchen’s roof. 

(ii) She was assured that the writer was not doing any harm to her baby and that whatever he was doing was for the good of the baby. 


4. Read the text carefully and arrange the occurrence of happenings in the text in sequential order.


Correct order


I took the baby langur to the backyard.


I cannot forget that look in her eyes.


I heard the disturbance approaching closer.


I recalled the terrible custom in the animal clan.


I became deeply absorbed in the book.


I was engrossed in various magazines and storybooks.



I offered him a peeled banana.


I still fondly remember that encounter.


I gathered a stout stick and then started throwing stones.


I saw something horrible.


I was shown that food was not the only means of communication.


I managed to catch hold of the baby langur’s tail.


I allowed the mother, access to her baby




Correct order


I took the baby langur to the backyard.



I cannot forget that look in her eyes.



I heard the disturbance approaching closer.



I recalled the terrible custom in the animal clan.



I became deeply absorbed in the book.



I was engrossed in various magazines and storybooks.



I offered him a peeled banana.



I still fondly remember that encounter.



I gathered a stout stick and then started throwing stones.



I saw something horrible.



I was shown that food was not the only means of communication.



I managed to catch hold of the baby langur’s tail.



I allowed the mother, access to her baby



5. Discuss the Following and Write About it in Your Own Words in 5-6 lines.

(a) What would you do, if you find an injured bird while returning from your school?
Ans: If I found an injured bird while returning from school, I will pick it up gently and take it home very carefully. After reaching home, I will provide the bird with the first-aid treatment and let it rest till complete recovery. Moreover, I will make a visit to the vet who can treat the bird more properly until it is able to fly freely. Following the directions of the doctor, I will treat it and keep it safe. Finally, when the bird becomes healthy again, I will let it fly and live freely.

(b) What opinion do you form about the narrator, from the story?
Ans: The author of this story is a very sensitive, sympathetic, and loving person. His qualities of humanity and courage are admirable and incredible. His thoughts about human-animal relations are amazing. According to him, communication between man and animal depends not only on food but also on trust, compassion, and mutual understanding.


6. Complete the following and write a paragraph on each of the given activities.

Mother-child Relationship

Ans: Mother-child Relationship 

  • Love and affection

  • Care, nursing

  • Upbringing, keeping healthy

  • Moral values

  • Inspiration, encouragement

Paragraph: Mother-child Relationship

The relationship between a mother and her child is very close and inseparable. A mother's love is eternal for her child. It is selfless. Her love and affection for children are boundless and priceless. She takes care of them, nurses them, and tries hard to raise and keep her children healthy. Mothers teach them their family culture and moral values. The child also loves his mother immensely. A mother guides inspire and encourages her children throughout their lives. How wonderful and pleasant is this relationship!

Injured Animal. How will you help?

  • Pick up and bring home.

  • Bandage, first aid

  • Provide water/food.

  • Keep it in a safe place.

  • Will take care till it regains enough strength.

Paragraph: How I will help an Injured Animal?

If I find an injured animal, I gently pick it up and carefully bring it home. I put a few drops of water in his mouth to keep it fresh. I examine his wound and apply an antiseptic ointment and bandage to his injured part without injuring him. When it gets a little comfortable, I will provide him with water and food. Then I keep it in a small basket with a cotton swab. I'll see to it that it's safe on site. I will take care of him until he is strong enough or until he is fully recovered from his injury.


7. Work in pairs and make as many words as you can, using letters in the word. ‘ENCOUNTER’.

Three Letter Words

Four Letter Words

Five/ Six Letter Words





Ans: There are so many words that can be formed by the word “ENCOUNTER” some of them are written in the table. 

Words made by given the word “ENCOUNTER” are

Three Letter Words

Four Letter Words

Five/ Six Letter Words

our, cot, not, out, nut, ten, run, one, nor, ton, net, toe

noun, cote, note, none, tour, tune, cute, rent, turn

route, court, enter, center, counter


8. Translate the Following Proverbs in English.

(1) जनसेवा हीच खरी ईश्वरसेवा.

(2) पेरावे तसे उगवते.


(1) Service to man is service to God.

(2) As you sow, so shall you reap.


9. Write a paragraph and give an appropriate title to it. Use the following points.

  • Birds and Animals

  • Love and Affection

  • Loyal

  • Serve us

  • Our Best friends

  • Protection and security

  • Kindness, Honest and Compassion

  • Do not hurt or destroy us

  • Loneliness Avoided

Ans: Birds and Animals are Man’s Best Friend.

The relationships between birds, animals, and humans complement each other. Without this relationship, our environment is disturbed and we risk our entire ecological balance. Therefore one must treat birds and animals with great love and affection. They are our best friends. They are loyal to man and serve us in many ways. We must maintain our relationship with kindness, honor, and compassion. So it is our duty to protect them; to care for their safety without harming them.

It is our duty to maintain this relationship. Animals and birds try to explain their feelings without words. Their eyes and actions speak volumes. We should always try to understand them with love, and affection and help them with their needs. Man needs the company of birds and animals. Love and care for the wild creatures in nature can help one avoid loneliness. Protect them! 


10. (A) Complete the remaining blocks determining the types of news.

Types of News

Types of News

Ans: There are basically 9 types of journalism Broadcast journalism, Business journalism, Entertainment journalism, Investigative journalism, opinion journalism, Photo journalism, Political journalism, Sports journalism, and Watchdog journalism.

And there are many types of news that are covered in this journalism like day-to-day breaking news stories, entertainment, investigative, opinion, sports journalism, etc.

Some types of news are:

  • City News

  • Politics

  • International News

  • Economics

(B) Read the Following Headline and Write a News Report. Follow the Steps as Given.

Template for a News Report.

(a) Headline (Title) 

(b) Dateline (Day, Date, Place, Resource) 

(c) Intro (Covering Maximum WH questions) 

(d) Short continuing paragraph (Details)

  • l Headline: ‘Tiger attacks 8-year old at Rajiv Gandhi National Park.’ 

  • Date line ____________________________

  • Leadline  ____________________________

  • Body of the Report (Use only 3rd person pronouns/Passive voice) ________________________

Ans: Tiger attacks 8-year-old at Rajiv Gandhi National Park.

Noida, July 4: Recently, tiger attacks on people have become frequent in the nearby areas of Rajiv Gandhi National Park. The tragic death of an 8-year-old child attacked by a tiger shocked people in a slum near the Rajiv Gandhi National Park. It was learned that early in the morning, the child entered the nature reserve on his own to defecate.

A tiger crouching behind a hedge of bushes attacked and killed the child. The slum dwellers who gathered to save him could not save him. The slum dwellers are demanding that the Forest Department arrange strict patrols to curb such incidents of man-animal conflicts and build a boundary wall between the human habitations and the park. 

(C) Read the following Headlines and write the dateline, intro, and a short continuing paragraph.

Achievers narrate their success stories at career counseling events


India’s first-ever tourism university to be established by IIHM.


Ans: Achievers narrate their success stories at career counseling events.

Nagpur, August 15: Career counseling with achievers Wednesday, August 15, Kripa Sindhu High School, Nagpur. Kripa Sindhu High School organized a 'Career Counselling' for the students of Grade X on 15th August 2019 at 5:00 PM. Some renowned people who have achieved name and fame in various professions were invited to share their own experiences about their careers and success. There were professionals from various fields – medicine, sports, art, acting, engineering, me, etc.

Each of them explained how and why they dreamed of their own career and how they pursued it and how they ensured success in their field. They advised the students that great heights can be achieved through constant efforts, even if they have to face nerve-wracking challenges in their lives and have to fight against all overwhelming obstacles. Viewers were moved to learn the heart-wrenching stories of some of the professionals who are now on top of the world.

Students realized the importance of the career counseling event. It was a big threat to the students who came there for professional guidance. India’s first-ever tourism university to be established by IIHM

IIHM, January 16: Management (IIHM) will soon be coming up with the country's first-ever tourism university named IIHM University in West Bengal under the WB Pvt. University Act. IIHM has a strong vision of creating one of the World’s Best Centres of Excellence in Tourism Studies with courses in Tourism Development, Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Eco-tourism, Sustainable Tourism, and Tourism in the Digital World, among others. With a striking vision, IIHM will create a multicultural environment on all its campuses.


Language Study:

1. Present Participle: The form of a verb, ending in ‘ing’, which is used in forming continuous tenses. For example, He is sitting here. 

Present participle can also be used as an adjective. For example, He uses a walking stick.
Now, find out the ‘ing’ forms from the story and classify them in the following table.

Present Participle used as an adjective

Present Participle used as a verb in the Continuous Tense

twinkling eyes

was oozing


Present Participle used as an adjective

Present Participle used as a verb in the Continuous Tense

twinkling eyes

was oozing

1. marauding langur

1. Were witnessing

2.  sloping roof

2.  was holding

3.  caring arms

3.  was breathing

4.  was pondering

5.  was trying


2. Spot the error and correct the following sentences.

(a) My grandparents laid down for an afternoon nap.

(b) A stranger were knocking at our door.

(c) My sister and I shares a study room.

(d) One of my friend, is leaving school.

(e) A flock of birds were flying overhead.

Ans: Errors in the statements given below are:

(a) laid

(b) were

(c) shares

(d) friend,

(e) were

The correct statement is given below:

(a) My grandparents lay down for an afternoon nap.

(b) A stranger was knocking at our door.

(c) My sister and I share a study room.

(d) One of my friends is leaving school.

(e) A flock of birds is flying overhead.


3. Rewrite the sentences as per the instructions given.

(a) I took the baby langur to our backyard. ………………………….

(Rewrite the sentence in the Past Perfect Tense)

Ans: We know that past perfect, also called the pluperfect, is a verb tense used to talk about actions that were completed before some point in the past.

Or in other words, the past perfect tense is for talking about something that happened before something else.

So, the past perfect tense of the statement given above is: I had taken the baby langur to our backyard.

(b) She simply sat there quietly ………………………….

(Rewrite the sentence in the Present Continuous Tense)

Ans: We know that the present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future.

Or in other words, the present continuous or present progressive tense is a way to convey any action or condition that is happening right now, frequently, and may be ongoing. It adds energy and action to writing, and its effect helps readers understand when the action is happening.

So, the present continuous tense of the given statement is: She is simply sitting there quietly.

(c) The mother langur looked straight into my eyes. ………………………….

(Rewrite the sentence in the Simple Present Tense)

Ans: We know that the simple present tense is used when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly or without stopping, which is why it’s sometimes also called present indefinite. It depends on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding ‑s or ‑es to the end.

So, the simple present tense of the given statement is: The mother langur looks straight into my eyes.

(d) She surveyed the area for the vicious male langur. ………………………….

(Rewrite the sentence in the Simple Future Tense)

Ans: We know that The simple future is a verb tense that’s used to talk about things that haven’t happened yet. We use the simple future to talk about an action or condition that will begin and end in the future.

So, the simple future tense of the given statement is: She will survey the area for the vicious male langur.

Importance of MH Board Class 10 English Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind This is an interesting prose piece in the Class 10 English syllabus where the narrator explains what he did 55 years back. He encountered a female langur and showed immense courage to save her baby.

The story revolves around a bungalow in West Bengal. The narrator’s father was a medical professional working in Raniganj, West Bengal. He resided in a huge bungalow and a club adjacent to it. The luxurious compound had beautiful flower plants and trees.

It happened when the narrator was reading a storybook in the afternoon after having his lunch. The dogs suddenly started to bark furiously. He ignored it in the beginning but the cawing of crows attracted his attention.

He left his book aside to investigate and saw that a male langur is biting a baby langur to kill. It is a bizarre habit of male langurs to show dominance in the troop. A male langur will not allow a baby male to grow and will maintain its dominance.

He threw stones at the adult male langur and it dropped the baby. The narrator also saved the baby from the dogs and returned the baby langur back to life. To understand the context of this chapter, refer to the Class 10th English 1.2 workshop solutions.

Benefits of Class 10 English Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind Solutions

  • These An Encounter of a Special Kind solutions are designed to simplify the context of this entire chapter. You will find understanding and preparing this chapter easier.

  • Using these notes and solutions will also enable you to revise and recall the answers faster.

  • You can also practise the exercise questions and refer to the An Encounter of a Special Kind question answer. Learn how the experts have answered the questions accurately.

  • Resolve doubts on your own using these notes and stay ahead of the competition.

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Get the free PDF version of the solutions and complete your study material for this chapter. You can use the concise format of these notes to prepare this chapter faster. Recall and frame accurate answers to the fundamental questions and score well in the board exams.

FAQs on Maharashtra Board Class 10 Solutions for English Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

1. What was the narrator doing in the afternoon?

He was enjoying reading a book after having a sumptuous lunch. It is then he heard the dogs barking and crows cawing incessantly.

2. What do we learn from this chapter?

The narrator created a good example of doing the right thing. He decided and determined to help the baby langur from its imminent death.

3. How did he bring the baby langur back to its life?

He splashed water on the injured baby langur’s face. He woke up and started crying with fear.

4. Did the mother langur show gratitude?

The mother langur expressed her gratitude with her eyes as the narrator saved her baby.

5. What happened to the baby langur later?

After expressing gratitude, the baby langur grabbed his mother’s belly and his mother went off to the trees.