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NCERT Class 10 English Foot Prints without Feet Supplementary Reader Book PDF


CBSE Class 10 NCERT English Foot Prints without Feet Supplementary Reader Books Free Download

For students preparing for their Class 10 board examinations, it is vital to have a solid grip on the English language. To facilitate that, the new NCERT books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader helps you to polish your English reading skills. Students can also download NCERT Solution PDF for all subjects to prepare for their forthcoming exams.

NCERT Books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader PDF Download.

NCERT Books for Class 10 English Foot Prints without Feet Supplementary Reader PDF - Free Download

Even though this book is not a part of your examination syllabus, it is an excellent way to develop your reading skills. The supplementary reader helps you to participate in a stimulating environment by exposing you to different varieties of text. Thus, studying this book and solving its exercises can help you to be more confident regarding the English language.

With years of teaching experience to their credit, our expert teachers have picked the best-rounded texts for this book, making it a fascinating and useful read. Check out the contents of all ten chapters in the NCERT books online to make reading English easier!

Chapter 1- A Triumph of Surgery

The first chapter of new NCERT books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader is a story named- A Triumph of Surgery. This story tells the tale of a little dog, how he fell ill and eventually recovered with the help of a veterinarian. 

At the end of this story, you will find a glossary with a list of difficult words and their meanings. Next, there is an exercise that will help you review the story and improve your reading skills. It is a great way to learn new words in a fun way.

Chapter 2- The Thief’s Story

Chapter 2 is a narrative by a thief who makes friends with a young man named Anil. Anil employs our narrator and from there onwards unfolds a story of repentance and forgiveness.

The story is about a 15-year-old cheat who changes his name each month to remain in front of the police and old managers. The other individual in the story is a 25-year-old essayist named Anil. The criminal meets Anil and inquires as to whether he can work for him. The story unfurls on how the hoodlum double-crosses Anil by submitting a robbery yet withdraws later on.

In this story, you will find yourself thinking about the actions of each character. In the exercise at the end of these stories, there is a section called “Think About It” which asks your opinions about various aspects of the story. Thus, the new NCERT books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader lets you think and form opinions about various characters and the story.

Chapter 3- The Midnight Visitor

The third story is a thriller with one secret agent trying to acquire a report from another agent by outwitting him. The story contains some great characters you can review and analyse.

Further, the exercise at the end of this story allows you to think and talk about it, which can help you to develop your English as well as your analysing skills.

Chapter 4- A Question of Trust

The chapter 4 of new NCERT books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader is a story which explores whether there is honour among thieves. It tells a tale of two thieves and an incident where they get tangled with each other.

At the end of this story, you will find yourself questioning the intentions of these characters. You will eventually find it even more enjoyable to solve the questions given in the exercise. The NCERT solutions will enable you to learn new words and phrases from the story.

Chapter 5- Footprints without Feet

Chapter 5 of NCERT books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader is a story about a man who discovers invisibility. The tale eventually unfolds to show whether the man uses or misuses his gift of invisibility.

The exercise at the end of this chapter has a list of questions as well as some reading suggestions. Follow them to make sure you are well prepared for your board exams.

Chapter 6- The Making of a Scientist

Chapter 6 is a story that deals with themes of whether only bookish knowledge is enough to achieve great things. After reading this neat story, you need to go through the exercises given at the end of this chapter in NCERT books online to understand it better.

Chapter 7- The Necklace:

The Necklace is a story of Matilda and how her thirst for materialistic things changed her life forever. In the new NCERT books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader, you can read the story and decide for yourself how to evaluate Matilda’s character.

The exercise at the end of the chapter will help you to evaluate the moral of this story and learn new words and phrases.

Chapter 8- The Hack Driver

The eighth chapter is a mystery where a young lawyer sets out in search of a man named Oliver Lutkins. The story will eventually help you uncover who Lutkins is and whether our narrator finally finds him. In the exercise at the end of the CBSE NCERT books, you will find yourself being able to form your answers much more quickly than before.


Chapter 9- Bholi

Chapter 9 is a story of a simple girl called Bholi, who took a stand against one of our society’s evilest practices. If you solve the questions after reading this story, you will find that you are learning many new words that can help to improve your vocabulary.

Even though the stories in these NCERT books online are not included in your class 10 exam syllabus, reading through them and solving questions can eventually help you prepare better.

Chapter 10- The Book that Saved the Earth:

The final chapter of NCERT Books Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader is a play set in the future. The play tells the story of how a book of nursery rhymes helps to save Earth from a Martian attack.


The questions set at the end of the chapter are a great way to test your knowledge of how well prepared you are for your exams.


Importance of NCERT Class 10 English Book:

  1. It Helps You Study for Competitive Exams: When students are preparing for competitive exams, they need to be able to work independently. The NCERT English Book provides you with the ability to do this!

  2. It Gets Students Talking: The book has been written by teachers and scientists from the NCERT, meaning that it's full of knowledge and information. Students will be able to discuss the subject and come up with their answers as well!

  3. It Improves Your Study Skills: The NCERT English Book is a great book for students who want to improve their study skills. If you're determined, you'll be able to make a lot of progress with this book!

  4. It Can Help You Get Better Grades: When you have the right resources, it becomes easier for your professors to give you a high grade in English. This means that having the NCERT English Book will help improve your grades!

  5. It's Useful for Students of All Ages: This book is useful for students of all ages. If you're in Class 10, you'll find it helpful. If you're in Class 12, it'll also be helpful to you!

  6. It helps improve your memory: The NCERT English Book has an important role to play in improving your memory. By revising the content over and over again, you'll remember what you've read more easily!

  7. It's Worth the Money: The book costs very little. This is a fraction of the normal price of textbooks, so it's worth it! You'll have fun with this book all through your life!

  8. It Enhances Critical Thinking Skills: Most English books are based on facts. However, this one is based on understanding and analysis of what you've read, which helps you become more intelligent. Your brain will thank you for reading this book!

  9. It's Excellent for Revision: The book is packed with facts, which means it can be a great source of revision. If you need a bit of a boost in your understanding, this book is for you!

  10. It Can Help You Understand the News Better: Most books are filled with complex information. However, the NCERT English Book is easy to understand and can help you understand the news better!

  11. It's Very Cheap: Most textbooks cost money, but this one is so cheap that you don't need to worry about its price! 

  12. It Serves as a Guide: The book has been written by teachers and scientists from the NCERT, which means that it's easy to understand and can help guide you through your English studies.

  13. It Can Help You Get Yourself Out of Trouble: If you get so involved in this book that you don't pay attention to your studies, then you may find yourself in some trouble. This book can help protect you against this!

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FAQs on NCERT Class 10 English Foot Prints without Feet Supplementary Reader Book PDF

1. How can someone make Learning Fun with Vedantu?

The NCERT books PDF Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader is a way through which you can improve your English by merely reading the chapters as stories. Additionally, you can avail these books online, without registration and any payment, making them easily accessible. Also, since they are available in PDF form, you can read them even when you are not at home!

Vedantu also has NCERT books in PDF format for several other subjects as well. Thus, with these books and their NCERT solutions for class 10 English, you can make sure that you are well prepared for your upcoming board exams.

2. What is the Importance of NCERT Class 10 English Book?

The Importance of NCERT Class 10 English Book is as follows:

  1. It encourages curiosity: The book teaches the basic concepts of English, but it doesn't leave things at that. It encourages students to ask questions! If you're unlucky (or unlucky enough), then this book will help you too!

  2. It will help you to think about the real world: The book encourages students to think about the real world. It's a good way to understand English outside of class!

  3. It teaches students about how English works: This book shows students that English is a useful and important part of our daily lives. It can be used as a resource for all those interested in English!

3. Explain the summary of Chapter 1- A Triumph of Surgery.

Ms. Pumphrey was a rich and enthusiastic woman who had an adorable pet. It was a little canine. She named it Tricky. She cherished him so much that she normally overloaded him. Tricki had gained a ton of weight which made him slow and lamentable. At the point when specialist James Herriot saw the fat canine like a swelled frankfurter, he was extremely stunned. He made an arrangement and told Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki required treatment for an illness that was conceivable just in a medical clinic. 

The specialist realized that Mrs. Pumphrey would not have the option to keep the canine on a legitimate eating routine. At the point when the covetous canine went to the medical clinic, he needed to stay hungry assuming he was delayed to approach for food. He was given food at fixed spans. Before long he shed off a great deal of his body weight and turned out to be very dynamic. 

At the point when Tricki was at home, he was spoiled by Mrs. Pumphrey. He had a lavish life when he was presented with cream cake chocolate and Horlicks. Be that as it may, when he went to the specialist he turned into OK. At the point when Mrs. Pumphrey saw her dynamic canine, she expressed gratitude toward the specialist and felt that it was a victory of medical procedure.

4. Explain the summary of Chapter 8- The Hack Driver.

This is an account of a legal counselor who after finishing his graduation began working with a renowned firm in the city. He was filling in as an associate agent there. He didn't care for the occupation of serving a summons because occasionally he needed to confront cruel circumstances. At some point, he needed to give summons to Oliver Lutkins who was a vital observer for some situations. He lived in a little town called New Mullion. He was glad to go to the town yet the town looked exceptionally dull and dead. The storyteller saw a hack driver on a lively stage. He asked him about Lutkins and came to realize he was a canny man and had taken credit from many individuals. The hack driver slyly extricated the attorney that he has come here to give a court call to Lutkin.

5. Explain the summary of Chapter 9- Bholi.

The story starts with a young lady named Sulekha. Abbas portrays her as dull, thus, everybody alludes to her as Bholi. A piece of the explanation she is terrible is additionally because of an incidental fall during her youth. She likewise contracts smallpox at two years old, which is the reason she has pits all over and skin. 

Bholi's father, Ramlal, has three different children and girls other than Bholi. He generally stresses that no one could at any point wed Bholi. However, her mom demands that she go to class even though she is against the prospect of teaching a young lady. At some point, Bholi, who is hesitant to take off from the house, should go to class. 

Yet, when she shows up at school, she meets an educator who is thoughtful to her. The educator urges her to study and be intense and certain. Over the long haul, the town where Bholi lives has now turned into a town with conveniences like a film lobby and cotton factory. The elementary school has now turned into an optional one.