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FAQs on Class 10 NCERT Books for Hindi Sanchayan Free PDF Download
1. Are Vedantu’s Class 10th Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 1 Solutions Enough for the Exam Preparation?
Vedantu’s NCERT Solution for Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 1 Solutions gives you a clear understanding of all of the important concepts of the chapter. This helps you develop a strong conceptual foundation. The answers to the questions have been drafted as per the guidelines provided by NCERT and CBSE. Vedantu’s smart and easily accessible learning techniques and innovative learning methods make studying a more enjoyable, interactive, effective and exciting process. The answers in the solutions have been crafted precisely to increase the students’ knowledge base, develop students’ rate of recall, clear all of the doubts instantly and help students perform exceptionally well in their Class 10th board examination. Download the Vedantu mobile application to uplift your knowledge!
2. How can You Prepare Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan 1 in a Better Way?
The best way to prepare the Class 10 Hindi Harihar Kaka chapter is to prepare the questions and answers by referring to NCERT Solutions Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan Harihar Kaka PDF. The answers provided in the solutions will help you with a basic understanding, to follow and prepare the answers on your own. After practicing the solutions for a while, you get familiar and habituated with the ways of creating such answers lucidly for 10th Class CBSE board exams.
3. Explain the summary of Chapter 2 – Sapno Ke-Se Din by Gurdayal Singh?
The author says that in his childhood the condition of the children who played with him was similar. Everyone's feet were bare, tattered kutches and torn kurtas in many places, whose buttons were broken and everyone's hair was in a mess. When everyone went home after playing sports, covered with dust, with blisters on their feet from various places, carrying clothes soaked in sand and mud on the fleshy part of the leg between the knee and the ankle. Everyone's mother and sister did pity them but used to beat them more. The father of many children would be so angry that when they started beating the child, he did not even notice that the little child started bleeding from his nose and mouth and did not even ask where he was hurt. But even after being beaten up so badly, the next day all the children would go back to play again. The author says that this was understood by the author when the author was taking training to become a school teacher. There the author had read the subject of the science of children's minds.
4. Explain the summary of Chapter 1 – Harihar Kaka by Mithileshwar?
Through the story 'Harihar Kaka', author Mithileshwar has targeted the growing selfishness in families and religious places. The main character of this story is Harihar Kaka. He is an old and childless man with three brothers. The family of his brothers is complete. Harihar Kaka considers his happiness to be with them. There is a Thakurbari (temple) to give happiness to the mind. Both of these have special significance in the life of Harihara Kaka. But both have cheated them for their selfishness. He has no attachment or love for Harihar Kaka. They aim to grab the land of Harihar Kaka. He uses all means to get the land. Whether it is by cheating or by using power. Harihara Kaka tries to save his existence by standing against their selfish motives. In all this, his faith in the family and the Thakurbari (temple) ends. This story exposes the reality of rural life to the society, who believe that selfishness is more present in the cities than in villages. The increase of greed in place of love in mutual relationships shows the hollowness of the relationship. Love is dying in society.
5. Explain the summary of Chapter 3 – ‘Topi Shukla’ by Rahi Masoom Raza?
The story 'Topi Shukla' is an excerpt from the novel written by Rahi Masoom Raza. Through this story, the author has told that in childhood, where the child gets belonging and love, he wants to stay there. Topi traces her childhood belongings to her family maid and her friend's grandmother. He wants to be with those people.
The story revolves around 'Topi'. He is the main character of this story. Topi's father is a doctor. His family is complete. This family is highly ritualistic. There is no shortage of anything in the house. He has a friend - Ifan. Topi always called him Iffan. Irfan did feel bad, but still, he talked to her because both were incomplete without each other. Both had separate houses. Both had different religions. Nevertheless, the two had a close friendship.