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NCERT Books for Class 12 English Flamingo


Class 12 NCERT Books for English Flamingo Free PDF Download

National Council of Education Research and Training, commonly known as NCERT, is the authority responsible for creating curriculum for CBSE students. Additionally, they are also the central authority for publishing books for CBSE students. NCERT also publishes the Class 12 English Flamingo book studied by students appearing under this board.

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This flamingo textbook comprises both prose and poetry, and it has a total of 14 chapters for students to learn. Every section of this book is comprehensive and contains ample exercises for students to practice.

Moreover, this NCERT Class 12 English flamingo question answer is now available in PDF format for you to download.

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NCERT Class 12 English Book Flamingo PDF Download

English Flamingo Class 12 PDF has been developed based on the recommendations made in the National Curriculum Framework, 2005. Poetry and prose are also included in CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo. The most common type of writing is prose, which has a plain style with little embellishment. Poetry is mostly used to express something remarkable artistically, and its vocabulary is more expressive, with comparisons, rhymes, and rhythm contributing to the overall feel and sound. There are two sections in this English Flamingo Class 12 PDF, prose and poetry. The prose section concentrates on a variety of themes and genres, along with literary work from various parts of the world.

On the other hand, the poetry section of the flamingo NCERT has six poems, including both classics and contemporary works. Every chapter is followed by various exercises for students to revise their learning.

Prose Section

Chapter 1: The Last Lesson

Written by Alphonse Daudet, a French novelist, The Last Lesson portrays the aftermath of a Franco-Prussian war during 1870-1871. Additionally, France encountered defeat in this war, and a large portion of the country went under Prussian supervision.

This story moves on to explore the pain inflicted on the people of France, who lost their right to speak their native language. The narrator here is a student of a small French school that has received orders to teach German instead of French.

Besides, the exercises at the end of this Flamingo textbook help you get a better understanding of the entire chapter.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 1 Question Answers:

  1. How can people become aware of the significance of language?

  2. Why is it that people's right to speak their own language is being taken away?

  3. What does it mean when they say "would they make them sing in German"?

Chapter 2: Lost Spring: Stories of Stolen Childhood

The author of this story, Anees Jungs, was born in Rourkela and spent a significant portion of her life in India. Apart from being a successful writer, she was the editor for major Newspapers in this country.

In this story, she described a topic that you may witness e day, i.e. child labour. Moreover, here is aptly explained how poverty pushes these kids towards a life of exploitation and how they lose their childhood. Additionally, they are denied their opportunity to receive education in search of livelihood.

Furthermore, there are no additional themes involved in this story; you can complete the following exercise to get a better understanding. You can download the Class 12 English flamingo PDF from the links mentioned above.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 2 Question Answers:

  1. People migrate from villages to cities for a variety of reasons, why?

  2. Do you want to talk about the dangers of working in the bangle industry?

  3. Do you believe that poor children's pledges are rarely kept?

  4. What is it that Saheb is looking for in the trash? Who is Saheb and where did he come from?

Chapter 3: Deep Water

This story is an excerpt from the author’s famous work Of Men and Mountains. In this section, the narrator, i.e. William Douglas himself, explains how he almost drowned in a swimming pool. The central theme of this passage is the author’s fear of water, and his process of overcoming it.

Additionally, this is not a work of fiction; rather, it is an autobiography.

William Douglas was the longest-serving judge in the history of the American Judicial system. Moreover, he was an adviser to American President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Scour through the discussions at the end of Flamingo textbook Class 12 for a better insight.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 3 Question Answers:

  1. How did Douglas manage to overcome his apprehensions?

  2. How has Douglas's childhood experience aided him as an adult?

  3. What misadventure does William Douglas mention? What impact did this occurrence have on him?

  4. How did Douglas deal with his fear? Was he able to overcome his fear? If so, how? explain?

Chapter 4: The Rattrap

Selma Lagerlof was a Swedish author. A common theme, which is present in all of her stories is that the essential goodness in human beings can be awakened via love and understanding. The backdrop of this story is the mines of Sweden. Moreover, the narration of this story resembles fairy tales.

Additionally, the underlying theme of this story depicts how human beings often fall into the trap of material benefits. However, they realize their mistakes and refrain from those dishonest ways to redeem themselves.

The exercise section in this chapter of NCERT Class 12 English flamingo question answer PDF consists of grammar activities. Thoroughly practicing this chapter may help students during their exams.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 4 Question Answers:

  1. What role does the rattrap metaphor have in highlighting the human predicament?

  2. How did the peddler come up with the idea that the globe is a rattrap?

  3. What led the peddler to believe he'd stepped into a rattrap?

  4. Throughout the story, the characters have a number of surprising reactions to the acts of others. Pick a few of these unexpected events.

Chapter 5: Indigo

The passage is borrowed from the author’s famous work, ‘The Life of Mahatma Gandhi’. Louis Fischer is an American journalist and writer and worked for major newspapers and publication houses in the USA.

Moreover, this passage and the whole story is Fischer’s account with Mahatma Gandhi. Here, Fischer mentioned his first meeting with him and described how Gandhiji fought for the oppressed in India. Moreover, he explains how Gandhiji used negotiations and proper arguments to win justice for the deprived Class of Indian society.

Completing the exercise present at the end of Class 12 English Flamingo book will clear your doubt and assist your exam preparations.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 5 Question Answers:

  1. How did Gandhi manage to sway lawyers?

  2. What did the peasants pay as rent to the British landlords? What do the British now desire instead, and how will synthetic indigo affect natural indigo prices?

  3. Why did Gandhi agree to a 25% payout to the farmers as a settlement? What impact did this incident have on the peasants' plight?

  4. What made the Champaran event such a watershed moment in Gandhi's life?

Chapter 6: Poets and Pancakes

This chapter is an excerpt from the book ‘My Years with Boss’ by Asokamitran. In this passage, as well as his book, Asokmitran recounts his memories of working in the Gemini studio. Moreover, he depicts the influence of movies on Indian society and daily life.

Moreover, this passage is a personal account. Asokmitran’s job in Gemini Studio was to cut out newspaper clippings and store them in a file. Even though it is not an important job, he remained an integral part of the production house. Additionally, this chapter portrays the scenery of the Indian cinema industry at that time.

You can learn more about this story by practicing the exercise at the end of the Flamingo NCERT book.

Chapter 7: The Interview

Among the other branches of this English Flamingo Class 12 PDF, The Interview is not a story of any kind. Instead, it is taken from the introduction section of the book called ‘Penguin Book of Interviews, An Anthology from 1859 to the Present Day.’ It is edited by Christopher Silvester.

Christopher Silvester was a journalist and writer for Private Eye. He has also published numerous pieces in Vanity Fair magazine. In this passage, he describes how the interview has emerged as a popular form in journalism.

Chapter 8: Going Places

A.R. Burton is one of the most famous modern writers. In this story, he presents the dreams, desires, and perceptions of a young girl named Sophie. This story offers an insight into the protagonist’s life and depicts her relationship with her family and friends. Additionally, this story is a representation of her socio-economic condition and her fantasies.

This story is a work of fiction and underlines the theme of hero worship. Essentially, it is a commentary on the fantasy-driven aspirations of adolescent life.

Furthermore, go through the various exercises at the end of the NCERT Class 12 English book Flamingo PDF Download for a better understanding of the story, and exam preparations.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 8 Question Answers:

  1. What's the distinction between Sophie and Jansie?

  2. Sophie came from what kind of socioeconomic background?

  3. Where did the two females have the best chance of finding work after school?

Poetry Section

Chapter 1: My Mother at Sixty-Six

Kamala Das is one of the most renowned poets in India. Her works are famous for their originality and portrayal of native India. She has worked in every genre and published novels such as ‘Alphabet of Lust’.

This poetry is one of her famous works. It depicts the complexity of human relationships. Moreover, when you read the poem, you will notice that it is a single sentence. Hence, it indicates that the poet has a single thought, which she gathered from her observations.

Practice the questions given along with this poem for your exam. You can download the Class 12 English book Flamingo PDF Download to access the study materials at any time.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 1 Question Answers:

  1. Why is mother linked to the 'late winter's moon'? 

  2. What exactly is the poet's suffering?

Chapter 2: An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum

This poem by Stephen Spender is a portrayal of inequalities in society. Additionally, it shows the impact of social injustice on young children. This poem is set in an elementary school located in a slum area. The contrasting images presented in the story, emphasize the central theme even more.

Furthermore, this poem seeks your attention towards these students and describes how they deserve a better life as a part of this society. Moreover, the poet stresses the point that these children should get proper training and become good citizens instead of criminals.

Complete the NCERT English Flamingo Class 12 exercise for a detailed understanding of this poem, and better exam preparations.

Important Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 2 Question Answers:

  1. What does the poem's author wish for the slum's children?

Chapter 3: Keeping Quiet

Written by the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, ‘Keeping Quiet’ emphasizes creating a feeling of mutual understanding among humans. Furthermore, it explains how retrospection, introspection, and mindfulness can lead towards unity and brotherhood. 

The poet appeals to his readers, urging them to take a moment and realize the impact of their actions on society. Additionally, he points out the tendency of human beings to follow a routine and blindly perform their duties.

Pablo Neruda is one of the most celebrated authors of his time. His works are available in probably e language. Moreover, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1971 for literature.

Complete the ‘Think it out’ section in your English Flamingo Class 12 PDF for a better understanding of this poem.

Important Questions:

  1. What will counting assist you in accomplishing? 

  2. What is the poem's reference to sadness'?

Chapter 4: A Thing of Beauty

This poem is a portion of famous British poet John Keats’s ‘Endymion; A Poetic Romance’. Moreover, this poem is based on a Greek legend. Here the poet lives with Endymion, a young shepherd. Furthermore, together they had a vision of Cynthia, the Goddess of Moon, and their endeavours to find her.

This poem depicts nature’s ability to surround human beings with its beauty and take away sorrows. Additionally, this poem shows John Keats’s ability to maintain consistency in the rhyme scheme and line length.

To understand more about this poem, you can go through the exercise section in your Class 12 English book Flamingo PDF Download.

Important Questions:

  1. What helps us appreciate life despite its difficulties? 

  2. What are the sources of anguish and pain?

Chapter 5: A Roadside Stand

Roberts Frost is regarded as one of the leading poets of the twentieth century. His works are renowned for their portrayal of the various characters of this society, tragedies and fears of human life, and landscapes.

In this poem, he presents the lives of poor and deprived people of the countryside. Moreover, these people are not aware of other things in this world and have no clarity in life. However, these are the people with the deepest sympathy and humanity. He compares them with city-dwellers and shows the glaring contrast of society.

The ‘Think it out’ section in your English book Class 12 Flamingo can help you to get a better understanding of the poem and associated concepts.

Chapter 6: Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers

Adrienne Rich is an American poet and theorist famous for her involvement in various contemporary women’s movements. A firm massage of gender equality and resistance to racism echoes through her works.

In this poem, you witness the life of Aunty Jennifer. In a patriarchal society, women are regarded as homemakers, and their passion or desires are overlooked every day. Moreover, this poem elaborates the aspirations of Aunty Jennifer and her wish to get out of an abusive marriage.

You should study the exercise section after the poem and consult with your teacher if needed. This section in your Class 12 English Flamingo PDF is vital for your exam preparations.

Important Questions:

  1. Why does Jennifer's hand flutter as she knits? 

  2. What does it mean when the image "huge weight of uncle's wedding band" is used? 

  3. What trials and tribulations do Aunt Jennifer have to deal with in her life? 

  4. Why did Aunt Jennifer choose tigers over any other animal to create?

Why are NCERT Books Preferred?

Before you download the NCERT Class 12 English Flamingo PDF, you should consider why these online books are preferred. Referring to these books have the following advantages –

  • Factual Data: The data presented in these books is borrowed from reliable sources. Therefore, these statistics and figures are reliable, and students can easily present them in their answers. Moreover, using such reliable data improves their chances of securing better marks.

  • Comprehensive Study Materials: One of the biggest USPs of NCERT books is their holistic approach to any topic. These books are drafted by scholars and subject experts. As a result, the topic in these books is covered in great detail.

Additionally, the exercises at the end of every chapter are drafted carefully for students to revise their learnings. These exercises aim to simplify the concept for students and help them to get a better understanding of the chapter. Furthermore, the use of necessary diagrams and real-life examples makes it even easier for students to relate to a comparatively tricky topic.

  • Language: The writing style and choice of words in these English NCERT Class 12 Flamingo are selected carefully. It is easy to understand and suitable for the students. It is one of the most significant advantages of these NCERT books.

  • Examination Questions: Last but not least, NCERT books are preferred by students, as questions in the CBSE exams are directly referred to them. Thus, if anyone completes the given exercises toughly, their chances of securing better marks increase.

Suggestions to Ace Your Class 12 English paper:

  • Be certain you understand the letter-writing and summary-writing formats. You must practice these formats precisely before exams over and over again. While drafting your letter, make a powerful first impression with your introduction and conclusion.

  • Make a list of character sketches and main themes. Prepare notes on character sketches of important characters as well as central topics for the prose or poetry component of your CBSE Class 12 English paper. Also, while using quotes may help you get good grades, do not quote if you are doubtful, as an improper quote will immediately draw the examiner's attention.

  • Decide how much time you want to devote to each section of your CBSE Class 12 English paper ahead of time, and then clock yourself while working on sample question papers. Some students fail to complete their papers due to a lack of time. Spending a lot of time writing long answers to questions carrying fewer marks is a waste of time. Rather, use that time to write solutions to questions with higher marks.

  • Don't get so caught up in the guidebooks that you forget about your textbooks and class notes. All three study resources should be treated equally.

  • Handwriting must be neat and readable. This allows the examiner to grasp what you've written and gives you a better chance. Crossing word limitations wastes time and gives the examiner a negative impression.

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Additionally, students can also join daily live Classes to learn and clear their doubts. These classes are interactive and conducted by experts from across the country. Thus, interested students can download the Vedantu app. Download the PDF version of this book so that you can refer to it anytime you want. In fact, you can use it to clear your doubts if you do not have the hardbound book with you.

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FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 12 English Flamingo

1. How many chapters are there in the NCERT Book for Class 12 English Flamingo?

There are a total of 14 chapters in Flamingo', the NCERT Book for Class 12 English. This book comprises 8 prose and poems. All 14 chapters are listed below for your reference.

  • The Last Lesson (Prose)

  • Lost Spring (Prose)

  •  Deep Water (Prose)

  • The Rattrap (Prose)

  • Indigo (Prose)

  • Poets and Pancakes (Prose)

  • The Interview (Prose)

  • Going Places (Prose)

  • My Mother at Sixty-six (Poem)

  • An Elementary School Classroom In a Slum (Poem)

  • Keeping Quiet (Poem)

  • A Thing of Beauty (Poem)

  • A Roadside Stand (Poem)

  • Aunt Jennifer's Tiger (Poem)

2. What is the summary of the chapter 'The Last Lesson'?

The prose 'The Last Lesson' depicts the story of a little boy Franz and his French teacher Mr. Hamel. This story conveys the message of how one is attached to one's native language and motherland. The story portrays the last French Class that Franz attends at his school and how his perception of his strict French teacher Mr. Hamel changes during that Class. Due to the Franco-Prussian War, there was a notice on their school's bulletin board, that they would not be learning French anymore and their language classes would be in German. This notice somehow brought out all the emotions that each one of the characters in the Classroom had for their native language French, and how it nudged the sentiments of patriotism in them.

3. What is the main plot of Poets and Pancakes?

This chapter is a part of a book called 'My Years with My Boss'. The author recollects his experiences from the days of his work at the Gemini Studio. This is an account of the author of the days when he used to cut out newspaper clippings at the production house of Gemini Studio. He writes that even though this was not an important job, yet he was an integral part of the Studio. Also, he writes about the then Indian film industry and how Indian society is influenced by silver-screen movies.

4. Are the NCERT Books For Class 12 English Flamingo reliable study resources for exam preparation?

Yes, the NCERT Books For Class 12 English Flamingo make a  reliable study resource for exam preparation. The in-house team of subject matter experts at Vedantu have prepared these NCERT solutions, in accordance with the updated CBSE guidelines for Class 12. These solutions will help you learn and revise all the key points of the chapters. You can download these NCERT Solutions for free and go through them. These solutions cover the main plot, analysis of the characters, summary, and important word meanings of every chapter of Flamingo. Therefore, these solved NCERT questions of Class 12 English Flamingo make a comprehensive study resource for revision purposes before the examination.

5. Which books are the best for preparing for CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo?

NCERT textbooks are sufficient for English; Flamingo and Vistas must be completed for literature. You can also refer to the previous year’s question papers, and other sample papers during the preparation period. These are easily available on Vedantu. However, the following are some of the other reference books for 12th Class CBSE English board exam preparation:

  • Lord of the Flies is a novel by William Golding (Unabridged Edition) According to the most recent CBSE Syllabus, this book is recommended for Class 12. (Paperback)

  • For Class 12, Illa Vij is on board (Paperback)

  • Silas Marner (Class 12): First Edition of George Eliot's The Weaver of Raveloe (Paperback).

  • Silas Marner, Class 12 by K. S. Paul, 1st Edition (Paperback)

  • The Invisible Man (Class 12) by H. G. Wells, 1st Edition (Paperback).