CBSE Class 12 NCERT Books for Urdu - Nai Awaz PDF - Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 12 Urdu - Nai Awaz PDF
1. What countries is Urdu spoken in?
The Urdu language is spoken predominantly in Pakistan and India. It is the official state language of Pakistan and is also officially recognized in the constitution of India. It is a mixture of Persian, Arabic and various local languages. It is similar to Hindi but written in Arabic script. The significant Urdu communities exist in the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
2. Who is considered as the father of Urdu language?
Maulvi Abdul Haq (Urdu: مولوی عبد الحق) (20 April 1870 – 16 August 1961) was a scholar and a linguist, whom some call Baba-e-Urdu (Urdu: بابائے اردو) (Father of Urdu). Abdul Haq was a champion of the Urdu language and the demand for it to be made the national language of Pakistan.
3. How can I read and write Urdu?
The first step would be to learn the Perso-Arabic script. After learning the Urdu Alphabet, reading and writing is the next step. Once you get accustomed to what letter makes what sound, it becomes pretty easy to write words. Learning the Urdu language can be a great asset when trying to understand how the language is written. The only tricky part about writing Urdu is that some words that are borrowed from Arabic contain letters that have sounds that are found in other letters of the alphabet.
Examples: In Urdu,
ھ،ح، ہ can all have a similar 'h' sound, but ح is found mostly in words borrowed from Arabic.
ت،ط have the same 'th' sound, but ط is found mostly in Arabic words
س،ص have the same 's' sound, ص is found in Arabic words
ض،ظ، ز، ذ all have the same 'z' sound, but ط and ض are found in Arabic loan words
The only thing that can be done to become accustomed to these words is to practice diligently and consistently to understand and learn the words spoken.
4. How hard is it to learn Urdu if you know Hindi?
Both languages are very similar to each other. Although there is no research to back this claim, some believe that among all people who are not regular Urdu speakers, Urdu is the easiest to learn for those who speak Hindi as the first language. The tricky part with Urdu is learning the Urdu written script. Because the alphabet group used for Urdu is similar to that of Arabic. So, while learning to read and write Urdu might be a much more difficult task for Hindi speakers, they can easily learn how to speak it. If one can find online resources that use roman Urdu, accomplishing that task would become much easier.
5. Why should one refer to Vedantu?
All the reading materials at Vedantu are curated by subject-matter experts who have years of experience in the respective field. The content is well-researched and compiled into an easily readable format for the benefit of students. Students can refer to these resources with ease and learn things at their own pace. Most importantly all the content on Vedantu is provided for free and it can be easily downloaded into PDF from both the website and mobile application of Vedantu.
6. How can I download reading material from Vedantu?
Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from the play store.