Download Important Class 12 NCERT Books for Heritage Crafts - Free PDF from Vedantu
NCERT Book for Class 12 Heritage Crafts
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 12 Heritage Crafts PDF
1. Why is Vedantu best for Class 12 NCERT Heritage Crafts?
Even though the National Curriculum Framework for Class 12 Heritage Crafts is mandatory for all students who choose this subject, we at Vedantu provide you an advantage over the competition. Our high-quality study resources may assist you in learning knowledge that is particular to the test. Furthermore, you may go through our website for online courses where you can have your questions answered and your ideas clarified. Furthermore, you may study for the CBSE exam to the best of your ability and increase your confidence by taking our online mock examinations.
2. Why are NCERT Books for Class 12 Heritage Crafts recommended the most?
While preparing for CBSE or other competitive exams, it is important to know about the full syllabus. NCERT books not only cover the curriculum of CBSE but are also equally helpful to crack other competitive exams. However, you may need some other reference books with quality content to explore your knowledge and perspective. But more or less 80% of questions of CBSE board exams come from these NCERT books. Thus, most teachers prefer these books for basic learning.
3. How many important chapters are for the Class 12 Heritage Craft exam?
Using the weighted average of each chapter, we can measure the value of each chapter individually. Students should look at at least the past five years' question papers to have a sense of the pattern and the chapters from where the majority of the questions are often derived. Students, on the other hand, should put up an equal effort in all areas, including Crafts in the Past, Mahatma Gandhi and Self-Sufficiency, Production and Market, Crafts in the Age of Tourism, and so on, to get a good grade.
4. What should be the study plan to get a better score in CBSE Class 12 Heritage Crafts subject?
Firstly, students need to know the complete curriculum and learn all of it with full attention so they can understand the concepts at once. Once the entire syllabus is completed, students can start revising chapter-wise and also solving problems to assess their knowledge. Then, students can analyze previous years' question papers and figure out which chapters are the most important. Now, they should put extra effort into those chapters and start practicing for the mock test.
5. What does the second chapter - Colonial Rule and Craft of the NCERT book contain?
The second chapter of NCERT books Class 12 heritage crafts explains that Indian craftsmanship was appreciated worldwide. A significant part of it has always been exported since the time of the Harappa civilization. However, once the British invaded India, they started exploiting the country’s wealth, resources, and economy to improve their nation. They gradually imported inexpensive factory-made products that took over the entire Indian market and Indian handloom and handicraft started declining.
You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.