CBSE Class 12 NCERT Books for Urdu - Khayaban-e-Urdu PDF - Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 12 Urdu - Khayaban-e-Urdu PDF
1. Are the two languages Hindi and Urdu remotely similar?
Urdu in nutshell is Hindi with a little sprinkling of Persia or Arabian words. Urdu developed in the military cantonments of Mughals. As the Mughal army used to have troops from Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and local Indians They used relevant words, so as to make verbal communication more understandable. Urdu was the official language of their courts also, with their main Headquarters at Delhi, Agra, and their tier two headquarters at Lucknow, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Jaipur, Rampur, etc.
2. How many books are there in Urdu of Class 12 NCERT?
The CBSE Class 12 Urdu has four NCERT books:
Nai Awaz
3. Can you read and learn the NCERT Class 12 book in one day?
The NCERT Class 12 book contains a variety of questions for each topic. If you have regularly studied the NCERT book throughout the year and have all concepts at your fingertips, you can solve it in one day. However, it is not recommended to do so. You should not overwhelm yourself with it. You should leave yourself enough time to solve all exercises and questions over the course of a few days.
4. How can I improve my Urdu?
Many ways to improve Urdu vocabulary:
1. Reading: Read poetry and/or prose from eminent authors. For poetry, I'd recommend the likes of Ghalib and Iqbal.
2. News media (reading and audio-visual): BBC Urdu would be the best known.
3. TV & Movies: Good exposure to the language from the colloquial to the very Khalis.
5. What are the best books for learning Urdu at a beginner’s level?
Depending on your current proficiency in the language, you may want to start with a book like Routledge’s Colloquial Urdu to pick up the colloquial register. If you are already comfortable with it, you may want to skip to reading prose, such as short stories and novels. For short stories, I would recommend reading Premchand and Manto. Premchand uses the language of the village, as it were, in some of his dialogues, so that will also help you brush up your colloquial as well. There are many good novelists to choose from — Farhat Ishtiaq, Umera Ahmed, Shagufta Bhatti are some novelists of this day. Slightly older writers include Ismet Chughtai, Nazir Ahmed Dehlavi, Ibn Safi, and Razia Butt. You can look up the popular works of each writer and select those that you like based on genre or theme.
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