Vedantu’s NCERT Books for Sociology - Indian Society CBSE Class 12 PDF - Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 12 Sociology - Indian Society PDF
1. What is the scope of Sociology?
The scope of sociology includes the study of generic concepts of behaviours, activities, social relationships, inter-human actions, etc. As the definition suggests, it is the science of social phenomenon and society at large. However, this subject does not contain explanations for all the aspects of sociology.
2. What are the 5 basic concepts of sociology?
Concept refers to a specific idea that guides us to organise our perception and thought. However, the five fundamental concepts of sociology are social action, social structure, power, culture and functional integration. These five concepts are the foundation of all the topics of sociology.
3. How can I score well in Class 12 Sociology?
Sociology is a vast subject and contains several topics and sub-topics. For this reason, students often get confused about how to handle this subject. In this regard, you need to know that the proper understanding of the basics is the most significant part of learning sociology and any other subject in general. Hence, you can follow NCERT class 12 Indian Society book to learn the critical topics of the subject. After that, solve the exercises and revise thoroughly to score well in class 12 Sociology.
4. Who is the Father of Sociology?
Ibn Khaldun is regarded as the father of sociology. He was a 14th Century sociologist, the first one to give an insight into modern social philosophy through his book Muquaddimah. This book was later translated into Latin as Prolegomena, which is the first book on general sociology.
5. What are a society's fundamental functions?
Societies are systems that fulfil human needs. They need members, they must provide services to those members and they must do so in a way that is sustainable. A successful society must have these three elements: recruitment, socialization, and production/distribution of goods and services. Each of them must be present in an optimal way for society to succeed.
The most basic functions of society are:
To ensure that the people in it can survive and have enough food.
To make sure that the people in it can reproduce.
To give the people in it a feeling of safety, both physical safety and a sense of social order.
To provide a way for members of the society to organize themselves outside their own family groups, to work together for common goals.
To develop within its people a sense of identity as members of a group, and to give them some pride in their group's history, accomplishments, and ideals.