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NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF


CBSE Class 12 NCERT Books for History Themes in India Part 3 PDF - Free Download

The government of India set up NCERT in 1961 to research in the field of school education and promote better learning. It also publishes textbooks that are designed by experienced academics and strictly follow the CBSE curriculum, which is why they come highly recommended by teachers around the country. 

According to the CBSE curriculum, history is one of the major subjects along with political science, sociology, geography, and economics for the humanities stream. Therefore, students of CBSE board can refer to NCERT book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 to learn in detail about the themes in Indian history like economy, culture, politics and how they influenced each other.

Why Does Vedantu Provide the NCERT History Themes in India Part 3 PDF?

At Vedantu, we are well aware of what it is like to study for exams. After all, we have been there too. That is why we want to make sure that everyone has access to the best study materials possible. Our goal is to make learning and education accessible to all students regardless of background. One of the ways we do this is by providing free, high-quality resources. 

The NCERT History Themes in India Part 3 PDF is one such resource offered for free. The NCERT Books are the primary resources used for CBSE and other boards because of their accurate and verified information, simple language, and adherence to CBSE guidelines. On this page, you will get access to a wide variety of information about the topics covered in the Themes in India Part 3 PDF. The summaries provided below can be used to get a basic idea of the topics covered in the book. However, if you want more resources regarding the history portion, you can browse through the Vedantu website and app. You can also refer to the History syllabus to get a better idea of the resources you will need.

NCERT Books Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF download










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NCERT History Themes in India Book Class 12 Part 3 PDF Download

NCERT Books for CBSE Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF Free download

A Summary of NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India

NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 deals with the modern history of India. It discusses the period between from the end of the Mughal dynasty and the beginning of colonial rule to India gaining independence. 

Thus, students need to read this part as it is not only important for the examination but also covers those events which were significant in shaping modern India as they know it today. Part 3 of CBSE Class 12 History contains six chapters in all. A brief overview of these chapters has been given below - 

1. Colonialism and countryside: Exploring official archives 

The first chapter from CBSE Class 12 History Part three talks about the effect of the laws and rules introduced by English East India Company on individuals from various strata of society like zamindars, peasants, tribes like Santhals, settled and shifting agriculturists etc.

Students will learn about the permanent settlement laws; the effect it had on zamindars and peasants and how they resisted this law and various factors which lay behind its failure in rural Bengal. 

This chapter from NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 also discusses the measures taken by the British East India company against Paharias, a tribe of people who moved from forests to forests and practised shifting cultivation. 

Students will read about how the Santhals revolted against zamindars, moneylenders and the company because of the high taxes and interest rates. Furthermore, it also explains the Peasant revolt that took place in other parts of India against moneylenders and grain dealers which resulted in the formation of a new revenue system and the impact of the cotton boom and the establishment of the Deccan riots commission. 

2. Rebels and the Raj: the Revolt of 1857 and its Representations

Most students are already aware of the factors that lead to sepoy mutiny of 1857. In this chapter, they will be analysing the patterns of the revolution. Consequently, they will concern themselves with questions like who were the leaders, how were the critical decisions made, who made them, and how were they communicated among the sepoys all over the country.

Students will also examine aspects such as the chain of events that resulted in mutiny, rumours and prophecies that lead to the spread of the revolt and why people believed them.

The chapter from NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 also discusses what the rebels wanted and how the British managed to repress the revolution. Finally, pupils will learn about various records of the revolt by the British.

3. Colonial Cities: Urbanisation, planning and architecture

Chapter three of NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 starts with an in-detail description of towns and villages looked like in pre-colonial India along with their specific features. They will then read about how these pre-colonial towns and villages declined, and new commercial centres emerged with changing times and with the emergence of new rulers – the Europeans and the British India Company.

Historians try to find out more about urban cities during colonial times by analysing various sources and trends of data like census operation. Accordingly, it will also look at how and why the colonial government-collected data, what was measured and what was not measured, the problems faced while gathering data etc.

Students will also learn about the features of new towns and how they gave rise to a new urban milieu – reflecting the mercantile culture of the colonial rulers. Some of the distinctive features of colonial urban development are cantonments, hill stations. 

This chapter from NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 also gives an in-depth analysis of town planning and architecture in the three main cities – Bombay, Madras and Kolkata.

4. Mahatma Gandhi and the nationalist movement: Civil disobedience and beyond

One Man is synonymous with India’s freedom struggle – Mahatma Gandhi. This chapter will focus on his role in India’s nationalist movement. He first tried out his famous techniques of Satyagraha in South Africa to promote harmony between religion and castes. Then he came back to India and toured the whole country to know the people and land. Readers will learn about Gandhi's non-cooperation movement or satyagraha against the Rowlatt act, which made him a national leader. He also couples it with the Khilafat movement to unite two major religions. 

This chapter from NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 will also discuss how Gandhiji managed to unite India as a nation, along with the reasons for his popularity among Indians. An elaborate case study on salt satyagraha is given to help students to understand its significance. It is significant since it put a chain of critical events into motion – first and second round table conference, Gandhi-Irwin Pact, civil disobedience etc. 

Additionally, students will learn about his last days and also can go through the various sources from which we come to know about this great man.

5. Understanding Partition: Politics, Memories, Experiences

It is a very crucial chapter since it will enable students to understand the partition of India and its far-reaching consequences. This chapter contains partition experiences of three people which will give the students some idea about the horrors and brutality that took place. It has forced some scholars to refer to it as a holocaust, which means destruction on a large scale.

This chapter from NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 also gives an in-depth analysis of various aspects and factors which led to partition. It also mentions the post-war and post-partition developments that took place. 

Furthermore, students will also learn about one of the most horrifying aspects of partition – the violence perpetrated on women such as rape, abduction etc. These extremely inhuman events - both physical and psychological, gave rise to new ideas of preserving community honour.

6. Framing the Constitution: Beginning of a New Era

The final chapter from CBSE Class 12 history book Part 3 is about the framing of the Indian Constitution on 26th January 1950, which marked the beginning of a new era. The years preceding the framing of the Constitution were tumultuous, filled with riots, massacres, upsurges, protests, and so on, which led our diverse country to be scarred and deeply divided.

Keeping in mind this diversity and divisions, the Constitution was designed elaborately to keep the country united and to make Indians from backgrounds come together, castes, communities come together. 

Students will learn how the makers of the constituent assembly were chosen, and the majority of members were congress and whose voices were the most powerful. Moreover, they will gain a thorough idea of the vision of the Indian Constitution which will come in handy while studying political science and sociology.

Why do Students Prefer NCERT Textbooks?

There are multiple reasons as to why NCERT textbooks like NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 are highly valued by teachers and students alike. Some of them have been listed below:

  • Easy to understand language 

NCERT textbooks are designed to suit every student and to help them grasp the basic concepts quickly. It is seen that topics written in complicated language make it harder for students to understand the main context since they spend their time understanding the meaning of each word. Consequently, NCERT textbooks like NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 are written by esteemed academicians in lucid and straightforward language, which will keep a student engaged and also help them retain more information. The Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 book, for example, has got multiple chapters that explain different eras of Indian history in a way that is simple to understand and easy to follow. This helps students immerse themselves in the subject, because there isn't a lot of jargon cluttering up the book.

  • Framed according to CBSE Curriculum

Textbooks published by independent publishers do not always reflect the changes in CBSE curriculum and syllabus. However, being a government-regulated institution, books, and other study materials published by NCERT always make sure to stick to the CBSE syllabus. Because of this reason, NCERT textbooks are followed by almost all schools affiliated to the central board of secondary education. Students can also rely on NCERT textbooks such as NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 to know the correct syllabus.

  • Accurate Information 

Textbooks by independent publishers run the risk of either providing inadequate information or too much information., which can create confusion among students. Furthermore, these books may also contain incorrect information since they do always reflect the changes in CBSE curriculum immediately. Therefore, it can have severe consequences for students referring to these books to prepare for their examinations. NCERT Textbooks like NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 framed by esteemed professors and teachers after extensive research have strived to alleviate any such confusion for students by providing only accurate and to the point information. Thus, the safest thing to do would be to use the NCERT books as your primary source of information while you study. You can refer to other books to supplement your studies, however, it is unwise to rely on them completely.

  • Aid in Exam Preparation 

NCERT textbooks like NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 explain the fundamental concepts in a clear language which enable students to comprehend the main context quickly. It allows them to attempt difficult questions during exams quickly since they have a grasp on the basic concepts and ideas. By referring to the NCERT Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 book available on this page, you will get in-depth knowledge about Indian history and culture. NCERT is the premier institution responsible for the production of study resources for the CBSE, so you can rest assured that the resources you refer to are of the highest quality available.

Why is Vedantu the First Choice of Students for Study-related Problems?

Vedantu’s online study platform is designed to help students with all their study-related problems, which is why they are the first choice. Students can sign up for live classes conducted by experienced faculty who will help students to improve their exam performance by clarifying their doubts and guiding them on the right path. 

Furthermore, they can also download essential questions as well as solutions for NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 and other textbooks in PDF format. These resources that Vedantu has provided for free have been created by experts who have been contacted by Vedantu. The experts come from fields that are relevant to the resource being offered, for example, the Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 resources available on this page have been created by experts in history. Sample papers are produced by experts in the field of education along with experts in the subject matter. Thus, you can rest assured that by using the resources provided on Vedantu, you are referring to the highest quality study materials available anywhere.

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FAQs on NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF

1. What is the question paper pattern for CBSE Class 12 history examination?

Class 12 History question for CBSE board examination will consist of 2 long answer type questions of 8 marks, eight short answer type questions of 5 marks, five short answer type questions of 2 marks each. There will be 3 passage-based questions which will have marks from 1-4. 2 Map work questions will carry 5 marks. NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 carries the highest weightage of 35 marks while book 1 and 2 is of 25 and 30 marks respectively.

2. Where can I avail NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3?

You can avail the CBSE Class 12 History Part 3 from any reputed bookshop near your house, or online stores. Additionally, you can also download them in PDF format for free from websites like Vedantu. On this page, you can download Part 3 of the History Themes in India book that is published by NCERT. There are several links to other resources as well, such as the first two parts of the NCERT History Themes in India book for Class 12. Furthermore, you can scroll through the Vedantu website or app to find more resources for this topic. These resources include past papers, sample papers, the history syllabus, and more. All of this can be found by clicking on Study Materials in the navigation menu and selecting the appropriate options from the resulting drop-down menu.

3. Why should I know the full syllabus for CBSE class 12 history?

You must know the syllabus of CBSE Class 12 History as it will give you an idea of the topics that you need to cover for your Class 12 boards. After knowing the syllabus, you can make a daily study routine where you should set aside equal time for each chapter. For any subject, it is unwise to assume that only some topics will be covered in the exam. While history may have a vast portion, you should always assume that everything discussed in the portion will appear in the exam. That is why it's necessary to study everything covered in the syllabus. This way, if you study something and it doesn't appear in the exam there's no harm done. Meanwhile, if it does appear in the exam, you will know you've prepared for it and you can confidently answer the questions given.

4. Why studying history is important?

It is well known that history is one of the most important subjects to study just to understand our past and learn from it. India in particular has a rich history that has been documented for thousands of years. It is important to our cultural heritage that citizens of the country understand our history. Studying history is essential since you will learn to analyse the events of the past to better understand the present society and how it was shaped. Furthermore, it will also come in handy while studying subjects like political science, sociology, and economics. For instance, analysing the causes of World War I and II will help law and policymakers to comprehend how to avoid another such conflict.

5. Is the NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF free to download?

Yes, the NCERT Book Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF is completely free to download from this page. However, before you begin your download, you will need to register an account on Vedantu first. To do that, just sign up with your email ID, phone number, or Google account. Follow the directions given and in less than 5 minutes you will have your account ready! Once that is done, just sign into the account and you will be able to download the NCERT Class 12 History Themes in India Part 3 PDF for free.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.