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NCERT Class 4 English Book PDF


CBSE Class 4 NCERT English Books Free Download

NCERT is an autonomous body of the Indian government that organizes textbooks for all classes of the CBSE board. This institution was created to oversee and improve the educational system of India; it achieves that by various means, including publishing high-quality textbooks. NCERT books for class 4 English is no exception. Moreover, these English books assist students in achieving a better grasp on this language from a young age.

This Marigold book class 4 standard is curated with various proses and poems that are apt for students of class 4. These literary pieces not only develop an idea about the language but also help to evolve their mental and cultural behaviors. 

The Marigold English book class 4 also comes with a solution book that students can download from the internet anytime!

NCERT Books For Class 4 English; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 4 English cover various aspects of English literature, including prose, poetry, and drama. The best part is that these books are available for free PDF download, making them easily accessible to all. The NCERT books enhance language skills and critical thinking abilities, helping students excel in their English examinations. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 4 English for free from the links given in the table below.


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NCERT Class 4 English Book Marigold PDF

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NCERT Books for Class 4 English PDF - Free Download

As you know, English is an international as well as an official Indian language spoken and is a common thread of communication. This is the main reason why students need to learn this language. Therefore, the CBSE board has organized their English syllabus in these NCERT books for class 4 English in a way so that students can be familiar with this language quickly.

This NCERT 4th class English book has literary works of both Indian and foreign writers so that students can get to know both writing styles. Also, as this class 4 NCERT English book is curated with works created by writers across the world, students can have the idea about different cultures and society.


In today’s world learning English has become a basic necessity. It has become essential for global communication and also helps in understanding different concepts and studying various books in higher classes. Hence, students are made accustomed to this language from a young age, so that learning the subject is easy for them. 


NCERT books are designed with utmost care with the objectives of making the students realize the importance of LSRW - learning, speaking, reading and writing skills from a younger age. It also helps them know the contributions of different authors and poets to the language. The curriculum also reflects the current trend and contemporary events. It also helps imbibe some moral values into the students. You can download the CBSE class 4 English textbook for free from the link given. Now the students can access the material from our website on their laptops or mobile application. 


Importance of the Curriculum:

  • In the chapter “wake up”, the poet tells us the importance of nature, different animals in our surroundings, he makes us realize the importance of observing beauty in daily routine life

  • In the chapter “Neha’s Alarm Clock” students will learn about the in-built alarm clock within us and how it is designed to remind us about things. It tells us though we might ignore some things, they happen without our knowledge as they are a part of our daily routine.

  • The chapter “The Little Fir Tree” is about a tree that asks the magician to change its leaves. This lesson teaches us about the importance of things we have and how we do not realize their beauty. It tells us that all of us wish for something we do not have and ignore the=e things we have. It teaches the student how to be satisfied with what we have.

  • In the chapter “Run!”, The poet asks us to explore things away from our daily lives, away from the cities and villages. He asks us to run and find beautiful things in nature. This is a beautiful depiction of the nature around us and how we should take a break from routine life. 

  • The chapter “Pinnochio '' is all about a woodworker named Gepetto who wanted a child. Once, he looks at a falling star and wishes for his recently made puppet named Pinnochio to become a real boy. The blue fairy makes his wish come true and asks Jiminy Cricket to be Pinnochio’s conscience. But the innocent Pinnochio falls into the wicked trap of Honest John. He leads Pinnochio into the sinful pleasure island. The rest of the story is all about Pinnochio’s adventures on that island and what he does there. Students can read the entire lesson from the free PDF available in this article. For more CBSE materials please visit Vedantu. We also provide solved questions for all subjects and classes including other competitive exams.


For a comprehensive view of the curriculum, previous year questions, solved answers, mock paper, syllabus please visit Vedantu.


Chapter Wise Description of NCERT Book of Class 4 English

This book has nine units, and each unit has several poems and prose. The Marigold English book has a total of 19 chapters. Let’s start exploring class 4 NCERT English books!


Unit 1

Chapter 1: Wake Up!

In the NCERT books for class 4 English, the first chapter is a poem- “Wake up!” written by C Fletcher. Here, the poet is inviting everyone to wake up and enjoy the lovely nature. He calls out each of us to get enticed by the beauty of nature. The poet describes in detail about a beautiful morning when birds sing, and bees buzz around us. 


Furthermore, he also reminds us that we are already late to be in bed, and thus, we must hurry up. He asks us to complete all the morning rituals and go out as everyone is already there. So many animals like cows, horses, ducks, sheep, and the smallest chicken are mentioned here who are there to play with us.


Chapter 2: Neha’s Alarm Clock

The second chapter of class 4 NCERT book English is about a girl named Neha who does not like to wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning every day. As she always wants to sleep more, she wishes for no alarm clock. The next day, the alarm clock fell and broke, and she became happy thinking that she could sleep as much as she wanted.


However, at 6 a.m., little birds came through the window and started chirping around Neha and made her awake. When she wished for no interruption from birds, sunlight made her awake. Moreover, when it was not sunny, her mother woke her up. 


But surprisingly, on Sunday she herself woke up when no one did. So, her mother explained about the clock that runs inside her.


Unit 2

Chapter 3: Noses

The third chapter of Marigold book class 4 English is a poem named “Noses” written by Aileen Fisher. Here the poet describes the structure of our nose and also explains how he thinks it is funny growing out of our faces with two holes. These holes are there for breathing and smelling.


 The poet further describes that our nose is like a handle that sticks somewhere between the end of our chin and the start of our hair. It is one of the most distinctive features of our face. Also, as per the poet, if we ever feel like laughing or giggling, we can watch ourselves in the mirror to find how funny our noses are!


Chapter 4: The Little Fir Tree

In the NCERT book of class 4 English, the fourth chapter is a story about a wishful fir tree. This literary piece starts with a magician named Shetty and how he got shelter under a fir tree in heavy rain. Out of gratitude, the magician offered the tree to wish for anything, and he would fulfill it. Firstly, the tree was not happy with its needle-like sharp leaves and wished to have leaves like other trees. But, as soon as it got regular leaves, goats started eating its leaves.


Then it wished for gold trees and ultimately found it useless as men started stealing its leaves. So, after that, it wanted to have glass leaves as men do not steal them. But unfortunately, the glass leaves were broken due to wind in the night. Therefore, lastly, it realized that its original leaves were the best and so wished for them.


Unit 3

Chapter 5: Run!

The fifth chapter of this book includes a poem called “Run!” by the popular author Mary Daunt. In this poem, the author asks us to run and explore the small and beautiful elements away from the city as well as the country.


Moreover, the poet encourages us to stay happy by running to every possible place. This poem tells us to traverse through the raindrops, underneath the trees and playfully compete with a wonderful breeze.


Furthermore, the writer wants us to feel the joy of exploring hillside, lane, and meadow, the natural beauty that we can’t see within the barrier of our urban cities and countries.


Chapter 6: Nasruddin’s Aim

Among many stories of Nasruddin, this class 4 English NCERT book tells us one called “Nasruddin’s Aim”. It starts with a conversation between Nasruddin and his friends where he was bragging that no one has as good archery skill as him. Then, one of his friends brought an arrow and a bow and asked Nasruddin to target.


The first time he missed the target and his friends began to laugh. To avoid the embarrassment, Nasruddin defended himself by saying that he was showing how Azad takes shots. Next time he couldn’t aim it. However, this time also he managed by telling that it was a shot of the chief gourd. On seeing these excuses, his friends asked which one would be his shot. Fortunately, the next shot hit the aim, and everyone went speechless and amused.


Unit 4

Chapter 7: Why?

Chapter seven of NCERT books for class 4 English is the poem “Why?”. This poem is about a curious boy who wants to know the reason behind everything he sees around. He is curious about the fact that logs of woods swim but marble and lead sink. Again he asks the reason behind the shining sun and blowing wind. Moreover, he also has questions about why we drink and eat.


In the third stanza of this poem, the curious small boy asks if the clouds are made of what and why they move across the sky. Further, the boy makes queries about why the sun sinks behind the mountains and also the cause of the death of flowers. In the last stanza, the poet says that although some questions are easy to answer, rest do not have any reason.


Chapter 8: Alice in Wonderland

In the eighth chapter of this book, students can read a part of Alice in Wonderland by famous English author Lewis Carroll. This story revolves around a small girl named Alice, who saw a white rabbit that had pink eyes and was wearing a red waistcoat and blue overcoat. The rabbit took out a watch and babbled that it would be late.


Alice wondered watching a well-dressed and speaking rabbit and started following it. After a while, the rabbit jumped into a rabbit hole, and so did Alice. They both slipped through the tunnel and finally landed on a heap of dry leaves. Here, the rabbit disappeared, and Alice found a glass table, a golden key and one small door. She unlocked the door and discovered a garden that she always dreamt of. But she could not go out as the door was too small for her.


Unit 5

Chapter 9: Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

Chapter nine of NCERT books for class 4 English speaks about one of Ruskin Bond’s poems for children. In this poem, the writer gives us the courage to not to be afraid about the night. He explains that after completing an entire day of work, the earth also requires rest like humans. 


To calm all unrealistic fear, the poet also reminds us that the daylight can sometimes be harsh, but moonlight gives away delight and pleasure. Moreover, he asks us to enjoy the beautiful sparkling stars that blink forever in the night.


Furthermore, the author tells us to be friends with the night and set our imagination free to travel near. Also, he adds that during the day time we deal with our never-ending troubles, but night comes with peace.


Chapter 10: Helen Keller

In chapter ten of Marigold book class 4, students can learn the story of a girl named Helen Keller, who was born as a healthy baby girl in Alabama. But, after a while, she fell sick, and the fever remained high for days. Her family thought that Helen might not live any more, but she survived. However, her parents realized that Helen lost her sight and the capability to hear.


Eventually, she started growing angry day by day. Often, she began to show anger by hurting and distancing herself. Then a young teacher named Miss Sullivan agreed to help her out. She started teaching Helen different words with unique signs. Gradually, she understood the power of words and how helpful it could be to know the world.


Unit 6

Chapter 11: Hiawatha

Written by H.W. Longfellow, “Hiawatha” is the poem that students get to learn in chapter eleven of the book Marigold English book class 4. This poem is about a Red Indian boy named Hiawatha who lived in a wigwam with his old grandmother, Nokomis. She taught the boy about all the natural wonders like stars, insects, trees, birds, animals, etc. Hiawatha grew up to learn different birds’ names, their languages, and secrets. 


He gained knowledge about how these birds build nests during summer and their hiding place in winter. He named them “Hiawatha’s chicken” and always conversed with them. Similarly, he also learnt everything about animals like beavers, squirrels, reindeers, rabbits, etc. He called these animals his brothers.


Chapter 12: The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

Chapter twelve is a funny yet thoughtful story of Akbar and Birbal. It starts with the court of Akbar, where a learned Pundit claimed that he has mastery over several languages. Moreover, he also said that he is so fluent in all languages that no one can spot his mother tongue and challenged everyone.


After everybody’s failure, finally, Birbal took up the challenge. He went to the Pundit’s room in the night and tickled him with a feather during his sleep. So, the Pundit shouted out in his mother tongue. Next day, in the court, Birbal said that his mother tongue was Telugu and the Pundit accepted it. Then Birbal explained to Akbar that in sudden situations, people speak their mother tongue and also confessed about his night visit.


Unit 7

Chapter 13: A Watering Rhyme

In this chapter of NCERT English book class 4, students can learn this poem written by P.A. Rope. Here, the poet teaches us about watering flowers. As per the author, early morning and evening is the best time to water flowers. Whereas, watering during noon can kill them. 


He further explains that we should water the roots of the plants and also carefully soak the ground around them. This way, the flowers can obtain water whenever they are thirsty.


Chapter 14: The Giving Tree

Chapter fourteen of NCERT book of class 4 English is adapted from Shel Silverstein’s “The Giving Tree”. This literary piece is about a tree that loves to help everyone. This tree loved a little boy who used to come and spend time with it. However, as the boy grew older, he went away. After a long time, he kept coming for various help like money, house, and boat. 


The tree helped him with its fruits, branches, and trunks to its ultimate capabilities and was left out with a stump. Then, with time, the boy became an old man and visited the tree. This time the boy was old enough to look for anything but resting. The tree helped him even this time by offering its stump to sit.


Chapter 15: The Donkey

Composed by Margaret S. Russell, this poem in chapter fifteen of the NCERT books for class 4 English is small and fun to read for students. It is about a boy who wants to pet a donkey. As per the boy, if his donkey would not go, then he would never wallop it. But he gave him hay and corn so that the donkey can be the best pet ever.


Unit 8

Chapter 16: Books

The poem “Books” in unit eight of NCERT books for class 4 English is about various types of books in a library. It starts with a library door inviting us to come in and read different books. There are skinny and tall books that belong to the higher shelves. Whereas, the fat and little books that can stand without any help are placed in other places.


All these books are designed with beautiful and amazing pictures that speak of the stories to the readers. The author of the poem also says that reading these books is enjoyable and we must understand them every day, regularly.


Chapter 17: Going to Buy a Book

This chapter of NCERT book English class 4 revolves around the book purchasing process of two little children who love to read. These two children were siblings who got money from their grandfather to buy books. In excitement, they could not conclude when they should go- now or later or today or tomorrow.


However, they finally decided to go now. They were so happy about this book-buying process that again they could not determine where to go- a big market or small shop. And also, they were thinking whether they should go alone or with someone. Eventually, they decided to go by themselves to the small book shop.


Nonetheless, this small shop had a lot of books, and they could not decide which one to buy- a book with many pictures, many stories or thin books. Watching their confusion, the shopkeeper came to rescue. He showed the right way to find out what they should buy, and the narrator bought a big book with a lot of stories and her brother bought a large book with several pictures.


Unit 9

Chapter 18: The Naughty Boy

The poem “The Naughty Boy” was written by one of the most famous poets in the history of English literature, John Keats. This poem talks about a naughty boy and his adventures to Scotland. This naughty boy escaped to Scotland. There he got to see a lot of people and also realized that the ground there is as firm as the yard. Also, it was as extended as a merry song.


He also discovered that the cherry was as red, the lead was as weighty, the fourscore was like eighty, and the doors were as wooden as he saw in England. He traveled and was amazed by all these sights.


Chapter 19: Pinocchio

In this last chapter, students can learn about the story of Pinocchio. It starts with a carpenter who bought a wooden piece and as soon as he started sculpting it, the piece of wood asked him to stop tickling in a laughing voice. The puzzled carpenter was amazed by this strange experience and decided to make a puppet and name it Pinocchio.


As the carpenter kept on making its body parts one by one, it started using them with various playful and naughty movements. On completion, the carpenter sent him to school. However, Pinocchio used to run away from school as everyone mocked him. And on asking, it lied and his nose kept on growing with each lie. At last, Pinocchio decided not to lie again and was happy to be a real boy.


Why Should Students of Class 4 Read NCERT English Book Marigold?

It is not easy to make students of class 4 realise the importance of the English language. Therefore, NCERT books for class 4 English have to be presented in such a way that students find interest to read the book. Following are some points that have made these NCERT books most recommended by teachers.


  • Choice of Literary Pieces

From the above discussion, you have come to know about all the literary works of this Marigold book 4th standard. These poems and prose are perfect for students of class 4. By learning these literary works, students can grow their moral principles and get an idea about what is ethically right or wrong. Literature is not only to provide ideas about the language but also acts as a mirror of society, culture, heritage, and fundamental principles. And for a healthy community, its children need to grow with all these. Thus, these NCERT English books are the best options for kids.


  • Eye - Catching Illustrations

Moreover, English Marigold class 4 book is designed with eye-catching and engaging images and illustrations with every chapter. These visual contents act as an interest and concentration builder for students. Also, these illustrations help them to imagine the characters of the stories. This way, students gradually get closer to the subject and learn quickly and willingly. Hence, it becomes easy for them to score better in English.


  • A Series of Exercises

As you know, practice makes everything perfect. So, NCERT sets a series of questions along with each chapter. While solving these questions, students can realise how well they have understood the underlying concept of the chapter. Furthermore, these exercises also give an idea about the question pattern of the upcoming exams. So, students can move a step ahead with their exam preparation.


  • Simple Language

While learning English literature, students must understand the perspective of the writer. Thus, English Marigold book class 4 gives a critical note on every chapter for students’ convenience. Moreover, these books use the most straightforward language, so students do not find any challenge to understand the concept of the chapter. It helps them to understand the writer’s perspective and improvise it as per the present socio-economic situation from a young age.


Why Do You Choose Vedantu for Your Academic help?

Nowadays, students from a young age become efficient in all things digital. To keep up with the practice, Vedantu has become one of the most promising e-learning platforms in India. Students find our Vedantu website easy-to-use, and they can also download study materials and solution books for NCERT books for class 4 English. Additionally, they can also join our online classes for doubt clearance.


Our team of expert teachers gives various tricks and tips on every subject topic-wise that can be beneficial for students to obtain a higher score in exams. 


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FAQs on NCERT Class 4 English Book PDF

1. How can you Download NCERT Books for Class 4 English?

There are several ways to download NCERT Marigold English books for class 4 PDF from the internet. You can find it on the NCERT website. However, if you want to download the solution book as well, you can look for reputed e-learning platforms, like Vedantu, for that.

2. How Many Chapters are There in the Marigold English Book for Class 4?

The NCERT English book for class 4 has 19 chapters in total. There are several famous and exciting poems and prose for children. Moreover, these literary works are easy to understand for students who are in their fourth standard.

3. How Should You Learn this English Book to Score Better Marks?

Firstly, students need to study the poem or the prose and understand what the author wants to convey. Then they can find some new words mentioned at the bottom of the content that needs to be learned for better understanding. Afterwards, students need to solve the exercise given at the end of the chapter to improve their exam preparation.

4. What is the Summary of the Last Chapter of the English Book?

The last chapter is about the prose named Pinocchio. The story is about an old carpenter and the wooden puppet that he gave the name Pinocchio. The storyline evolves as the carpenter gradually completes the puppet and how the puppet finally behaved like a real boy.

5. What is the summary of the lesson “Pinnochio” mentioned in the CBSE class 4 English textbook?

“Pinnochio” is a lesson from the CBSE class 4 English textbook. It is all about a woodworker named Gepetto who wanted a child. Once, he looks at a falling star and wishes for his recently made puppet named Pinnochio to become a real boy. The blue fairy makes his wish come true and asks Jiminy Cricket to be Pinnochio’s conscience. But the innocent Pinnochio falls into the wicked trap of Honest John. He leads Pinnochio into the sinful pleasure island. The rest of the story is all about Pinnochio’s adventures on that island and what he does there. Students can read the entire lesson from the free PDF available in this article. For more CBSE materials please visit Vedantu. We also provide solved questions for all subjects and classes including other competitive exams.