CBSE Class 4 NCERT Hindi Books Free Download
FAQs on NCERT Book Class 4 PDF download
1. How many chapters does NCERT Class 4 Rimjhim book contain?
The NCERT Rimjhim has 14 chapters in total. The book mostly contains stories but there are a few poems as well. Out of the fourteen chapters, 10 are stories and the rest are poems. All the poems and stories are written by great authors and impart good morals. The stories and poems are selected after much research so that the appropriate information is given to the students. The main purpose is to impart life lessons so that the students can inculcate them in their daily life.
2. Which Hindi book should class 4 CBSE students follow?
Class 4 students with a CBSE background can follow NCERT for their Hindi lessons. NCERT covers all the chapters that are included in the syllabus. NCERT can be seen as the bible for CBSE students. The manner in which all the chapters are explained and then questions are provided for practice is highly appreciable. You can make a summary of each chapter so that you have an idea of what the author is trying to say and then frame the answers accordingly. This is the best book to refer to and achieve a great score in the exams.
3. Where can I find NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Rimjhim book?
Students can find the NCERT solutions for class Rimjhim books on the internet. The pdf format of the solutions is accessible on the Vedantu website. You just have to select the subject and the class and then you can simply take a printout. This way you can refer whenever needed. The explanations of all the questions are done in a very detailed manner, which will help you to frame your own answers. Once you go through the solutions you will have an idea of which are the important points that cannot be left out. This way you will be able to gather more marks from your teacher.
4. Which poems are included in the NCERT Rimjhim Class 4 Book?
In the total of 14 chapters that are present in NCERT, there are only four poems that are great and impart high knowledge and moral values for the students. They are Mann ke Bhole bhale Badal, Naav Banao Naav Banao, Kaun, and Padakku Ki Sujh. All the poems will provide a variety of areas as they are written by different poets. The virtues provided by each poem are different and you will learn something new from every poem. This will encourage students to study hard and express their feelings in a better way.
5. Is studying from NCERT sufficient?
NCERT if used in a proper way is sufficient to excel in the upcoming exam. They are made in such a way that all the topics that can appear in the exam are covered here. You just have to read the NCERT line by line, try to extract the knowledge and values from each chapter. Think about what the writer wants to share this way you will know the appropriate words to express and write proper answers. All the guidelines are followed in NCERT so you need not worry about that. Just stick to NCERT and work hard to be the topper of the class.